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Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

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Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

Had to look that one up lol

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Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

So plusnet safe guard then. Wasn't so hard now was it.
It took them a long time (nothing new there I suppose) but we finally have what I would call a family filter,
So good all-round I think. If you don't have kids and want to crack one off to Debbie Does Dallas, so be it. If you have children growing up around you and you wish to be able to have some control, so be it.
I've no doubt that I will be slated again by the few, but there you go.
As for them that claim this is a bad move by plus net nothing changes, they are still welcome to watch, download of stream whatever takes their fancy. As for me and I suspect many others, we will have a little more peace of mind than what we had before.
For probably the only that you will hear me say this "Well done Plusnet"  Smiley
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Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

I thought you'd appreciate an email about this so I arranged for you to be put on the trial.
As an FYI to others in this thread we’re working with a number of our existing customers to trial Plusnet SafeGuard -  our network based solution with the intention to launch this free of charge to all existing and new customers in the coming months.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
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Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

I've corrected a fundamental error in your post:
Quote from: flexo1966
As for them that claim this is a bad move by plus net nothing changes, they are still welcome to watch, download of stream whatever takes their fancy. As for me and I suspect many others, we will have a little more peace of mind than what we had before false sense of security.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
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Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

Quote from: flexo1966
we will have a little more peace of mind

Or may not.  since “Johnny” is upstairs in his bedroom watching whatever takes his fancy having circumvented the filter as a result of a playground conversation, but hey ignorance is bliss!
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Registered: ‎21-07-2014

Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

Well forgive me if I'm wrong, but I've have had a look at my last post and I cannot see "false sense of security" written anywhere ?
I think what you meant to say was that if kids want to bypass this safe guard then they will or will know someone that can do it for them.
As for my six year and eleven year old children I hope it will block out some of the nasty's that appear on innocent items that they are searching.
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Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

You really don't understand! There will be some nasties that get through without your kids trying. You will also find that you are unable to access some perfectly innocent sites. No system can be 100% accurate.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
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Posts: 115
Registered: ‎21-07-2014

Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

No I do understand and I do want a filter.
Most parents worry about what their children watch online.
It will not stop everything coming through but it will stop a dam sight more than not having on, any bright spark can see that, can't they ?Huh
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Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

This subject gets raised regularly on these forums. Personally I don't see an issue with filters as long as they are opt-in and not opt-out. Along with opting-in there should be better education for parents about the positives and, more importantly, the limitations of such filters.
What I have noticed among the many debaters is that those against filters seem mainly to fall into two overlapping groups; those that don't like censorship and those that realise the limitations of filtering (the filters blocking sites that needn't be/not blocking those that should be and how easily they can be circumvented).
In the pro-filter camp many seem frequently to be of the opinion that the anti camp simply want to 'crack one off to Debbie Does Dallas' to coin a phrase. That may be the case... it may not be but it's quite insulting really Wink
Just my observations.

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Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

i just found this  Wink
The UK government has pressured Internet Service Providers (ISPs) into promoting filters to prevent children and young people from seeing content that is supposed to be for over 18s. This may seem like a good idea, but in reality filters block much more than they are supposed to, which means information is being censored.
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Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

"Adult content "...The bill payer for the internet service provided is an adult! So surely the responsibility of blocking any content that s/he feels is unapropriate for their children, or any other household occupants should be down to them to do and not the 'provider' of internet service.
You wouldn't put your child on a train to London and expect the driver to look after it's wellbeing would you?!?!?! I could be completely wrong, but do some adults just want an easy way out? Oh it's OK I can just sit little Tommy down in front of the internet for a few hours and leave him to look at what he likes, the isp will block all the nasty stuff for me whilst I catch up with Big Brother!!!
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Registered: ‎21-07-2014

Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

Whether it's right or wrong, its YOUR choice. If you don't like it or don't want to use it don't....simples.

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Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

flexo1966 , exactly " its YOUR choice. If you don't like it or don't want to use it don't....simples."
BUT i have been doing this since Dial up services , so why should i have any ISP to say we have a filter automatically on your connection , but you can disable it .
This may seem like a good idea, but in reality filters block much more than they are supposed to, which means information is being censored.
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Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

Much more to the point it does not fully do what is believed by many it will do, due to government hype.  It is a sop - it gives the appearance of doing something, which parents cannot be bothered to do - supervise their kids' internet activity.
No tool can inspect all content and automatically block it.  The content has to have "been seen before" and then marked or "finger printed" and such forensic information has to be "made known" to the filtering services.
If all that is in place, then filtering services stand some chance of blocking it, but not unprofiled material.
My objection to the implementation of this technology is that any sense of security it creates is a false sense of security.  The Internet contains all kinds of material; porn (which is what most get hot and bothered about) is by no means the worse of what is out there.  Where does one draw the lines?  Chat rooms, snuff videos, suiscide websites, religious extremism sites... the list is potentially endless.  If you are really concerned about what your kids might find on the Internet then do not let them use it unsupervised.
Better still sit them down and explain to them that there are bad things in the world which they need to be aware of (awareness is quite different to fearful) - there are therefore things they should not do / avoid.
If we were not all so hung up over sex, then much of what we fear would not be the issue we see it as.  I'm sure most kids have seen dogs in the street doing it or in David Attenborough's nature programmes... but find a picture of two humans doing it and all hell breaks loose.  It is after all the cause of each one of us being here.

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Re: Falling behind even further. plusnet we'll do you !!!!

Quote from: flexo1966
No I do understand and I do want a filter.
Most parents worry about what their children watch online.
It will not stop everything coming through but it will stop a dam sight more than not having on, any bright spark can see that, can't they ?Huh

All very well censoring your home connection but what about Fon and BTfon connections? The former have no blocks the latter I'm not sure of. So if a child have a WiFi device and control over the connection then it's very easy for them to use another connection.