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IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

Posts: 34
Registered: ‎03-08-2015

Re: Can you get moved from 146 range on request ?

Is the reason for wanting more IPs not so they can take on more users given they must have had enough to go around before, if it that is correct my expectation that they could treat their existing users better is perfectly reasonable is it not? 

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Re: Can you get moved from 146 range on request ?

You are correct that more IPs are required for a growing user base.  However your sentiment that Plusnet is deliberating mis-treating users is a wee bit unfair.  As I have shown the same information about the Geolocation of these IP addresses is being reported (and published) differently by different providers.  Plusnet has previously sought to correct publisher's errors, but it would appear that the problems remain or return.

Fixing this issue once and for all, is likely to require someone to go fix the business processes of each of the Geo IP data providers who persist on getting the information wrong ... whilst others clearly are able to get it right.  This is no simple task and is way beyond the remit of any single ISP.  The following are potential permanent resolutions to the issue...

  1. Understand how / why different providers deliver different results and attempt to remove the means of incorrect reporting
  2. Influence different data providers to use the same methods to produce consistent results
  3. Get users of Geo IP data to switch away from those suppliers providing duff data
  4. Plusnet to stop expanding and thereby not need to acquire previously loved IP ranges

I hope you can see that none of the above are overly attractive to any individual ISP.  Personally I favour (1) - if that can be understood and addressed, it prevents the possibility of any provider (doing it right or wrong) getting and publishing incorrect results.  There is a SU discussion in progress on this difficult issue.

However I suggest that there is a much more powerful approach to attaining resolution of this issue, one very much in the hands of the affected users.  If all of the users encountering this issue complained to the service (website) provider they are seeking to place business with, that THEIR Geo IP data is flawed (bad data has been provided by the website's supplier) and suggested that such bad practices is costing them UK based business ... they may be they might go and fix THEIR own issues in using an unreliable provider of Geo IP data.

Being able to show them the very visible ambiguity of the location of these clearly UK based ISPs might be sufficient for them to correct a problem material to their business growth themselves.  After all a failure on the part of their data supplier is causing them lost business.  Having a number of data consumers ditch bad suppliers ought to be more influential than one little UK ISP (compared to the many around the globe) attempting to alter the practices which give rise to the issue.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 34
Registered: ‎03-08-2015

Re: Can you get moved from 146 range on request ?

I'm not saying they're deliberately mistreating anyone, I'd like to think they had no intention of creating this mess, just they were a bit lazy with their due diligence in buying ex US IPs given they know full well from past history that that situation can occur.


It would be nice to see evidence of them being a tad more proactive given the large number of affected users they are taking a monthly fee from. Your customer based approach is wishful thinking given it will be a tiny number of a companies potential customers having problems and to that end most give an optional redirect to cope with these instances so aren't going to be that bothered. From personal experience the best you can expect is the typical IT type response of "it works fine at our end".



Anyway, none of this is getting us anywhere but it just adds checking a history of this type of thing to the list of things to be considered when looking for a new ISP.

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Re: Can you get moved from 146 range on request ?

Just a correction, they did not buy ex US ISP's IP addresses, they reused and recovered them from other parts of the BT Group.

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Re: Can you get moved from 146 range on request ?

I am not sure what due diligence you expect.  The ARIN (registrar of the IP range) database records show Plusnet as being the owner of these IP addresses.  Some of the Geo IP location data providers report this correctly, whilst others do not and have been quite variable in what they report.

This being the case, how do you think any ISP can (should) manage the issue better?  You'll need to know and be able to verify this when looking for a different ISP whom you believe has the power to fix the whole world of all of it's ills.  It is not just an ex-USA problem; even reusing IP addresses within the RIPE domain (covering UK and Europe) could have the same complications.

This matter is not closed, investigation into potential remedies are on going, but expectations need to be managed aligned to the facts ... not good intentioned wishful thinking.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎10-01-2018

Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here


Ive just got this problem, issue is this, Lastpassword uses geoloaction to verify my location before allowing me to sign in, its now saying im in the USA.

Did a iplocation check on

Shows my IP as

3 of the 5 databases listed on the site show this as a US IP address, hense why I can't login.

Whom needs to be correcting this, and is there anyway for me to get a new IP? Restarting my router over and over again?

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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

On the basis that from the same source of information. 2 distributors of geolocation data can report correctly, it somewhat suggests it’s the other 3 who’ve got it wrong and need to clean up their act.

However even after they’ve done that, the consumers of the geolocation data will need to be taking regular refreshed of said data - emperical evidence suggests some do not.


Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 34
Registered: ‎03-08-2015

Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

Hi Treefrog, despite this lot having no grasp on what good customer service is all about ie if you're taking money for a service and you can easily put a problem right, whether it's of your making or not, you should do, PlusNet themselves do actually care if you contact them.


My missus tweeted them about the problems she was having and they came back a few days later and said 'they'd done some work' and could she reboot the router. Hey presto, different IP and all is now fine and dandy. Thank you PlusNet, always been impressed with the service up to this point and you have restored my faith.



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Registered: ‎15-08-2016

Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

I wonder if PN can help me too. I can no longer use Last pass as it reckons I am in Segundo California and not where I think I am, in the UK.  Other sites such as speed checkers also think I am in the US. My IP is I've tried turning my router on and off several times but it always comes back with an 146.200 IP a dress. This is extremely frustrating as not being able to log on to last pass means I can't access most of the sites that require me to enter my password.

Moderator's note by Dick (Strat): Personal information (full IP) removed from a public forum.



Posts: 3
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Registered: ‎10-01-2018

Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

I actually found a way around this.

I tethered my phone to the pc, disabled my ethernet port, so that my pc got a uk ip address. I could then login to LastPass and then allow sign ins from the USA.

Since then ive had no further issues.


My IP still shows as US to them, but it wont matter too much more to me, as ill be moving to a non-bt area very soon. Brownie points if you know where in the uk that is Cheesy

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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

Hull Wink

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 3
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Registered: ‎10-01-2018

Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

I'll send that brownie right over! FTTH FTW Cheesy

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Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

Pedantically Kingston upon Hull, hence the name Kcoms.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎16-12-2017

Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

Still having issues with mine - I spoke to a couple of PN guys on chat and they told me to reset my router after they had a play around on their end, but I'm still being assigned the same IP that services think is based in the USA. I left the router off last night to try to force a new IP but it still seems to be on the old IP address that I was first assigned two months ago. What else can I do to try and force a new IP?

Posts: 32
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Registered: ‎15-08-2016

Re: IP addresses not UK - Can customers please report any problems here

Unless it is a coincidence I have overcome this problem by following some instructions in a post from a PN staff member. Basically it was instructions on how to reconfigure a PN router from automatically getting an IP address to manual. The instructions were for those with Windows 8 or 10. I followed these not really knowing what I was doing, switched off and on my router and got an IP other than 146.200 which seems to be the problem one.  I haven't turned off the router to try again so it could have been coincidence.  Prior to making this alteration I too kept getting a 146.200 address when I tried turning router off. I have to turn it off today as I am decorating so will see if still gets a good IP when I turn it on.