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Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

I can see Kev in our business team has escalated it to our suppliers DSO team.
I hope we can get this sorted soon.
After the 3rd of November I will have a limited presence here as I have moved to a new role
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 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

This acronym finder has some interesting results for DSO. One is quite amusing, and a few could describe why it is taking so long.  Wink
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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

Well what a  sorry saga. It makes soul destroying reading. Further, perhaps more convincing evidence - if any were really needed, that OpenReach should be hived off at a totally independent company free of the clutches of the BT empire.
I trust you will send a copy of this saga to OFCOM as well. Unless people make them aware of all the failings, then nothing will change.
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

To answer the question DSO stands for Director Services Office. It's as high as we go.
After the 3rd of November I will have a limited presence here as I have moved to a new role
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 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

Thanks Matthew.
Aren't BT Group titles and acronym's wonderful.
Though TQM and RFT might have been useful if carried through to success.
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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

Grin  Grin
I remember those from the 80s when I was employed by BT.  Roll_eyes
I wonder if they'll ever get it right?

Ans: Probably not in my lifetime.  Wink
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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

Well a week on, so I guess an update is due.  PlusNet have diligently "fought the corner" at the start of the week when the Teflon shoulders of BT's DSO office tried to suggest that since this is a second line to the property, the escalation process cannot be used.  Such nerve considering that BTOR forced the order through the NSP (non-served premises) process and charged a hefty fee for it.
On Tuesday two engineers turned up unannounced (apparently due to the DSO escalation) to sort things out, only to say that a survey was required and a tree needed cutting... after telling them that there had been a survey they went to look on their laptop for details... then said no one had done anything about implementing the survey findings.
They returned to the exchange to get things moving saying that we ought to see the tree sorted within 48 hours, Well its well past that and not a twig has been broken.  So much for BTOR planning.  The latest update is an update is due on Tuesday.
Longish chat with a PN support manager this afternoon identified that they are as fed-up with BTOR performance as we end users are.  This situation is now beyond frustration, but there is nothing which PlusNet can actually do, indeed it seems that not even writing to the CEO's of BT and BTOR actually achieves anything practical.  For those interested, I have not received a reply from anyone to last Friday's email.
Shabby really, BTOR needs complete overhaul.

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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

As I've said before, copy your sad tale to OFCOM. Unless people do this, they are completely unaware of the issues that are going on. It has also been known for that sort of action to suddenly "unlock" a problem Wink
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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

I did hear that bidding and will do so when the tale is complete.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

Well is Tuesday again and time for another episode of "I just do not believe it"...
Tree cutters turned up on site today, only to advise since it is a dual service pole, they cannot work on it.  Needs power company resources.  Seems like no one has bothered reading the client paid for BTOR survey.  New letter to the troika of CEOs...
Dear Sirs,
I am writing again to appraise you of the unbelievable continued incompetence from BTOR in their provision of this new telephone service, to say nothing of my disappointment of not receiving a single reply or acknowledgement of my concerns from any of you, beyond the continued dogged and diligent work of Kevin Scott (PlusNet team leader).  His determination in the face of BTOR’s indifference is to be commended – to have to face end users with the consequences of BTOR’s incompetence day after day must be daunting, if not soul destroying.  I would commend each of the CEOs to go take a day in his shoes, it might illuminate what needs to be done to make BTOR fit for purpose.
Subsequent to my email below, the DSO has sought to dismiss this escalation on the pretext that this is a second line to an already served premises and therefore cannot be considered to be a priority.  This ignores the fact that BTOR forced this provide through the non-served premises order process, requiring a site survey and the associated fee.
BTOR engineers attended site last Tuesday (apparently on the behest of the DSO) to install the line (as a standard install), only to find that the (dual service) supply pole was obscured by a tree which needed trimming.  They were unaware of the findings of the survey until I advised them of the details.  On their inspection of records, they confirmed the detail of the survey identifying that the works identified by the survey had not been commissioned, namely tree surrounding an EL (electrical) sub-pole needed cutting back.
As a consequence of those two gentlemen poking the process, a tree cutting team attended site today (thank you) only to advise the client that they could not undertake the work as this is a dual supply pole.  Apparently MANWEB will be required to de-power the pole and that could take 6-8 weeks.  Has no one involved in the process read the findings of the survey (for which the client has paid £320)?  Surely anyone acting with diligence in the planning department will have realised that there might be constraints?  I remind you that the survey was done on 15th June and nothing about its findings has actually been done / attempted until today.  I am sure that none of you would find this service acceptable if it were being delivered to you.
This is descending into a farce and is deeply embarrassing to all concerned – me to my client, PlusNet to me and my client and BTOR to PlusNet.  What will it take to resolve this matter please?  The time and cost of escalation must by now have far outweighed the cost of doing the job properly in the first place.  I am not asking for anything unreasonable, I just want the tasks identified in the paid for survey done with diligence in a timely manner.
As a gesture of good will, I now ask that BTOR refund the survey fee and provide free of charge 3G/4G internet access until such time as they can complete the works required to deliver the ordered service.  If this matter is not resolved (service provided as ordered or a contingency plan agreed) by the end of this week (31st July) I will be raising this matter with Ofcom and George Osborne (my local MP).
In the meantime my only hope lays with Kevin Scott and the rest of the PlusNet business team who have toiled ‘against’ the BTOR obstacles to try to deliver excellence.  It is not time that BTOR adopted PlusNet’s culture to win?

You just could not make this up, it is a farce beyond imagination.  I doubt that my experience is unique, indeed reading around here it seems to be common place.  What is not made clear though is the truly appalling conduct of BTOR in the management of their business.  Things must be forced to change and done so quickly.
BTOR touches a week apart that achieve nothing are just not acceptable.  This situation arises out of long term neglect of their infrastructure.  On one level I can understand not cutting tress systematically if there is not need for access, but when access is required, the work should be done promptly.
...hmmm I wonders, the existing talktalk line is performing very badly ... if I go raise a line fault on that and they need to access the same pole, will it get done any quicker?

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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

I don't know why you are dilly dallying about and not contacting OFCOM.  As I mentioned this can sometimes result in a situation being "unlocked".
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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

I'd try ordering the line with BT retail, wouldn't be surprised if you had it next week.
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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

If that were true then one would have to conclude that BTOR give BT Retail an unfair preference.

@AO as far as your insinuation of inaction, you know as well as I do that Ofcom will not engage until the proper escalation channels have been utilised.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

Townman, have you tried it? No! So you don't know how OFCOM will react. I know in far less complex situations, a phone call has been made by them and all of a sudden cogs started whirring. You have nothing to loose by trying and possibly everything to gain.
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Re: Good start to what I know will be problems ahead

This is so bad that I'm sure OFCOM would start to ask questions, especially as the fee has been charged with no result.
As AO has said, what would you lose by trying that route? Bringing it to OFCOM's attention while the situation is ongoing is naturally likely to provoke more interest than afterwards when BTO's first response to OFCOM will be to try and brush it off by saying it's all resolved now.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
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