I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
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- Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I...
I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 11:34 AM
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After 12 long months with Plusnet and with a blistering speed of under 2mbits (sometimes even slower than an old dial-up account) I find that my contract with Plusnet is nearly at it's end.
I have tried to be satisfied with poor speeds, poor customer service, wrong billing and a host of other things but am AGAIN at my wits end now the month has come full circle.
I have tried too many times to communicate via the online system but have had more luck contacting the dead with an old Ouija Board.
I have telephoned and had rudeness beyond belief.
I have paid for everything... lots of times TWICE over but my billing, service and speed has never even approached the service I got from Tiscali.
I was with Plusnet and Force 9 when the company was a new born baby and the service was great but the lovely baby grew up into a teenager who wants locking up and the key throwing away.
Last month the billing was sorted... I was to be given a discount on my PLUSNET PRO account so it would only cost me £18 amonth!!! Just for correcting the billing I posted this:
Quote from: Orkney Forgive me if I'm wrong to post this here but I only joined the forum to leave comments about a member of PlusNets Staff. Sadly, it seems I can't name him but I hope he and PlusNet realises who I'm refering to!
Dear Mr S.S,
I am writing to thank you personally for the time you took to sort out problems with my PlusNet account. As I told you over the telephone, I have been almost at breaking point through the inability of the other PlusNet employees to sort out my problems... So much so that I have been unable to answer some support tickets and found it impossible to telephone because of my nerves. I have had to get someone else to ring on my behalf almost since the start of service with PlusNet. Every time I telephoned or raised a support ticket it seemed to mess things up yet more and more.
I was originally with Force 9 way back in time when they first started and a fast connection could only be obtained by using a 28k modem! Since then I have been with numerous ISPs and have had to ditch them all in search of better service. At long last I decided to come ‘home’ to PlusNet AKA Force 9 and now both part of BT.
Since returning I have regretted it more than words can say... until today, when I was lucky enough to speak to you. Your immediate insight into exactly what was wrong with everything and the prompt and courteous way you dealt with me was exemplary and confounding at the same time. You did what everyone else had failed to do or even see. Truly, it was like a magic trick right before my eyes and felt as if a huge weight had been taken off my shoulders after trying and telling others what was wrong but they either didn’t agree with me or just couldn’t see it. You saw everything and corrected things in the most professional manner.
I think we all know today how telephoning companies, listening to the music, the menus and getting nowhere drives people to the brink. You did the exact opposite and finally restored my faith in PlusNet and you’re certainly an asset that they should hold to no matter what. I had already asked for my MAC code and would have DEFINATLY left this time had it not been for you.
I don’t want to go on and on but I believe credit should be given where it is due. I have NEVER written or given a testimonial about anyone or any service before but felt compelled to do so on this occasion.
Your manner of talking and writing was something from the past which I had thought had been lost forever but am glad to see is still alive and kicking with-in the building that houses the PlusNet offices in Sheffield.
You used an old fashioned word... GRACE. I’d like to use that word too and thank you for your grace, understanding, politeness and selfless service.
I hope that by writing this PlusNet realise how lucky they are to have you onboard and that they reward you in some way, as you should be rewarded.
I wish you success in your career and send my sincere best wishes for the future.
Mike Newport-Ball
In response I received:
Dear Mr Newport-Ball,
Thankyou for contacting us regarding your account and for your overwhelmingly positive feedback regarding your conversation with my colleague Sam.
this has been passed on to our internal recognition forums and also puts him forward for a potential customer services award within the industry.
Please don't hesitate to contact us again regarding your account if you have any other questions
Kind regards,
I've just received my bill for this month:
Scheduled Payments
Name Michael Newport-Ball
Company N/A
Address ***********
KW16 ***
E-mail Mike@
This is not a VAT invoice
Invoice Number 21585634
Date 11/07/2010
Customer ***********
1 Call charge for the period to 11/07/2010 £0.35 £0.06 £0.41
1 Unlimited charge for the period 11-07-2010 to 10-08-2010 £17.38 £3.04 £20.42
1 Value Pro - Market 1 & 2 charge for the period 11-07-2010 to 10-08-2010 £17.01 £2.98 £19.99
1 Talk Anytime Line Rent charge for the period 11-07-2010 to 10-08-2010 £9.57 £1.68 £11.25
1 Caller Display charge for the period 11-07-2010 to 10-08-2010 £0.84 £0.15 £0.99
1 Call Plan charge for the period 11-07-2010 to 10-08-2010 £4.26 £0.74 £5.00
1 Special Offer Discount -£1.69 -£0.30 -£1.99
Net Amount £47.72
VAT Amount @ 17.5% £8.35
Invoice Total £56.07
I don't want to pay TWICE for my broadband every month. I don't want caller display as no one ever rings me except TALK TALK!
If you vote 'GO' please mail me at Michael@Orkney-Media.com and tell me who you're moving to... Thanks!
N.B. Plusnet staff are not allowed to vote as it's against OFCOM rules.
Calls may be monitored for security purposes.
We do value your custom but all our operators are busy at the moment so please hold and listen to the vile music.
Please press 1 for this and 2 for that etc... "Hello how may I serve you today?" Emm well, I pressed 8 so don't you know? "No sir, whatever you press you come through to the first available person who gets paid for scr*wing up your mind, waisting your time and charging you for it via your phone bill"
"I've NOT done anything you've asked... so is there anything else I can NOT do for you today?
"Sorry sir I can't hear you!"
