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Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎11-07-2018

Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

Yes, they are awful. They can't even organise a move from one property to another

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Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews


Welcome to the forums - have you come here looking for help or just to give "feedback" with no context?

You do not offer any details of your case and therefore there is no reference framework for the claim.  For example you do not say if the line in your new property was at the time of the house move order, free of any encumbrance which would inhibit Plusnet taking over the line.

It would not be unusual to find that the party leaving the property had given a service termination notice with their suppliers, who in turn will have placed a line cease order with BTOR.  Once that happens no other provider can attempt to take over the line and when the cease 'completes' BTOR / BTw / Ofcom rules control how soon a new service can be provided.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎11-07-2018

Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

Don't worry, I have lots to say but at the moment I am just waiting to have a service. After that.....

Community Gaffer
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Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

Hi @nigelb

I'm sorry to hear that. Whilst your order looks to be complete on our suppliers front end systems it's not fully complete on the back end applications which is unfortunately preventing us from reporting a fault and booking an engineer to resolve the problem you're having.

I can see one of my colleagues (Who roams around these parts) in our complaints team has taken ownership of this and will be doing absolutely everything we can to resolve this as quick as possible.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎11-07-2018

Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

Heavy must be the third or fourth person who has "taken ownership" of the issue and each time they say they will arrange for an engineer to be booked. 

The issue has always been pretty simple. Plusnet could not activate the line at the specified time due to some issue at the exchange. we were not advised of this, but that is another story for a later date.

I was curious as to why there was no service and removed the master socket from the wall. The wire was entering the property but was not connected.

You would therefore think it quite simple for an engineer to be booked to make the connection which is what I have asked for at least three times including during one (very long) call with my daughter earlier this week, but each time nothing seems to happen. Now you are telling me again about faults..blah blah and we seem to be no further forward.

User name is [Removed] (as you seem to have found).

Moderator's note by Dick (Strat): Personal information removed from a public forum (to an area that staff can see).

Community Gaffer
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Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

The issue has always been pretty simple. Plusnet could not activate the line at the specified time due to some issue at the exchange. we were not advised of this

From what I can see we placed your order to complete on the 29th June, but the engineer who went out found a fault "DIS IN NETWORK" and passed the task to an engineer with a different skilset and your order completed on the 3rd July.

Apologies for the lack of timely updates and that you had to chase us up.


I was curious as to why there was no service and removed the master socket from the wall. The wire was entering the property but was not connected.

You would therefore think it quite simple for an engineer to be booked to make the connection which is what I have asked for at least three times including during one (very long) call with my daughter earlier this week, but each time nothing seems to happen. Now you are telling me again about faults..blah blah and we seem to be no further forward.

Unfortunately we placed a "Start of Stopped Line" order which means that the work is done externally and the engineer doesn't visit your property/we're not able to ask our suppliers to arrange an appointment for these type of orders.

Normally from this point it'd be a straight forward process to raise a fault and task an engineer back out there to visit your property but each time we're raising a fault on your line it's simply getting cancelled due to an open activity somewhere on the back end Openreach systems which we're working with our suppliers to resolve.

I'm assuming you didn't know your master socket wasn't connected? Had you/we known we could've placed a "Line Installation" order in the first instance which we can arrange an engineer visit for.


User name is [Removed] (as you seem to have found).

I used your email address from your forum profile, I'd recommend editing your username from your post in a public forum.


Again apologies for the inconvenience caused here.

Moderator's note by Dick (Strat): Personal information removed from a public forum (to an area that staff can see).

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎11-07-2018

Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

Of course the fact the master socket was fixed to the wall made me think there was a connection. Until I moved in and investigated further I couldn’t know it wasn’t wired up,
I’m still not really seeing a time frame for resolution.
The jargon you use means nothing to me, I just want the service you just billed me for which I don’t have
Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎22-06-2018

Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

Nigelb, i can sympathise, you will get pushed from pillar to post and then your issue wont be the connection it will be the customer service. If you need help going to ombudsman let me know.
Community Gaffer
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Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

Of course the fact the master socket was fixed to the wall made me think there was a connection. Until I moved in and investigated further I couldn’t know it wasn’t wired up,

Absolutely, I appreciate that. Unfortunately we weren't aware of this either.


