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Excellent Customer Service

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Registered: ‎06-11-2007

Excellent Customer Service

Just wanted to say "Thank you " to Stephen, of customer service, who was so helpful when my router stopped working a couple of nights ago... It was about 20:30 when I phoned and he sounded as though I was the first customer he had spoken to that day.  (although I suspect he had been fairly busy, as I had to wait 20 minutes to speak to someone)..  He concluded that the router had failed, and we negotiated a new one to be sent to arrive within a "couple of days.
This morning at 08:30 a knock on the door, and courier service delivery with the new router..... Up and running within 30 minutes... very good. 
Excellent Customer Service Smiley
Thank you to all involved.
Gerry  (shutter)
Posts: 3,486
Registered: ‎02-10-2008

Re: Excellent Customer Service

That's good to hear  Grin - we get so much negative comments here, which I suppose is the way it works.
Did it come from the BT warehouse in Northallerton, or direct from PN Towers ?.
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Re: Excellent Customer Service

I'm jealous as nothing breaks on the lines I look after so I don't get to talk to those fine people in CSC. Sad
Even when we visited they were told to keep their heads down and look busy so no chat there either. Sad Wink
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To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
Posts: 2,540
Registered: ‎12-09-2008

Re: Excellent Customer Service

Yep, had a bumpy inward mogration (caused by my own equipment it turned out) but they were really helpful along with the superb comms team on here.
Just wiah I could connect over something better than ADSL because local line conditions are so bad.
Not applicable

Re: Excellent Customer Service

I had a similar occurence to shutter's a couple of months ago (Saturday evening), just needing a bit of support setting up a spare router. After a speedy response all was sorted, although found out next day that it wasn't my router because after resetting it was OK.
CS was able to tell me exactly when my connection went down (I was out at the time).
I telephoned in for advice over the Christmas holiday about a possible migration and didn't get much help at all, which I was surprised about, although they sounded very busy.   Wondered if they were short-staffed.
A couple of weeks ago I raised a ticket for a wireless router for one of my referrals only to get a message back that a one-port ethernet router had been ordered, which is not what I asked for and not suitable so I had to ring in. The gentleman said that the offer had finished, but this was not referred to in the ticket response so I assume that a bit of updating is needed here. Would have been better to explain this in the ticket as the £6.99 p&p had been taken and then had to be returned.
Generally, though, have always had positive responses when (on the very few occasions) I have had to telephone.
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Registered: ‎06-11-2007

Re: Excellent Customer Service

Quote from: mal0z
That's good to hear  Grin - we get so much negative comments here, which I suppose is the way it works.
Did it come from the BT warehouse in Northallerton, or direct from PN Towers ?.

Don`t know, I had it opened from the wrapper, and on the desk within minutes of it arriving, and the rubbish went in the bin just as quick, after I got up and running... ! (wasn`t worried where it came from..... just glad it had arrived !) Smiley
Posts: 3,486
Registered: ‎02-10-2008

Re: Excellent Customer Service

Quote from: techguy
Just wish I could connect over something better than ADSL because local line conditions are so bad.

Indeed - ADSL - although very advanced and clever technology, using a two wire twisted pair is far from ideal for transmitting radio  signals.
The problem is people expect it to work perfectly like their TV, broadcast radio, cellphone etc.. and as we know well here, there are so many things that can reduce it's performance.
I agree that PN do a very good job, the best ISP I have been with in about 12 years or more.
maybe cs staff might benefit from more technical training - I just wonder how many have got any formal telecom training - because that is what this is all about, radio and line telecommunications, plus computer engineering.
No disrespect guys, but in my experience IT staff often have a very shaky technical knowledge in radio and line transmission engineering.
But I would be delighted to be provided wrong  Smiley Smiley Wink
[edit ] I'm NOT decrying PN's CS staff by the way - I've had excellent help when I've phoned .
Bring back apprentices I say - I think it was Thatchers government that scrapped part funding technical apprenticeships schemes - which is why we seem to have a national shortage of trained staff.

Posts: 19,757
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Excellent Customer Service

Any way they are not Gentlemen in the CSC, I had reason to phone up just before Xmas and got a very Nice Lady, sorted out my problem very quickly Smiley Smiley Smiley
Posts: 3,486
Registered: ‎02-10-2008

Re: Excellent Customer Service

Quote from: pierre_pierre
Any way they are not Gentlemen in the CSC, I had reason to phone up just before Xmas and got a very Nice Lady, sorted out my problem very quickly Smiley Smiley Smiley

Nothing new there - when I was an apprentice - over 30+ years ago we had a couple of ladies doing the same as us in the company  Wink Smiley , but admitedly - the engineering departments were about 99% male.
Posts: 19,757
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Excellent Customer Service

I had a Female Electronics/Instrument  engineer,  not on my trip, but working out near Elaru Aus, she got here self ------,  A few  obvious month later was on my Italy/Austri trip.  Father turned up out of the blue  (He did not work for us) Oh problems, team leader read the riot act
Posts: 3,486
Registered: ‎02-10-2008

Re: Excellent Customer Service

One of the ladies I was referring was the daughter of the companies Chief Inspector - or in modern parlance Quality Control manager  Grin Grin
I don't know if he had any problems with the quality of the treatment his daughter received from other staff  Wink
Not applicable

Re: Excellent Customer Service

In all the time that I have used Plusnet I have never had a CS call handled by a lady - didn't know that PN employed any in this department!  With regards to shutter's wrapping paper, I received an ethernet router with the label, numbers and instructions for the Thomson wireless router so don't know what's happening in Northallerton or anywhere else.
Posts: 3,486
Registered: ‎02-10-2008

Re: Excellent Customer Service

Maybe looking at the  webcams more would show there are several ladies around  Wink
PS - just looked and I think I saw the female CS manager / director ?
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Excellent Customer Service

Yep, we've got some ladies in pretty much every department here Smiley
Posts: 3,486
Registered: ‎02-10-2008

Re: Excellent Customer Service

Any romances resulting in marriages or at least permanent relationships  Grin / and then family strive in the work place  Roll_eyes