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I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

Posts: 6
Registered: ‎23-01-2010

I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

I have moved my phone to BT and now going to request my MAC code 1st thing tomorrow morning. Been a PN victim for three months. paying £35 a month for 500kbps in the evening and no resolution anytime soon! No refund or reduced rates, in fact I have been charged twice for November.
So its good bye, don't care about the inevitable leaving charge, which is a disgrace. So be warned! Plusnet are link:censored
adie:red avoidance of swear filter removed as per link:rules]
Posts: 5,560
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

Hi there,
I can see you've got a fault raised, and would recommend you allowing us to arrange an engineer visit. Your speed is slower than it should be, and remote diagnostics have not shown the reason for this.
I know this can be frustrating, but it's likely that if you move to another supplier before the fault is resolved that it would re-occur.
Posts: 6
Registered: ‎23-01-2010

Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

but have you seen how long the fault has been an issue? Not only that, I have been over charged, staff have ordered services for me when I have only made an enquiry.

I have been a Plusnet customer since mid November 09 and I still have the lowest speeds in the world.
Thursday I was unable to connect to the internet. I had to keep resetting my router, which would only work for 10 minutes. And as a result missed a deadline for my wages submission.

No-one has responded to my last Ticket and still have not.
I never get answers to difficult questions. So, all said and done I don't want this kind of service. I am paying stupid money every month for 500kbps.
I have a running battle with my old ISP because of something they never received electronically from my new supplier, so I am being billed by them as well. I requested that Plusnet sort it, and all I get sent is an invoice for my first bill.  I informed my previous ISP I was migrating away, and Plusbnet said they would handle everything. I am getting very irritated at companies that supply a service and act as if they are doing me a favour!! Sick of it, and Plusnet are no better..
I know what will happen, BT (your supplier) will say it's a client fault and I will get a massive bill.
And guess what my previous supplier was Tiscali, I never had this problem with them! What a fool I was thinking the grass was greener, that'll  teach me. Martin Lewis's advice, COL (cry out loud).
Even though Tiscali were equally rubbish on the customer service side. That's perhaps a little harsh, Plusnet are a fair bit better, but it's action I want not chit chat..
One thing you are all experts at, and that is taking my $'s!!!!
Put it like this, when I do move away, whoever I move to, can't do any worse!
And that will be once I have received my MAC code, which I am still waiting for incidentally, Tiscali managed to get it to me within 10 minutes...
O2 have a 50 day money back guarantee and have a Which magazine endorsement.
Plusnet don't!
Sorry, but you may have to face the fact that you are working for a company that is all hype... Cry
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎19-07-2007

Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

If you read other posts on this forum you'll find that Tiscali/TalkTalk have the nasty habit of not bothering to cancel a direct debit even after you've migrated out, you can phone them lots of times and get no where with them, until you cancel the direct debit yourself and then get nasty letters from them about sending in the debt collectors!
As has been pointed out though, moving won't solve your issue, if it's a fault with the line then when you switch providers the fault on the line will still exist and you'll receive the same problem with your next ISP, though I'm not sure they will have a forum where the ISP staff will come along and sort your issue out for you.
Generally speaking, when an issue is within PN's means to fix, they tend to fix it very quickly, the only issue is when it's things outside PN's control so they have to rely on a 3rd party to get things done.  I would try and sort out Tiscali though.
Posts: 92
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Registered: ‎24-05-2009

Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

As long as you don't owe Tiscali anything, just tell your bank to delete the direct debit mandate (or with most banks you can do this online).
Then Tiscali cannot request anything from your bank automatically.
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Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

I am not a lawyer.

However, if a company sends you two or more letters demanding payment for services that have been terminated, and you have informed them of that, then any further letters "could" be termed as "Harrassment"....
see this page
In particular this section....

(1) Every individual has a right to be free from harassment and, accordingly, a person must not pursue a course of conduct which amounts to harassment of another and—
(a) is intended to amount to harassment of that person; or
(b) occurs in circumstances where it would appear to a reasonable person that it would amount to harassment of that person.
(2) An actual or apprehended breach of subsection (1) may be the subject of a claim in civil proceedings by the person who is or may be the victim of the course of conduct in question; and any such claim shall be known as an action of harassment.
(3) For the purposes of this section—
     “conduct” includes speech;
     “harassment” of a person includes causing the person alarm or distress; and
a course of conduct must involve conduct on at least two occasions.

