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Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎31-10-2014

Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

Hi I've joined this forum in desperation.
In Spetember we arranged to transfer our broadband from AOL to PLUSNET.  We also chose to transfer our Bt line to PLUSNET  too.
We paid by credit card for the first month to speed things up, and then follow on with DD.
The router arrived and we were given our transfer date. 
So far so good.
The transfer date came and went and no text from Plusnet to say we'd been transferred.
Turns out AOL had tried to transfer us to TalkTalk when we asked for the MAC code!  We called AOL and cancelled the transfer to talk talk just in time!.
Plus net gave us a new date for transfer.
Transfer Date passed and no text.
Plus net say there's a TalkTalk tag on the line which they can't touch, also the MAC code has expired and we need a new one.
This time I joined the TalkTalk community forums and asked what they were up to.  mentioning the illegality of Slamming etc.
WE were given a MAC code by reply and assured the tag was now removed.
Talktalk given the MAC and we were given a date for a speedy transfer as we'd been waiting so long.  Texts gave a date of 6/7th November for completion.
I now have received a text telling me that the transfer cannot be fast tracked.  It is simply not possible with broadband.
No new date for completion, just not going to be completed by 7th November.
Is anyone at plusnet capable of sorting this out?  How long are we supposed to wait now?  And there is no mention of when our phone line will be taken over by plusnet.
It's difficult to believe that we haven't just signed up with another dodgy broadband company who are great at publicising themselves but useless at providing what I'm paying for!

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Re: Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

Hi Polly,
Welcome to the forums and PlusNet, sorry to hear of your tribulations.  A full answer of your questions will require assistance from the CRT - PlusNet's support staff.
Sounds like you have become an unfortunate victim of the Ofcom rules on moving phone lines.  There is an inbuilt 10 day "buffer" period to allow time for the loosing supplier to inform the customer that their line has had a migration order placed on it.  This is intended to prevent SLAMMING however some retail operators are not so good at playing by the rules.  I suspect that now the issues have been resolved, the 10 day rule is again in-play.  Sad
The acquiring supplier does have to drive the process, but they can find themselves at the complete mercy of BTOR who owns all the infrastructure and the loosing supplier who can be very uncooperative.  If you read through these forums, you will observe numerous reports in respect of Talk Talk and Sky in this context.
SIMultaneous transfers of BB and phone can be tricky due to the bazar way some loosing providers behave.  In the case of BT Retail, they have been known to do a complete cease on a line thereby loosing both the existing phone number and the broadband service even if that was supplied by a different ISP.
I know this is frustrating, but your issues started with the action of AOL doing something you did not request, leaving PN picking up the pieces.  One failing of PN though in this arena is if there is no news to be reported, you receive no communication, leaving you in the dark over what is happening.
Hope someone can get a prompt response to you.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

Hi Polly, and welcome.
Wow, I'm really sorry to hear about this. You've been absolutely brilliant and done everything that you need to do.
The standard process should be that we place your broadband order, which takes a week. Following this, it should take two weeks for the phone order to progress. Because we have had to use a new MAC key, I must say that we are simply at square one.
One thing that we are currently at the mercy of is the lead times for transfer (migration) orders. These all have to take 5 working days, and it's impossible to expedite even at our expense as there are other parties involved. In your circumstance the other party is TalkTalk.
My apologies for the inconvenience caused, and I'm sorry that I can't do anything further. Without the intention of passing the buck, I do feel that the transfer to TalkTalk from AOL was the downfall of the provision.
ex-Plusnet staffer. Any posts after 28/07/2017 aren't on behalf of Plusnet
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Re: Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

Hi Polly, welcome, sorry to read all this bad news. If I've understood right, you have been stuck with TalkTalk until this order completes?
I hope they don't have the cheek to try and bill you anything? And what compensation have AOL offered you for messing up in the first place?
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Re: Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

AOL taken over by Carphone Warehouse taken over by Talk Talk! OMG, Polly! Roll_eyes All sympathies to you!
No one has to agree with my opinion, but in the time I have left a miracle would be nice.
Posts: 3
Registered: ‎31-10-2014

Re: Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

Thank you all for the welcome  Smiley
Matty,  we almost got 'slammed' by aol and talktalk.  They tried to hard sell us talktalk when we asked for our MAC code, and we absolutely declined - aol have been rubbish for years and fobbed us off with all sorts, and our connection would improve hugely after each phonecall!!!  then a week or so later back to the same rubbish connection - dropping out up to every few minutes and if the phone rings, no connection for hours.  all this would cease after a phone call to aol  ??!!?? 
Anyway we got a letter after the MAC code was issued, saying they had to allow BTOR access to our connection at the exchange and giving a date of transfer.  It was only when Plusnet gave us a different, earlier date of transfer we realised something wasn't right.  There had been NO mention of which provider we were being transferred to in the letter from AOL.
Called Plusnet to check on the dates and they had no knowledge of the later date, and suggested we call AOL, which we did.  AOL claimed we took up the offer of TALKTALK !!  Nice try but never in a million years etc..  so we insisted they cancel immediately, which they agreed to eventually.  Except they left a Tag on the line.
This whole sorry tale just goes back and forth.
I suppose what I really need now, is confirmation that all is progressing to plan.
I'll leave reporting TalkTalk and AOL to OFCOM until after it's all resolved, as there's no guarantee they have finished their petty games yet.
We'll have to check our credit card bill as to whether we're being billed by TalkTalk.  We were told by aol that we would be billed to the payment after we move to Plusnet !  Which I'm sure is wrong as there's always been a month upfront payment no matter who you're with.
What I really can't understand is why PLUSNET didn't bother telling us that they couldn't transfer us because of TalkTalk, especially as they had already taken payment from us, that surely should have rung alarm bells with plusnet, yet they didn't even tell us about it.  It was sheer luck that we double checked when we did, the day before transfer to TT was to take place and 2 days after we should have gone live with Plusnet.
As for compensation, don't make me laugh, we were made to feel they were doing us a favour by cancelling the transfer to TT.
I had to get in touch with TT myself to get a MAC code, AOL said they'd email us one and didn't bother, we got a letter from them days  AFTER we had the MAC from TT.
Maybe we should contact them again and ask for compensation?
ONE thing throughout all this though, we have at least retained our phone and BB connection so far.  And miraculously, it's been fairly stable too, no getting dropped every minute or so, although I can't vouch for staying online when someone rings our phone.  I know many others haven't been so lucky.
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Re: Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

