Customer support? Yuk!!!!
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- Customer support? Yuk!!!!
Customer support? Yuk!!!!
18-04-2009 7:26 PM
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The first answer took 13hrs 36mins.
The second answer took 10hrs 16mins.
The third answer took 12hrs 03 mins.
The fourth answer is now over 8hrs and counting.
I was with Metronet for about 7 years and just migrated to Plusnet. I am beginning to regret this move.
Would anyone from Plusnet technical support care to comment please?
Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
18-04-2009 7:48 PM
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You are aware that plusnet and metronet staff are the same people?
Maybe if you share the problem we can help?

Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
18-04-2009 8:09 PM
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Those times,IMO are not 'OK'
Yes, I am aware they are the same people.
When I went to MaxADSL some months ago with Metronet I did not realise that my router should be left on 24/7 so I switched it off at night and also when I did not need it for some hours. I later found out I should keep the router running 24/7 which I have done ever since.
Recently, my profile down speed has been 7800kbps (good) but my snr is 6 or lower (not good) as I get lost and/or flakey connections. Now, even though I turn my router off all night, the speed stays at 7800kbps. Previously, the best actual down speed I have had was 5600kbps but it averages at about 5000kbps. My question to CS was why is the speed 'stuck' on 7800 even though I turn off the router when a lower speed of about 6000kbps would be more stable.
The response from CS has been to run the fault checker but I don't have a fault as such. I just want to know why the down speed profile is always 7800kbps. No one seems capable of supplying the answer. Sorry for the rant.
Thanks again
PS My snr is 4.8 at this moment and speed is 7680kbps
Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
18-04-2009 9:37 PM
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What does your router report - speed attenuation and noise margin
What does this say for Current line speed
Can you run the BT speedtest and advise the results
Note that there isn't an IP profile down speed of 7800 kbps - that isn't one of the options
Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
19-04-2009 1:25 AM
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Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
19-04-2009 10:03 AM
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I ran the BT speedtest and got "No of threads are 4!" after the test and nothing after that.

I ran a speedtest on and got 5940 kbps down and 5600 kbps on Thinkbroadband so nothing wrong there.

I had turned off my router at about 8pm last night and on this morning at 9am but the downspeed in the router is still reporting 7800 kbps with a snr of 6.3
With the speeds I have you may wonder what the fuss is about.

I had an answer from CS this morning and it was confirmed I am on MaxADSL but there was no answer to my query of why the speed does not change when I turn the router off. Weeks ago if I did that the speed would drop to 500kbps and then gradually build up again. I am intrigued as to why this is.
Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
19-04-2009 10:27 AM
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Basically the SNR is a margin and the system will try to give you the highest speed with the lowest margin maintaining a stable connection. If the connection is unstable then the SNR margin is increased which will then decrease the sync speed.
Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
19-04-2009 1:32 PM
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The main reason for this being that it is very hard to diagnose, the analogue people do not test for such faults. All of this is a direct result of unbundling, you get what you pay for maybe

It actually the system which is wrong. This actually needs action by Ofcom to sort this mess out, its actually part of a bigger problem called the rural digital divide, so lobby your MP, to get their rules improved.
Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
19-04-2009 4:27 PM
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wrt the first sentence of your post, it's actually the other way around. The DLM says right the Taget Noise Margin is 6dB (or 9, or 12, or 15 depending on line history) and there is currently x amount of noise on the line, so what's the best speed we can give with that situation. I hope that makes it a bit clearer.
@John F
Noise levels tend to be lowest in the daytime, generally more than an hour after sunrise to more than an hour before sunset (although local cirmstances may cause this to be different). So if you sync in these times you will tend to get the highest sync speeds. If however, the noise increases sufficiently after dark, in your case the margin is dropping to ~4.5dB and you start getting lots of errors and the odd drop in sync, as you've already worked out you'd be better with a slightly lower sync speed.
You therefore need to sync when noise is higher which is why I've already suggested 2100 hours.
If you get too many drops in sync or errors, the DLM will up the Target SNRM and you may end up with a lower sync than your line could get with a stable connection.
Try what I've said, you will still most likely be syncing above 6816 and hence have at least a 6M profile, chances are it may be just above 7392 and you'll keep your 6.5M profile but under more stable conditions.
To get the BT speedtester to run you need to have JRE installed (the latest version for your particular OS).
Edit: Did you mean your router is reporting sync of 7808 or does it really say 7800 in which case you should check your situation with another modem router, 7800 isn't a valid figure.
Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
20-04-2009 2:57 PM
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Quote from: John Would anyone from Plusnet technical support care to comment please?
I've had a look at your ticket and agree with you that this does appear to be a long time for you to have received a reply. I'm looking into the causes of this delay with the CSC team managers. Clearly we look to provide a timely response to all our enquiries. 12 hours for a first response isn't ideal and it's not the norm. Sometimes, when a ticket has been escalated for second level investigation you might expect a longer turnaround time but your first response is generally a lot quicker than this. Anyone else seeing long response times on tickets?
On the subject of your enquiry, it's made me wonder; does our information on Max ( give the impression that speeds always go up and down and would fluctuate if your router is powered down? I'd not come across that before. I trust from reading the ticket your question has been answered? And yes, you can turn your router off when not in use without affecting your line speeds.
Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
20-04-2009 6:15 PM
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I think the guide perhaps should comment about that.
Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
21-04-2009 8:00 PM
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I somehow got the impression that you were more efficient than that.

Some months ago I raised a ticket when I was with Metronet and to cut a long story short was told that I should leave my router on 24/7 as turning it off would cause the sync rate to change and my speeds to fluctuate down. With the router left on the speeds would be more stable. It was that mis-inforamtion that made me pse the question "why does my speed now stay the same when I turn off my router" It took four days to get an answer.

I have to say that this just after I requested a change to Plusnet from Metronet. I understood I needed a MAC key for the transfer so raised a question to obtain one. It took five days before someone told me I did not need one going from Metronet to Plusnet. (I could not find that info on your instructions)
I was then told the change would take a day or so but Peter Coventry did it overnight for me.

All's well now and thank you again for the updated info.
Regards all
Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
21-04-2009 9:15 PM
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Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
22-04-2009 10:39 AM
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Quote from: John ..........Some months ago I raised a ticket when I was with Metronet and to cut a long story short was told that I should leave my router on 24/7 as turning it off would cause the sync rate to change and my speeds to fluctuate down. With the router left on the speeds would be more stable. It was that mis-inforamtion ....................
That sounds like a standard canned response from Metronet/PN .. which is true for the majority of customers, it isn't misinformation. If you live close enough to the exchange it won't apply. Anyway I'm glad your situation is sorted..
Re: Customer support? Yuk!!!!
23-04-2009 12:12 PM
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