(the colouring is mine)
so if you have informed them that you are no longer a customer, and do not receive their services, and they proceed to send further demands, with threats of bailiffs, this can be classed as "harrassment" under the "Protection from Harassment Act 1997"
You should then send them a recorded delivery, and address it, and naming them, (not Dear sir....)  to the person who sends you the demands, informing them that the current action they are taking contravenes this act and if it does not cease immediately, then they are liable to court action which may result in them being imprisoned.....
You can also use this act, if you get annoying telephone calls from banks/building societies/credit cards etc.....
It is worth having a read of the act, so that you can "import" into your letter any relevant lines of text. quoting the source...

Posts: 6
Registered: ‎23-01-2010

Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

Thanks for the Harassment info. I think that will a well used argument in the coming months.
One of the first things I did was cancel the DD...
Ok, so PN are at the mercy of BT, what about the overcharging and ordering services I have not? Not answering awkward questions, not responding to Tickets. That's not BT's fault is it? Taking 7 weeks and counting to resolve my wonderful 500kbs.
And I still have not seen a MAC code yet?
Plusnet Staff, you can't please everyone all of the time, just accept that Plusnet do not get it right all of the time!
I think I have been patient enough and given PN every opportunity to deal with my speed problem.  People who receive poor service have learned that voting with their feet may actually serve its purpose. And hopefully companies will realise that they can no longer wrap people up in small print, sting people with financial penalties for not wanting to receive poor service.
Call me fickle, but I for one have had enough of companies doing me favours..  And if Plusnet want to take me to court for cancelling my DD on them before their say so, BRING IT ON!!!!
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎19-07-2007

Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

For PlusNet, every post like this ends up a learning experience for them.  Someone like Mand will come along and read this threat and then check your tickets, they will try to find out what caused the issue with your tickets and have a "quiet word" with those involved (if needed).  Few ISP's do that, they stick with the script no matter how bad the script is so the next time a person has the same issue, they get the same response.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

Hi Rubbish,
I'm sorry to hear that things haven't gone well with the fault, I'd be happy to send out the test router for you and move things on fault wise if that makes no difference if you'd be willing to give us another chance.
If not then I apologise that we couldn't get things working for you, thanks very much for your custom and best wishes with the new provider.
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎02-09-2009

Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

I have also recently moved to Plusnet and found that it is easier to talk to them on-line than many other companies, but still difficult to always get the answer to the actual question you have put, particularly if you ask two questions you are likely only to get the answer to the first one.
I think I am going to stay long enough to make a proper assessment although at the moment I get different figures to the queries about my account than actually appear on the PN web site.
There is one thing I would like to know from all you knowledgable folk out there.  When you have raised a ticket and left your message, it says (near the button) something like Add More Information or Close The Question.  The only time I have taken any notice of this I did not get an answer and I have hitherto thought that you should not close the question until you have had an answer.
To sum up, I don't really know if I did not get an answer by sheer coincidence or whether I should NOT have Closed the Question.  Sad
Posts: 208
Registered: ‎06-09-2007

Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

If you close the question, you're telling the system you don't need any more info, everything's resolved.  So you should leave it open till you're done.
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Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

You need to leave the question open until you're happy with the reply and resolution you get. If you hit 'close question' then we lose visibility of that ticket in the CSC workflows (we can still see it as a closed ticket on your account but can't reply as it's closed).
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
Posts: 6
Registered: ‎23-01-2010

Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

I have finally moved to O2, and my speed has exceeded advertised speeds. So what were you playing at Plusnet? I believe you use ADSL2 technology just as 02. The problem is that you over-subscribe.
Shame on you.  And then you slam people with unfair charges for getting cheesed off with your flannel and leaving early.  I was told by Plusnet staff that I had been put on a Banded profile which PN were having trouble getting removed, and indeed did not all the time I was a PN victim! Hence slow speeds. So you knew all along what the problem was but tried to get BT to my house and no doubt I would have been victim of trumped up charges..
O2 give you 30 days satisfaction pledge and two months free.. I for one am very happy that I have an ISP that is not all hype. And yes O2 also have Forums contrary to Plusnets evangelists!!!
I would recommend anyone to complain to BBC watchdog and the Telecoms Ombudsman. As far as I am concerned this behaviour is fraud, and PN hide behind smallprint. Shamelessly taking peoples hard earned cash.

Good bye RubbishNet.....I will be telling everyone to avoid Plusnet like the ebola...

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Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

So you have jumped ship over something that would of got fixed,anyway take a look at my links below at just how not fast and happy 02 customers are with there broadband Smiley
I could go on and on but i became bored.Enjoy your time with o2 Smiley
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
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Re: I am leaving good ****** bye Rubbishnet

If he has problems with O2 he's unlikely to come back in here to tell us about it Tongue Wink
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To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine