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Disappointed at cancellation charges

Posts: 3
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Registered: ‎07-01-2016

Disappointed at cancellation charges

I have recently moved house to a new area for work and am leasing a property without a separate phone line and broadband connection (it's within my new work premises). As a result I had to cancel my current broadband contract with plusnet.


I hadn't anticipated not having access to a phoneline when I renewed the contract last July. I had checked at the time that the contract would be transferable to a new property if I moved, as I have been with plusnet for nearly 3 years and (despite two months at the beginning with appalling down and upload speeds; fixed by moving to fibre) have been otherwise happy with the service and would have considered myself a loyal customer.


I am not switching to a competitor and, though I knew there was likely to be some form of cancellation fee, it hadn't occurred to me that it would be close to £300. I explained the situation to the chap on the phone but understand there is no flexibility on these charges.


Having read around I do realise that these charges are levied by most providers. I also realise that they are legal as I am terminating a contract I agreed to early. However, I don't really understand how it is fair to penalise me in this circumstance. I'm not leaving for a better deal and don't have any other options. Disappointing.

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Registered: ‎24-10-2013

Re: Disappointed at cancellation charges

you are leaving though, regardless of the reason.
it's not plusnets fault that you chose to move to a location with no ability for them to provide service as per the terms of the contract you agreed to.
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Re: Disappointed at cancellation charges

walkerbox wrote:

I'm not leaving for a better deal and don't have any other options.

But you do have other options, you could move to somewhere where Plusnet could continue to provide the service. It's not Plusnet that have put you in to the current situation, you've done it to yourself and hence Plusnet have every right to apply the terms of the contract you signed up to.


jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
Posts: 3
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Registered: ‎07-01-2016

Re: Disappointed at cancellation charges

I agree that they have the right to apply the charge. I also agree that there should be a charge. I just felt that in the circumstance the extent of the charge was unfair. This isn't about whether it is legal (of course it is). Just that reasonably I can't really change my work and its requirements. I had budgeted for monthly payments and ultimately had to pay 77% of the total remaining 13 months of payments up front. Moving house is stressful. Moving job is stressful. It seemed a little heartless.


I'm not really looking for a dialogue here. I've paid up, sucked it up and I'll move on. I was upset and needed to vent.

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Registered: ‎24-10-2013

Re: Disappointed at cancellation charges

but as has been said, the circumstances are all your own doing.
you broke the contract.
you're lucky you only had to pay just 77% of the total cost of your outstanding contract, it could easily have been 100% of the cost.

one might say it heartless of you to simply break your agreement, plusnet honored their end, you failed to honor yours. you got a 33% discount, i say that's a win for you.