I’m still not really seeing a time frame for resolution.

Your case handler isn't in the office right now, but I'll find out where we're at when he's in.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎11-07-2018

Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

No-one knew the master socket was not connected. I don't blame PlusNet for this, it is just the time it has taken to resolve and the extremely incompetent way that it has been dealt with that I find unacceptable.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

Sorry to hear that.

I've chased this up with Openreach and the adviser has said the open stray order should complete within the next 24 hours.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎11-07-2018

Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

Indeed Dabbler, that is one of the issues I have had with this company.

Not sure if going to the Ombudsman would achieve much at this stage; I guess it is more likely to slow up the process of getting a service. PlusNet seem to be blaming Openreach for the delay. We have been waiting nearly two weeks now for this mess to be sorted. (Not long judging by some of the Trust pilot reviews but annoying nonetheless.)

My contract was coming to an end in July at around the time that I was moving house so I called up PlusNet to see what they would offer. They came up with a decent price offer and swallowed the costs of moving which gave them an advantage over other companies. There was supposed to be a "stop" on the line and there were costs to have the line re-activated (so I was told).

I later responded to a message in the members centre and got a further reduction in the monthly costs so price-wise PlusNet are really good. Here the positive points end.

I was informed that the line would be active on the 29th, with a commitment to update if this was to change. (At this time I was not aware that the line into the flat was not connected.)

No update was received and I called on Monday to ask what was going on. I was told that there was an issue at the exchange. Of course no-one had told me about this.

By this time I had discovered the master socket was not connected and told the PlusNet employee on Monday about this. They were going to sort it out of course - everyone I have dealt with has promised to do this.

I tried the chat on Friday 6th. No luck here either. The person did not seem to understand the issue. They kept telling me to connect the router and it would work, which of course was impossible!

Eventually I made her understand and she told me that only provisioning could deal with this. She wanted me to call them but I refused and she did call me. Sounds good but then she just transferred me to provisioning and I was on hold again!!

I gave up that day.

My daughter tried again this week as I could not face a call to PlusNet again with the regular 20-30 minutes hold. She got nowhere of course.

Anyway...these are the issues:

1. Call wait times are unacceptable. I notice here and on Trust Pilot that the PlusNet staff always say that at the time of writing the wait is short but this has never been my experience, no matter what time you call. Maybe PlusNet should cut down on their advertising and employ more staff? Radical solution I know.


2. It is impossible to "raise a ticket" as I was advised to do at one point. How do you do this? The contact pages just go round in circles. Contact us always take you back to chat or phone options and then you lose loads of time hanging on the phone.

When PlusNet do open a ticket to supply information, as others have said elsewhere, they close it off very early so the customer can't respond. Questions are "on hold" then "off hold", whatever that means.

3. As I have said pricing is good but I can't say the customer-facing part of the business works at all well, whether it is the call wait times or the website where it is impossible to raise a ticket. Individually PlusNet staff (when you get to talk to them) are friendly people so this is not a personal attack.

It's all very well blaming Openreach but we as customers are not permitted to deal with them direct so we have to deal with ISPs like PlusNet.

Finally "Hi" to all PlusNet staff I have dealt with. For example:-

[CSA Removed] - didn't understand the issue with the unconnected master socket; [CSA Removed] in complaints; [CSA Removed] who promised to call me but did not. Great people all I am sure but working for a company which does not really work.

Moderator's note by Dick (Strat): CSA name(s) removed (to an area staff can see) as per Forum rules.









Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎11-07-2018

Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

Why can't you speak in plain language? What does "open stray order" mean?

Does this mean Openreach can finally find their way to my property to make the connection which will take maybe five minutes?

Posts: 13
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Registered: ‎26-06-2018

Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

@nigelb why couldnt you connect the box yourself? It's an absolute doddle to do. Would have saved you all this hassle..

Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎11-07-2018

Re: Horrific Trustpilot Reviews

Quite. If the colours had been blue/white etc I would have done but these are not the colours which I have plus technically you are not supposed to touch BT equipment