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How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

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Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

@ad47uk wrote:

Just heard about the price rises and once again we are having to pay more for line rental, we use it less  and yet have to pay more. 

Line rental pays mainly for the upkeep of your telephone line and associated infrastructure - something that is essential for your broadband service. Your rarely used voice service is a small part of that- a couple of quid most likely.

It would be more clear if, as another poster suggested, the three components were billed separately but dropping the voice service wouldn't save much money. BT released a product last year that allows CPs to drop the voice service but it's not widely available doesn't save a huge amount.


However I do agree that Line Rental is being abused by CPs as a way to claw back the losses on their broadband packages. It's annoying but most likely if they didn't put Line Rental up they'd put broadband up.

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Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

I can see PN are increasing prices slightly, if those on the 40/20 are getting upto 52 soon then why are those of use not getting an increase in speed to maybe 100meg on the 80/20 package?

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Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

I'm assuming you're on the up to 76Mb/s product? If so that's the highest wholesale service we can provide on FTTC.

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Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

Does section 18.3 of the terms and conditions apply if your upload speed gets reduced?

18.3. If any change is to your material disadvantage (and isn't as set out in paragraph 18.1.5) you may end our agreement for any affected service by giving us notice of your intention to leave within 30 days' of our notice. If you do so, then:

18.3.1. you won't have to pay any increased price or charge for your service during the notice period;

18.3.2. even if our agreement has a minimum term you may end our agreement for any affected service without paying any early termination charges; and

18.3.3. we'll also end our agreement for any other service(s) that cannot be provided without the service you have chosen to end (and you won't have to pay early termination charges for the other service(s)).

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Registered: ‎28-06-2016

Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

No, according to HarryB  I am on the 40/20 service since November 2014.

It looks like my upload speed will be dropped in September and assuming that happens I shall consider whether to remain a PN customer. If I jump ship I can be eligible for special offers that are not available to long term customers.


My inertia is very low having been with BT, O2, and now PN. Moving ISP is very easy especially when the ISP improves your service by making it worse.




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Registered: ‎28-06-2016

Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother



Thanks for the information. Your suggestion that I upgrade my package (and pay more) to stay where I am will be taken into consideration when looking at service from other ISPs.

Posts: 15
Registered: ‎11-11-2015

Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

I don't suppose this is grounds for early exit is it ?


I doubt it is, but doesn't hurt to ask - SSE have got an amazing deal on at the moment which i'd love to take, but i'm locked in to PN until October unfortunately.

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Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

yes it is - grounds for early exit that is after you receive the notification email

Posts: 15
Registered: ‎11-11-2015

Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

that's fantastic, thankyou.   i haven't had an email yet, but i assume they'll be sent out before the 1st of August at least.   I've got unlimited broadband and anytime calls with PN, all of which are going up.


The SSE deal is for unlimited fibre broadband for 18 months with anytime calls for £21 a month which is a steal, so the sooner i can get in on that the better.


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Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

There are some doubts with respect to their network capacity (how much they pay for from Daisy)

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Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

alanf wrote:

I see that the price of Evenings and Weekends is increasing. As a long standing customer I currently have E&W included at no additional cost to my line rental charge. Will this continue?

I believe this continues as is.

@Chris Please let me know for sure whether or not this is the case.

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Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

@alanf The Evening and Weekends included package won't be changing.

After the 3rd of November I will have a limited presence here as I have moved to a new role
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 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

since they reducing their uploads speed that means they are going to be the same as any other provider, so there is nothing really to hold people back. 

I had a email today from plusnet, saying that my line rental is going up, broadband is staying the same and I can keep my free weekend and evening calls. thank you plusnet for allowing me to keep something I do not use, that is very nice of you. I do not even have a phone on the landline, if it was not for broadband I would get rid of the landline.  So I am paying a extra quid a month for What?  nothing.

There is no need for the high line rental price, it is just a swiz because these telecom companies can get away with it and what is so stupid is that BT Wholesale have reduced the price of line rental.

Money for old rope it really is and it is about time the government got of their useless backsides and did something about it. When they had a chance to split BT up they failed on that. Why is the government so scared of large companies and yet they stamp on smaller ones? that also includes local government as well.

As you can tell, i am annoyed, fed up of being treated the way we are. 






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Registered: ‎20-04-2015

Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

abused? you mean they know we have little choice so crank up the price because we have to pay it.

It is a shame there is no choice here but to use Bt naff network, Bt may say it is high tech, but it still mainly relies on copper cables that have had their day.  BT would not know high tech if it bit them on the Backside.


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Registered: ‎20-04-2015

Re: How long before Plusnet put up their prices to follow big brother

I can leave early, but since i only got a month left it will make no difference as I have to give 30 days anyway. so i will have a look around and see what is available, may even go back to ADSL, find a cheap ADSL package and a cheap line rental or just use the internet less and go for mobile broadband.