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High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

Posts: 124
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Registered: ‎06-01-2015

Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

Heya peeps, Sorry for the noob question but my Current Line Speed says " 77.2mbps" so this my router sync speed yes? If so how come my whitebox tells me my average is 64.41mbps downstream. That's a big decrease wouldn't you say. If it wasn't for the whitebox I wouldn't have accurate readings hourly that's connected to my plusnet router and BTOR modem. The lowest was 44.94mbps
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Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

It's the Openreach modem that does the sync to the FTTC cabinet, not the router :). Your router makes the connection through the modem and onwards to the Plusnet network routers.
A Current line speed of 77.2Mbps sugges.ts your BT Wholesale IP Profile is 77.4Mbps, which in turn suggests a sync speed of the full 80Mbps. (Often 79,999kbps).
The CLS is expected to be 0.2Mbps below the IP Profile but conditions can arise for short periods where there is a big difference either way. Whichever is the lower governs your maximum speed.
Why your white-box is only showing 64.41Mbps average is another question. Is it low from 6pm to midnight/1am? And well over 70Mbps through the day? If so you are probably experiencing the same speed problems as several of us.
Posts: 124
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Registered: ‎06-01-2015

Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

@Estragon - Thanks for your reply and telling me about the modem sync speed and the router lol. My whitebox is connected to the plusnet router via ethernet and it monitors every 2,4,6 hours so I do get an accurate reading. I can check to see if any pattern during the times you mentioned.
Update: Details are attached
days worth of readings for you all 🙂
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Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

Quote from: Chris
Hi all,
I don't think this icon will be reappearing. The information on there, whilst useful for some people shouldn't really need to be shown as the profile should (and it does update the vast majority of the time now) keep up to date with the IP profile which is the more relevant number when looking in to connection problems.

So please could you explain why there have been a couple of posts today where it hasn't updated
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
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Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

The official reason why this link has been removed is, to say the least, unconvincing. Clearly many people find the 'High-speed broadband' page useful when troubleshooting - despite its many imperfections as mentioned above. Put together with the reduction in support hours and the reduced presence of Plusnet staff in these forums, it's further evidence of the growing gap between the claims made by Plusnet for the quality of its support in its adverts and its actual behaviour.
The people who are most saddened by these actions are generally those who have been most helpful in giving us 'ordinary' users advice on how to solve problems and improve connections. Why would Plusnet want to alienate such helpful people? Or does Plusnet just take such people for granted? The recent example of the collapse of the Labour Party in Scotland might serve as a warning against taking supporters for granted...

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Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

Well said.
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Registered: ‎23-04-2013

Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

IMO if plusnet choose to have a secondary IP profile that is actively used to effectively cap throughput speeds , then it should be visible just like BTW's is
And i have experienced the plusnet profile fail to auto update, once it failed to update following DLM mismanaging my connection, lowering the BTW IP profile  and throughput , It has also done this more frequently in the opposite direction  (usually after DLM increased the sync rate ) even after refreshing the PPPOE session several times , had to ring to get it manually set many  times
If your IP profile is 77.2 then your circuit has G.inp enabled and your BTw IP profile will be 77.35  Your max throughput should be around 73.5mbps on Plusnet  looking at the white box data  in your ss, looks like possible peak time issues, try gateway hopping ,
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

Of course, Plusnet's excuse was passed on by Chris Parr here in case anyone has forgotten. And it's just been quoted in this post with a request for an explanation.
I would certainly like to see an explanation for why there are still so many not updating. I'm sure Plusnet are well aware of the reasons as there have been thorough investigations in the past. I suspect it's an issue to do with their "suppliers" but of course Plusnet don't like to admit that BTw are one of their "suppliers" or that they might possibly be responsible due to a lack of timely delta reports. Roll_eyes
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Registered: ‎23-04-2013

Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

BTW are plusnets only suppliers they don't have many at all, because all the data transit (backhaul is BTW based )  all is" BT WBMC shared" hence why all customers have an IP profile , as they do not resell daisy or tt buisness ect  do they ?
So the removal of the this info on PN's secondry IP profile Should be shown in the Portal It's a cop out aimed at reducing support calls  ect , and nothing more  
Basically yet another reason to avoid plusnet if one was needed
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Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

It's not just because it's useful  why it should be there it's because Pn's IP profile does actively cap/restrict/throttle throughput levels  if it is set lower than the BT ip profile IMO no secondary IP profile visibility ,=no secondary ip profile in use to say that it doesn't need to be visible imo is just BS
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Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

but it is still there, just not as easy to find  Roll_eyes
To do is to be - Neitzsche
To be is to do - Kant
do be do be do - Sinatra
Posts: 1,064
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Registered: ‎23-04-2013

Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

@ PeterLoftus Maybe it is, but why remove the link from the customer portal ? it doesn't make any sense ,
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Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

I(ve called Customer support over this issue, however i didnt get much sense out of them - I will try and see if they can provide an answer to this problem.
Has anyone else tried calling CS
, if they get a flood of phone calls then maybe it could be sorted
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Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

The official response is reply #12 on page 1, I don't think you'll get anything else.
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Registered: ‎26-09-2015

Re: High Speed Broadband link disappeared from Connection Settings

I've only just seen this thread.  What a stupid decision on Plusnet's part.  Although the Member Centre pages are chaos personified in terms of random menus left, right centre and top, it's not as if they couldn't fit another link in.  In among "Connection Settings" would make sense.  I can only assume that in spite of their claimed reason for removing the link, the real reason is a positive desire to hide the information from casual customers.