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Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

Posts: 14
Registered: ‎22-11-2013

Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

You have made a complete cockup of our service... asked to have service from AUGUST 1st in new house, and an overlap of one day here.  [removed] 88347949 has put JULY 1st in so yesterday we got cut of!!! husband works from home... he is away now. I am on my own with 2 children in an isolated house 25 mins from nearest town where I am now sitting posting this WAITING FOR THE CALL WE WRE PROMISED LAST NIGHT TO HAPPEN!!! My husband had to ring on works mobile ...waited 50 ..YES 50 minutes to be put through to find [removed] had input order incorrectly leaving us with no service!!! Now you cant even call me and get my line back up. He agreed to escalate this case last night now I find [removed] - CSC Analyst has put this on hold till next bloody Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have responded but obviously I need the phone back NOW... TODAY!!! HOUSE MOVE TO ARRANGE!!!!  PPPLLLLEEEEAAASSEEEE  SORT THIS NOW!!!!!! Thank you!! My mobile is on all your contacts. I presume after this travesty I will be released from my contract WITHOUT CHARGE????
[Moderator's note by Jim (Oldjim): CSA name removed as per the forum rules.also all caps in title changed as per rules also
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎22-11-2013

Re: Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

Could you not do something more constructive than expletive check my post?>????
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Re: Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

Moderators are customers, just as you are, they don't work for PN. They are trying to help and are unpaid volunteers, so why are you complaining about them?
Hopefully by making your post more readable it will get some attention from PN staff.  Wink
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎22-11-2013

Adam C?

Could you sort my problem out please. It actually your problem... of your making. I don't have time to deal with it but am forced to. Who is paying me for my time?? I know who is paying you.
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Re: Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

Hi Horseygrin,
The mods on this forum (who are also customers) are here to do jobs like that.
I'll do my best as a staff member to help out with your issue and make sure we're doing all we can to resolve it quickly.
I'm sorry if the updates on the ticket haven't been clear, I need to take some time to go over exactly what's happened.
I'm doing that now and will be in touch again to discuss how we can move beyond this and get you connected ASAP.

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎22-11-2013

Re: Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

hp sauce... you have no idea what we have been through so if you are not staff please just leave my post alone so that when an answer is posted its actually worth my time to open and reply to it. Thanks
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Re: Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

Mod Note
Topics merged. Please keep things in one place as it makes a resolution easier.
Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎22-11-2013

Re: Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

I have to leave the café now as my parking has run out... please update me on my mobile phone as I have to return home where there is obviously no service. Thanks. I know people are tutting about my post but... walk a mile in my shoes.., not the first set of problems I have had with plusnet. Shall I even bother mentioning the 15 + minutes everybody waits as a minimum to speak to somebody? No though not. Setting this little change of house up took 55 minutes. At least I didn't pay for the call that time. Now all my calls are costing me a fortune on my mobile... who will recompense me?
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎14-07-2014

Re: Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

You seem to beiong pulled from pillar to post. How are you managing to focus on all our problems at once (assuming you have many more who do not post in the forums). Are you the only guy in support ?
Horsygrin, I've got your old shoes and I am currently walking a marathon in them. You have my sympathy.
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Re: Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

Adam is part of the Digital Care team, a small group of people dedicated to the forum, Facebook and Twitter.
They are backed up by a much larger support department who man the phone lines.
Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
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Re: Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

Quote from: horseygin
hp sauce... you have no idea what we have been through
I was trying to be helpful by explaining what you were complaining about as you seemed to misunderstand some things.
This is a public/customer forum which is mainly there for customers to help each other. Private communications restricted to staff go by other routes.
I suggest you consider that and accept help when and where it is offered.  Cool
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎14-07-2014

Re: Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

Sorry Strat but Adam kind of implies that he is in a position to do something about our problems. If this is not the case then his comments are a little misleading. Interesting that the "small" digital car team can respond so quickly and the "larger" support team take an age and then put the call on hold. Maybe Adam would be better placed in the "larger" support team as his posts suggest he is very keen to be helpful if not empowered as such.
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Re: Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

Quote from: horseygin
Now all my calls are costing me a fortune on my mobile... who will recompense me?

I know it's not just the calls to Plusnet, but if your mobile is not contract, when calling Plusnet you may find that 0345 140 0200 is cheaper than 0800 432 0200. If you are on contract the 0345 will almost certainly be cheaper. See the note of the bottom of the residential support section:
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
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Re: Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

Quote from: Strat
Adam is part of the Digital Care team, a small group of people dedicated to the forum, Facebook and Twitter.

Quote from: siddo
Sorry Strat but Adam kind of implies that he is in a position to do something about our problems. If this is not the case then his comments are a little misleading.

My impression is that the Digital Care Team is drawn from amongst Plusnet's most experienced and diplomatic support staff.  They have always done a good job for me when I have approached them for help via this forum.  Although they sometimes respond quickly they mostly work just the normal hours of a working day and must spend  fair bit of time following-up on things they committed to do and probably other matters too - so if you got a very rapid response you were a bit lucky.  I'm absolutely sure Adam (or any other DCT member) is able to do as much as anyone in Plusnet can to address our problems.
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎27-04-2007

Re: Get My Line Restored!!!!!!!!

You seem to beiong pulled from pillar to post. How are you managing to focus on all our problems at once (assuming you have many more who do not post in the forums). Are you the only guy in support ?

Simply put it's my job to do so.
I'm not claiming to be able to deal with mulitiple issues at the same time but I have the time and resources to deal with a numerous issues including yours and horseygin's today siddo.
with that in mind and as promised I'll be back in touch with both of you before the end of today and rest assured if I have any problems managing the amount of work I have I'll be asking for help from my team mates.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team