"Don't forget you can always do whatever your not going to be able to do by talking to a customer service agent on our web site at www.wedriveyoumad.com/myaccount"
"Now sir, everything has been done. We'll take your money this month and refund it next month so it's in our bank account and earning us interest for the month" ( A PLUSNET FAVOURITE)
MUST I GO ON? No wonder people are going around shooting folk!
Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 12:24 PM
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I received my MAC this morning and am not interested in the deal offered, i have already signed up with my new ISP. I tried to explain why i was leaving with the telephone agent but he didnt understand!
Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 12:48 PM
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Caller display was 'stuck' on, I have removed this manually from the provisioning system.
Our accounting system was trying to hold you to a contract on Unlimited and hence was billing you for this as well as your Pro subscription.
I have reported both of these issues to our Development Team under reference task 312040. This should be actioned in time for your next billing date. We will also refund the extra charges (£21.41) as soon as they clear.
With regards to your speed issues, your current line profile is 2500kbps, your estimate is 2000kbps. Your profile has dropped to 1750kbps on two occasions so it appears that the line is performing pretty much within expectations. However, the faults team have never been asked to investigate any potential issue. Please report this at http://faults.plus.net and we'll see if there's anything that they can do.
Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 12:56 PM
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If your line is only rated at 2500 kbs then you will not get any more by going elsewhere.
Stay and help us get Plusnet to publish the report that we all know will show no one has been taken to court. this will prove to people that they are the ISP who stands up for its subscribers.
Plusnet have been very good at solving all my issues in the past (I have been with them for 10 years) and it is just this one issue that i am concerned about.
Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 1:12 PM
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Quote from: mrmarkus1981 My vote : GO
I received my MAC this morning and am not interested in the deal offered, i have already signed up with my new ISP. I tried to explain why i was leaving with the telephone agent but he didnt understand!
Thanks mate. So that's ONE vote to GO...
Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 1:14 PM
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Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 1:20 PM
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Quote from: BenTrimble My vote: stay, to prove that we can address these issues.
Caller display was 'stuck' on, I have removed this manually from the provisioning system.
Our accounting system was trying to hold you to a contract on Unlimited and hence was billing you for this as well as your Pro subscription.
I have reported both of these issues to our Development Team under reference task 312040. This should be actioned in time for your next billing date. We will also refund the extra charges (£21.41) as soon as they clear.
With regards to your speed issues, your current line profile is 2500kbps, your estimate is 2000kbps. Your profile has dropped to 1750kbps on two occasions so it appears that the line is performing pretty much within expectations. However, the faults team have never been asked to investigate any potential issue. Please report this at http://faults.plus.net and we'll see if there's anything that they can do.
Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 1:24 PM
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Quote from: mrmarkus1981 Do you stay in Orkney, or is it a random username?
Yes mate I do live on Orkney

Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 1:37 PM
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You may be stuck with BT wholesale if not!
Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 1:49 PM
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Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 1:57 PM
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Quote from: BenTrimble The Support Team asked for further information on 05/05/10 14:00 but this went un-answered. We'd love the chance to resolve the issues that you've been experiencing, but we need you to perform various checks from your side before we can do that. These checks are presented to you when you fill in the fault checker at http://faults.plus.net , this will culminate in the report being sent through to the Faults Team for further investigation.
I'm certainly not answering the reply you sent out about the fault. It had everything in it for me to do and check and treated me like a child. I don't need this kind of thing. I've been on the net since day one and all the info you wanted was a sheer waste of my time. I'm no newbie. When I spoke to staff they didn't know the meaning of the words or the errors I was giving them. My end is PERFECT and so is my equipment and settings. I SPOKE TO PLUSNET STAFF AND THE RESULTING REPLY WAS FOR ONE... "THAT'S A BIT TECHNICAL FOR ME EVEN THOUGH I'M IN THAT DEPT. I'VE ONLY BEEN HERE SIX MONTHS AND PART-TIME 18 MONTHS!!! HAD NONE OF THIS WITH BT OR TISCALI.
Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 2:10 PM
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Quote from: BenTrimble
Caller display was 'stuck' on, I have removed this manually from the provisioning system.
Our accounting system was trying to hold you to a contract on Unlimited and hence was billing you for this as well as your Pro subscription.
I have reported both of these issues to our Development Team under reference task 312040. This should be actioned in time for your next billing date. We will also refund the extra charges (£21.41) as soon as they clear.
Goodness how many more times do I have to be given different excuses and told it'll ALL be OK next month... I am NOT prepared for you to take the money out of my bank account yet again and then refund me... I'm tired of it every month!
Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 2:21 PM
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Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 2:29 PM
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You are obviously so wound up and stressed by all this that staying with Plusnet is just not worth the hassle. Your health and well-being are more important than broadband.
I speak as someone who has been with Force 9 for six years and very happy with the service although in the past I too had mega billing problems relating to Home Phone.
It was so complicated that even the staff couldn't sort it and it went on for a few months. We ended up agreeing to some kind of discount and that was it.
Am now with BT and the billing is spot on.
I would say try some other company even if only for peace of mind.
Good luck.
Re: I'm FREE to leave PLUSNET... Do I STAY or do I GO? YOU DECIDE!
12-07-2010 2:42 PM
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The Direct Debit has already been requested so we cannot stop this from our side. I wouldn't recommend cancelling the mandate at your bank because restrictions will be placed on your account when payment fails which will take further time and costs to resolve.
If you want to progress a fault without performing any internal equipment / wiring checks then that's fine by us, so long as you're aware that there will be a £164.50 charge if the fault is proven to be with either your internal wiring or equipment.
I tried to call you to discuss your options and left a message. If you'd like our help then just please let us know.
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