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Does anyone answer the phone?

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Does anyone answer the phone?

Hello @shutter,


Thank you for bringing this response to our attention, I can assure you that was not the impression Ollie was intending to give and was aiming to provide knowledge around wait times.


I can certainly agree that the wording could have been better and while we strive for perfection, unfortunately human errors can happen. We will always endeavour to put these right.


We will always take feedback on board and continue to improve Plusnet and the service our agents provide.

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 Sammy M - Sheffield Team
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Does anyone answer the phone?



Hi @Riblet85 ,

I'm sorry to hear of the issues you've had when trying to call us. Rest assured, we're constantly recruiting and training new Customer Service staff and so you will notice those hold times reducing in the future.


Er..... Don`t hold your breath, though.... 10 years on...,80676.16.html


But remember...... GIve us time..... and we will get there ....







We're really sorry to hear that @Riblet85 but wish you all the best with your new provider.


( really?    in other words..... " couldn`t give a monkey`s..... bye bye" ) 


As you are probably aware, Cyber Monday and Black Friday increase call volumes and contacts across the board but this does settle down once the offers have finished. 


Strange how people find the most outlandish excuses for poor service...   I mean.... Cyber Monday ?   Black Friday?  two different days of the year... yet this problem of phone waiting times, happens EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR....


If you need us for anything else, please feel free to get back in touch as we are more than happy to help. 


Hmm.... can`t really believe that last line, after what was written previously...... 



Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team

@nexen25 I'm sorry to hear that you've been unable to get in touch with us via the phone.

Can you advise what issues you're having so we can investigate further?



@MatthewWheeler   Surely, this is what the Ticket System WAS for....   however.... If the phone had been answered in a "Reasonable" time limit... then this thread ( and many others like it) would not be necessary) ...


"the issue" is not the problem here.....


the problem is the waiting time on the phone, to get it answered, to be able to advise PlusNet of "the issue" ..






We will always take feedback on board and continue to improve Plusnet and the service our agents provide.


10 years of trying, should have done "something" to improve things....  Give us time..... and we`ll get there.



Same old.... same old......   We are constantly tryng to iimprove....  recruiting more staff... etc etc... BUT... still


TEN YEARS ON>..( from my thread..)..  Nothing has improved..... waiting times are still atrocious... customer complaints are "still the same"   ( i.e. complaining about the same things customers were complaining about )


.so what has been happening over the past 10 years ?


it seems there is a "mantra" on every desktop/laptop computer at PlusNet... that says .....


Give us more time....... and we`ll get there.....  ( signed @Chris  )


Ten years has not been long enough then? ? ? ? 


Posts: 11
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Registered: ‎16-12-2013

Re: Does anyone answer the phone?

@shutter Dude. Ten years... Why?


Just leave. I don't understand this crusade. If you're unhappy, take your money and give it to another firm. It's not like we don't have a choice. Why on Earth continue to reward this behaviour from them if they have made it clear they simply don't care? Why shout and scream on this forum about it? It doesn't matter. Up and go. Done. Life is too short for this.


My phone service has transferred. My Internet will probably be moved when the contract is up as I'm fed up with Plusnet's [-Censored-]ty service; every time something goes wrong they are useless, so there is zero point in hanging around for the next screw-up and continuing to reward this behaviour with my money.

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Re: Does anyone answer the phone?



Ah.. You see.....I have no problems with my connection, my speed, or my phone line... and have only had to contact Plusnet once or twice in the past 10 years...(which I do, by the LIVE CHAT system, because I am almost deaf )... so... really ... on a "personal level" I am ( and must be) quite happy with PlusNet..

However.. it does peeve me, somewhat, to read the feedback forum, and see the "same old"  .... same old.... every couple of days..

1st "same old"...... new customers having the same problems, NOW, that the new customers for years before them have had... i.e. No improvements

2nd "same old".... Plusnet` same old lame excuses... we are recruiting new staff,... we need time to train them up..

but still they advertise for new customers... ( increasing the workload of the existing phone staff)...

while still maintaining the "same old" phone system to service the increased number of calls. ( complaining about the "same old" problems - not yet - or likely to be,... fixed..... ) 

In my thread... I advocated that plusnet should invest in the technology of a "queuing" system..which most of the serious big utilities use, ..  but... they came out with some trite reply that they could not  ( would not  ) be going down that route...

What a shame.... at least the customer knows where he is in the queue, rather than being bombarded with " if you don`t want to wait  ( huh?  who WANTS to wait)  then you can go on line.."...  . only if you have a connection though...

and many of the calls were/are about a "lack of" connection, or problems WITH the connection.


So,... here I am... 10 years on... and campaigning for those poor souls who are kept waiting .... ( not because they want to... though.... ) on the phone...


but because Plusnet still runs a two tin can and piece of string, phone system.. 


And they still maintain the " same old "   "Give us time,...... and we`ll get there "


Posts: 11
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Registered: ‎16-12-2013

Re: Does anyone answer the phone?

So,... here I am... 10 years on... and campaigning for those poor souls who are kept waiting .... ( not because they want to... though.... ) on the phone...


Nobody is forcing anybody to use plusnet. Nobody is putting a gun to anyone's head and telling us that if we want internet the only option is plusnet. There is plenty of choice out there.

Customer are putting up with waiting because they choose to continue to give Plusnet money. It's nobody's choice but their own.

We're all adults, we can fight our own battles. We can walk away whenever we want.

I have no idea why you're doing this, especially if your service is acceptable. Feels like a massive waste of time.

Posts: 11
Thanks: 9
Registered: ‎16-12-2013

Re: Does anyone answer the phone?

I have just ordered Internet service from a competitor. Plusnet will presumably get notification soon. Now my contract is finishing I can leave without penalty.

To any plusnet reps who read this (lol): This was entirely due to the awful service I received every time I tried to contact you. It always fell below standards and I've had enough.

And the insult that my "loyalty" means I don't get the same deals as new customers was also a factor. No point staying loyal if you won't reward it like you used to.

The product was fine, the performance was usually fine (except for when it wasn't, but the rest of the thread details that already), the price was fine. On a purely technical level, everything was okay.

But the service? Not answering the phone, not even looking into the issues, me having to go onto the forums every time I needed someone to actually look at something. All of this pre-covid mind; this time I didn't even attempt to contact you as I knew it would be a frustrating waste of time.

Unacceptable and inexcusable. I'm out.

Forum says I've been a customer on since 2013. I'm actually a customer since around 2002 with a brief break of roughly a year. Oh well. So long.