Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP......
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- Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to i...
28-07-2016 2:31 PM
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Fixed! Go to the fix.
Re: Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP...
28-07-2016 2:36 PM
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Sorry that you're thinking of leaving, looking over your account there has been nothing you've contacted us about before today so unfortunately there's little we can do to help unless you advise us of the problems you're having.
Re: Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP...
28-07-2016 5:07 PM
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You got plenty of space to really help me?
I believe it when I see it.
Convince me I'm wrong.....
Re: Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP...
28-07-2016 5:09 PM
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If you could advise us of the problems you're having we can see what we can do.
Re: Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP...
2:44 PM
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Checking your forums I see you have a multitude of appalled customers recently....
No surprises hereabouts.
My complaint related to so called 'Customer Services'.
One male (name unknown) put the phone down on me when I phone & try to complain/ask a question..... That's when I used the forum for this message.
I called again & got a most amiable female ([CSA Removed]. Well done she: )
Why should this happen?
You tell me.
All I wanted to know was, if I move supplier, are there any penalties for me?? Out of contract or not.
Perhaps someone there can enlighten me, & presumably, many other customers?
I've said it before & I repeat it here:
If I'd known BT owned PN I would never have signed up in the first place. I still get spam mail through my letterbox over 2 years after I moved from BT. (Using my details from when I was misguided enough to sign up for that shambles.)
Enough said.
Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): CSA name removed as per Forum rules
Re: Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP...
04-08-2016 2:59 PM
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I'm sorry you had a poor experience on the phone. The offer to help with any issues you're experiencing with your service is still there if you'd like me to look at anything like that.
All I wanted to know was, if I move supplier, are there any penalties for me?? Out of contract or not.
Perhaps someone there can enlighten me, & presumably, many other customers?
This will vary for each customer depending on their contracts. Right now there is no early termination fee on your account.
Re: Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP...
04-08-2016 3:26 PM
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"No termination fee on my account" is the answer to my original question.
Pity it took a week to get that information in writing.....
But thanks.
FYI I did have previous problems after I signed up. With no real help from PN, I had to sort it myself.
Your company record keeping is obviously amiss as well.
I should say that I do not have any issues with individual employees, (excepting one on Customer Services) I see it as a management problem. I bet they are all on big salaries & bonuses/pensions: ) & I bet the staff ain't.
Re: Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP...
04-08-2016 10:34 PM
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Any (ex?) staff want to comment?
It'll be removed by mods I expect.
I bet most of the staff are on minimum wage, or close, with no pensions, etc....
Anyone want to stand up & say it???
I don't blame you if you don't, that's the way of modern business. Keep you all in line.
Exploit the workers & who really cares about the customers?
Profit/bottom line matters more than anything else these days.
Mods can delete this, but it'll be on Facebook, etc shortly anyway. I always 'grab' the page before I post: )
That's the 'modern way'.
It's such a pity the way PN has gone down the drain.
Check FB etc.shortly.
Re: Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP...
05-08-2016 8:50 AM
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Looking at your previous post, there's nothing further to comment on?
We've offered several times to help with whatever service issues you're having, you haven't told us what these are.
I certainly don't feel exploited, if I did I wouldn't have worked here for 10 years around various different areas of Plusnet.
If you could stop being cryptic and advise us of how we can help you, we'll do what we can to do so.
Re: Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP...
05-08-2016 9:33 AM
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05-08-2016 5:42 PM
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Hi Gaffer; )
Sorry for being 'Cryptic' but this is not a crossword puzzle. Or is it? (or, perhaps, your 'Customer Services' is in need of a rethink. At least on the employment side.)
I asked a simple Q a week ago & you have eventually resolved it. Fair Play. Praise where it's due....
I have no further issues. Is that plain enough? (Sun simple crossword stuff, hardly cryptic)
I was commenting on the causes of it.... Hanging up on customers is not the way to get customer satisfaction in my opinion. The service is currently working well, but a couple of weeks ago I had many hours of 'downtime'. No compensation for that? BTs fault was that? Or PNs?
Looks like an incestuous relationship to me. They own you, you do what they say, in a simple, very, very close relationship.
I'm also being accused of being a troll by a certain other 'Customer'. (I refrain from further comment on that one)
I just say to him/her/in between, check your dictionary before you pontificate. That isn't cryptic, is it?: )
Me looking Skywards currently, if only to avoid BT.
Best to all the good people.
You know who you are: )
Ends here.
Re: Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP...
18-08-2016 6:25 PM
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If I'm a troll for expressing perfectly understandable issues with this company, what are you?
A company employee/shareholder/interested party/time waster/troll?
If you got nothing sensible to say, or add to the thread, except opinionated accusations why don't you just shut up, & do something useful?
The mods delete anything I say in that regard, so I assume you are a company stooge.
Sad person, but. hey, sad people have their voice, don't they?
Get a life, is what I say to you.
Re: Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP...
18-08-2016 6:30 PM
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Point is,
@Chris wrote:
Looking at your previous post, there's nothing further to comment on?
We've offered several times to help with whatever service issues you're having, you haven't told us what these are.
I certainly don't feel exploited, if I did I wouldn't have worked here for 10 years around various different areas of Plusnet.
If you could stop being cryptic and advise us of how we can help you, we'll do what we can to do so.
You cannot help me with that mind set.......
Re: Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP...
18-08-2016 6:31 PM
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We cannot help you if you do not tell us what you want help with.
Re: Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to increase the pain.... I change supplier ASAP...
19-08-2016 1:54 PM
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I did tell you what I wanted to know...
It was answered eventually & I said thanks for that.
I also said I would change supplier ASAP.
I did that this morning. Sky promotion.£17.40 per month unlimited for 12 months, including All-day calls.
But in addition, a £5 'Activation fee' & £9.99 'postage' for router.
Sounds good to me..... 12 month contract before full charges kick in.
Then you can change if you like, with no penalties.
Be a 'Tart' in other words.....
Best offer I got from Plusnet last night (via phone) was £34+ for the same service.
Caveat emptor.
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- Appalling service. With 'new' price increases to i...