Quote from: Polly
I'll leave reporting TalkTalk and AOL to OFCOM until after it's all resolved, as there's no guarantee they have finished their petty games yet.

That's probably a very wise idea, but I'm glad you've got it in mind to complain to OFCOM, make sure when you do that you get (a) reference number(s) from them. (you know the complaint is properly registered).
Quote from: Polly
What I really can't understand is why PLUSNET didn't bother telling us that they couldn't transfer us because of TalkTalk, especially as they had already taken payment from us, that surely should have rung alarm bells with plusnet, yet they didn't even tell us about it.  It was sheer luck that we double checked when we did, the day before transfer to TT was to take place and 2 days after we should have gone live with Plusnet.

This is very poor and it will need MattyC or one of the other CRT members to look into this, there seems to be something wrong with procedures.
Quote from: Polly
We'll have to check our credit card bill as to whether we're being billed by TalkTalk.  We were told by aol that we would be billed to the payment after we move to Plusnet !  Which I'm sure is wrong as there's always been a month upfront payment no matter who you're with.

Quote from: Polly
Maybe we should contact them again and ask for compensation?

You certainly should. If you don't ask demand, you won't get. Yes, obviously check your bills, and at the end of the day depending on what you've been charged, whether the charge was more than you would have paid had the transfer gone as it should have, any additional costs, bank charges, your time - could be the biggest part of the bill  Wink , phone calls, etc  They will undoubtedly wriggle, just remember at the relevant time to use the words "This is a formal complaint - which I will pursue to the CEO's office and the Ombudsman Services if necessary" - that should get them in gear  Wink
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Re: Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

Your comment about frequent disconnections, particularly in association with incoming calls is quite characteristic of faults with the BTOR circuit which supplies your services.  There is every possibility that this issue will "transfer" with you to PlusNET.
If it does then shout up, there is a good deal of expertise around here to help resolve it.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

Put in plain english, Kevin means that it's still the same BT Openreach line between you and the exchange which might play up, but as your line rental will be with Plusnet, there shouldn't be any issue getting it fixed, especially with all the help here - just to put it in a more positive way Smiley
Posts: 3
Registered: ‎31-10-2014

Re: Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

Thanks folks for the advice 😄
It gets better.
We've had another email from AOL.  It's a bit incoherent and very confused, but  apparently someone is moving into our house and will be using a different provider, so they're going to cancel our service and cut us off.  Blah Blah  Of course, it says an awful lot more than that and a few dire warnings about losing our service if we don't phone immediately etc.

What are these people on?  Are they doing drugs?  Perhaps in their strange world they are incapable of believing a customer could get fed up and go elswhere without selling the house first?
Are they incapable of writing an email saying "sorry we're so useless you've chosen to leave us and go with another provider.  We will co-operate with the transfer and wish you well.  Should you choose to return in the future we'll be happy to have you back"
Have contacted TalkTalk community  again, just in case this email isn't as simple as we think.
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Re: Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

Hi Polly,
I've been requested to be more up-beat in my responses to you by another correspondent (or is that co-respondent?).
I do not want to be the conveyor of more bad news, but there is some risk that your line has got mistakenly targeted by a completely different migration / house move and the other organisation has got your existing line as the wrong target.
I would ask AOL / Talk Talk to explain in detail the last email, just to be sure that there is not another alligator in your swamp.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

Or to put it bluntly, ring them up now and ask them for a full and detailed explanation. Tell them if need be, that you are moving you phone number and braodband to Plusnet and if the information they have been provided is anything other than that, you want the full detail and will be talking to OFCOM.
They are incompetent morons or are playing some very stupid games.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Endless problems with transferring to PLUSNET

Quote from: Polly
What I really can't understand is why PLUSNET didn't bother telling us that they couldn't transfer us because of TalkTalk,

Hmmmm. Usually a ticket gets kicked out saying something along the lines of "your order's been cancelled". I will do some digging on why it didn't happen in your circumstance and will feed back.
Quote from: Polly
We've had another email from AOL.  It's a bit incoherent and very confused, but  apparently someone is moving into our house and will be using a different provider, so they're going to cancel our service and cut us off. 

It's pretty odd that they'd say that given that they have also given you a MAC key (the equivalent of permission to leave to a different provider). But I can only assume that they are referencing Plusnet's order there.
Your order is progressing fine for 07/11/2014. Feel free to let me know if there are any further problems.
ex-Plusnet staffer. Any posts after 28/07/2017 aren't on behalf of Plusnet