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Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

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Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

I have been with PN for over 14 years which has included at least 4 house moves each of which went smoothly (one included a brand new line being installed). I did leave in 2012 for around 9 months but the support on the new provider was dire and came back to Plusnet the first chance I got when they increased their prices beyond inflation.

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Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

As many, many people say, when Plusnet are good they are very very good but when they are bad they are about as bad as bad can get.
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Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

My Sky broadband and phone deal worked fine for years with an impressive 19mb download. I decided to move only because they told my charge was going up 29%, which I thought unacceptable with inflation below 2%. I called them to negotiate but was told it was take it or leave it, all customers were being told the same. After I triggered the switch to Plusnet someone else called from Sky and asked why I'd done it, and said it was a pity she hadn't taken my original call because she would have offered me a better deal! With hindsight the 29% increase was a snip!
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Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

I just say again, have you asked Sky what they will do for you at this stage of the game?

Whatever happens always remember "We will do you
.........................proud" say Pnet.
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Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

What IS surprising, to me though, is that if you Google reviews for most products or services you will find pages of positive and negative ones all mixed together, your confidence in going ahead and buying increasing when the good outnumber the bad and when many of the bad are clearly malcontents. It is extremely rare in my expereience to Google one which reveals, as does Googling Plusnet reviews, only the odd one or two positive ones in tidal waves of bad ones, and where most of the bad ones are clearly not malcontents or incompetents but people who have suffered seriously.
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Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

Its a card up my sleeve. I just worry that because my line has gone through all this Plusnet/Bt/OpenReach tangling Sky might not now be any more capable of quickly untangling it than PlusNet - possibly less.
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Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

Plusnet are good , I have had no major problems in last 7 years .
BUT they still promising the same fixes that supposedly getting done several years ago .
Just lately support is hit and miss and need improvement to get back to what it should be .

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Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

Plusnet are good , I have had no major problems in last 7 years


Including their dreadful billing system which means that once they have notified you of your DD they cannot change it. The notice period on DD's is so the customer can check and get back if the amount is wrong. How much does Pnet care that this does not happen with their systems and it puts people like me in a mess.......better not swear....not a jot.

How do I come to that conclusion, because it has been like it for years and they just have not bothered to change it. They are good, good at being awful, untrustworthy, not finding out the right information and giving it to one and not caring if their systems are designed to distress customers. Yeh I agree to that.


DC1, asking does not commit you.

Whatever happens always remember "We will do you
.........................proud" say Pnet.
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Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

the new billing system was promised 6 years ago Lips_are_sealed

Asus ROG Hero Vii Z97 , Intel i5 4690k ,ROG Asus Strix 1070,
samsung 850evo 250gig , WD black 2 TB . Asus Phoebus sound ,
16 gig Avexir ram 2400 , water cooling Corsair H100i gtx ,
Corsair 750HXI Psu , Phanteks Enthoo pro case .
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Registered: ‎16-04-2007

Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

Just as though it were yesterday.

Whatever happens always remember "We will do you
.........................proud" say Pnet.
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Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

@quickbrew wrote:
... was told my installation/go live date should be 28th and that at Plusnet have requested Sky to keep my services live until that date. 


So far that promise has been kept.  I have been keeping a sharp eye on my Plusnet account page where drilling down through the menus and sub menus I found that my activation date there is marked as 1st March.  So either Plusnet are pushing for an earlier date for me or I can expect 2 or 3 days downtime.  I will let you know.

Have you forgotten that this month only has 28 days, so 1st March is only one day later than the date given? Smiley

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Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

Jonpe wrote

Have you forgotten that this month only has 28 days, so 1st March is only one day later than the date given? Smiley


Hello @Jonpe

Yes,  I had not connected the fact that my chat conversation advised activation 28th Feb (up to midnight) but my account details show activation March 1st.

I had fallen into the trap illustrated below,  not realising that the dates are in reality only 1 second apart.  🤕

A large slice of humble pie required to be eaten by me I thinks.  Lol. 




A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity.
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Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

Easy mistake to make (by you), and technically I suppose the facebook notice is correct since it will also be closed on the 32nd of every month.

Last year a checkout at one of the big supermarkets issued me with a receipt showing the next day's date.  I thought I'd let them know in case it might cause problems should someone try to get a refund for an item bought (according to the receipt) on a day the store was closed for example.  I enquired whether the new self-service checkouts were so advanced that they could engage in time travel.  The supermarket thanked me for letting them know about this anomaly and assured me that if they were able to travel in time they'd go and obtain tomorrow's lottery numbers.

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Registered: ‎30-01-2017

Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?



A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity.
An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-01-2017

Re: Does Plusnet have any happy customers?

@ everyone.

To get this thread back on topic I am pleased to report that not only is my daughter very happy her changeover from Sky to Plusnet went so smoothly, she confirmed today that her total downtime for both phone and FTTC broadband was short of 10 hours, she had her phone line back in less than 5 hours.

She also reports that on day 2 of her Internet, her speeds have risen from a max 27MB with Sky FTTC to 38MB FTTC with Plusnet and the line is still in training mode so this figure may increase even more until day 10 when it should be set.

So yes Plusnet does have Happy Customers.
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity.
An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.