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How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

Still no email, still no DPD communication, still no mifi delivery, despite the earlier post here saying it should be delivered today. You can see why I'm doubting that this thing is on its way, can't you? Any luck with asking the other team about it? Thanks.
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

We've checked and I'm afraid it's not possible to find that information I'm afraid.

Whilst we can see it has been ordered that's as far as we can see the information on it.


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 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

If it's been ordered, where is the email I was told I would get when it was ordered? Where is the DPD delivery information? Until I see at least one of those, I don't think it has been ordered. Please order it. Thanks.
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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

To look at this another way, your colleague said it was ordered yesterday and would come today. It hasn't. What are Plusnet now doing about the mifi which DPD have lost? How will they contact them to report it lost and get it tracked? Or do you just let couriers steal mifis because literally no-one at Plusnet has the tracking numbers?
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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

I suspect that the provision of this device might be facilitated by a hand-off to EE and as such Plusnet do not have access to the delivery information ... as one might hope they do.

@NickBS - would you have any pan-brand knowledge which might help here please?

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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

Thanks as ever Townman!

I still don't get what Plusnet would do about a hypothetically lost Mifi. I get that it might be given longer before it was actually declared lost, but there still must be something that could be done in that situation to get it looked into – so why can't that channel of communication also be used now?

Seven days away from being allowed to break my Plusnet contract if this isn't fixed, and if they can't even get me this extremely belatedly offered Mifi in a timely and traceable fashion, it's getting more and more tempting. It's just not acceptable that the only way a customer can get any real help is to go from zero to "Grafter" on a forum, and I'm getting really tired of the 'graft'.
Rising Star
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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

Still no text or email about a Mifi delivery. Please can you send me one by same-day delivery today please?
Rising Star
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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

DPD delivery texts always come before 11am. It's now after 11am. I once again have no DPD delivery text. I still don't even have any email to say a Mifi has been ordered. I simply do not believe one is ever coming - can you blame me?

@MatthewWheeler @ClaudiaG23 @willcutforth I'm at the end of my tether here. (And unable to tether...)

Let's fast-forward to a week after you'd ordered this thing and it still hadn't shown up. What would you do then? Still nothing? Or can you just get on with doing whatever it would be, now? Please get me a MiFi today. My connection has been down since 12 December. (And for one day the week before that too.) Why do I not have a Mifi yet?

You've been personally very helpful but it's painfully clear Plusnet just don't have the systems in place to help customers when they have problems. What can I do to escalate this? Email the CEO?!? Phone up every hour to ask where my Mifi is? Whatever it takes, let me know.

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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

28 days compensation is now due and that totals over £260.

Might this 4G & 5G Home Broadband Deals | Unlimited Home Broadband | Three be a proficient way of getting you out of your non-connectivity?  £24 for a one-month rolling contract ... and the device is yours?

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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

@Townman Thanks, but the coverage checker says they can't do my address for their main 4G/5G broadband for some reason (very odd, I'm in inner London, you'd think they'd have the coverage!). But it does look like they might be able to offer something similar for the price you said, on 4G, so that's worth considering.

I will investigate my options with other providers too as I think 3's capacity is a bit ropy around my way, my wife used to use them on her phone and left them as a result.

I do resent having to do this when Plusnet said they'd sent me something themselves, but you're right that this looks increasingly like my only hope of getting back online any time soon when Plusnet simply aren't capable of helping.

Thanks again!

Plusnet Help Team
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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

I'm afraid it isn't possible for us to do that @paulspeller even if we wanted to as the MiFi boxes aren't ours and are EE branded.

We can request another is sent out but if you do end up with two you would need to send the other back

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 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

Hmmm ... thought that this might be a hand-off to EE giving rise to inter-divisional communication and control challenges.

@NickBS - do you have the "reach" to pipe-clean this please?

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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

Thanks for offering @MatthewWheeler but I don't think there's much point you repeating this same ordering process that has failed to deliver once, rather than trying to get to the bottom of what's gone wrong with it on this first occasion.

I still haven't seen an answer to the question of what you would do if the device still hadn't turned up a week or a fortnight or whatever after you were convinced it had been ordered/sent. Surely then there would be a way to get this tracked and traced through the system to see what's gone wrong? And if so, why can't that be done now?

Anyway after Townman's suggestion earlier I'm going to buy one month of unlimited data on an old Lebara SIM I've found and tether to that - I'm done with waiting for Plusnet, they're clearly systemically incapable of helping customers when they have long-running faults (even when they manage to find helpful staff by coming to this forum). Thanks anyway.

Rising Star
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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

Of course giving up on getting help and spending £25 on a mobile data package myself was the way to make my broadband finally start working again after 24 days down.

Presumably Openreach knew it was nearly fixed and could have told me not to bother buying the data if they'd just given any update at all, but I assume they didn't since Plusnet hadn't passed any news onto me for a couple of days?

Is there an update from Openreach now? Is it permanently fixed?
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: How has Plusnet support gone so badly wrong?

I'm glad to hear it's back up and running now.

Unfortunately, there's no notes from our suppliers just yet but our Customer Assist Team will chase that up for you and get in touch with you later today

After the 3rd of November I will have a limited presence here as I have moved to a new role
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 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team