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£ Broadband Product change admin fee??

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£ Broadband Product change admin fee??

I see on my recent bill, following increasing my Broadband gb limit (from 10 to 11gb), that I'm slapped with £1 fee;
1  Include Data Transfer Upgrade Charge On 10/12/2012  £0.83  £0.17  £1.00 
This charge doesn't seem to be made clear on the pages where you can modify your broadband package;
will it be applied every time you alter your package?? Undecided
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Re: £ Broadband Product change admin fee??

That wasn't a package change.
I believe that was purchasing an extra GB before you needed it (increasing your usage allowance from 10GB to 11GB) - it is a long time since I was on a package which allowed that so my memory may be faulty  Roll_eyes
Are you on this product BBYW Option 1 10GB special offer
Of course I could be completely wrong
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Re: £ Broadband Product change admin fee??

that'd be unusual Roll_eyes Tongue
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Re: £ Broadband Product change admin fee??

From my account which I can purchase 1GB at a time.

If you use your usage allowance, your speeds will be restricted to 128k until the end of the billing month. If you think you might use more than your allowance, simply tick this box to get extra usage at your normal speed for £1.00 per GB on Options 2, 3 and Pro, or £1.25 per GB on Option 1 or
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Re: £ Broadband Product change admin fee??

so you can buy usage in advanced but if you go over by mistake (doesn’t effect me any more been on 250GB) you get charged £5 even for less than one GB?
or did they alter that so its now £1 per GB if you got over automatic?
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Re: £ Broadband Product change admin fee??

On some older legacy accounts extra usage was charged per GB. On some you could increase your regular payment at the rate of £1 per GB. If you went over your allowance (including the prepaid) you were charged £1.25 per GB.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
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Re: £ Broadband Product change admin fee??

Hi Gel,
This is the amount of prepay limit yo have set, it is a charge for an additional GB of usage over your product allowance. You can amend your limit <a href="">here</a>, anything over your limit will then be charged at £1.25 as mentioned earlier in this thread.
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Re: £ Broadband Product change admin fee??

For your account type Gel, the link that Chris has given should actually be
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Re: £ Broadband Product change admin fee??

Thanks for heads up; my billing date is 10th, but I cannot see my recent broadband usage
for period since ie today the 12/12/12 :-\?Huh
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Re: £ Broadband Product change admin fee??

As at start of post, I temporarily upped limit by 1gb on My Pay As you Go so I paid for 11gb, (at extra £1)
with intention of reverting to standard 10gb at £9.99 after minimum qualifying period.
However since new products introduced just afore Xmas, there is no screen allowing you to revert back to
10gb, as there was when I made change via web site.
Raising with Cust Serv team, am told my only option is to migrate to one of latest packages
I am sorry to say that the issue your facing is due to the type of plan that you currently have is no longer available. As such you will need to change to a more current product going forward .
10GB monthly usage allowance
Up to 16Mb speeds (depending on your line's maximum potential for speeds)
from £12.99 a month."

So pay  £2 more for less.!
What a deal.............not!Come on Plus Net let's see some common sense applied please; I am a very long standing Plus Net
customer; my router is gas powered  Roll_eyes
I want back my old £9.99/ 10gb; please review.
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Re: £ Broadband Product change admin fee??

I think you were mis-informed Gel. Go to the link that Chris Parr has provided and change the amount in the box from 11GB back to 10GB using the drop-down arrow.
To control any "extra" spend then go to the link that Chris Purvey has given and set the amount there.
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Re: £ Broadband Product change admin fee??

Quote from: Anotherone
I think you were mis-informed Gel. Go to the link that Chris Parr has provided and change the amount in the box from 11GB back to 10GB using the drop-down arrow.
To control any "extra" spend then go to the link that Chris Purvey has given and set the amount there.

Many thanks sorted  ::); some Training needed for CSC team me thinks Lips_are_sealed