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Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

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Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

Is the latest line status shown above done with the XF-1e filter plugged into the TEST SOCKET ?
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Registered: ‎12-02-2013

Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

No...I forgot to say I have yet to plug my router/filter into the test socket to see how that goes.I did a disconnect and power off yesterday so I'm reluctant to do one so soon afterwards...but I will have to try that.  Smiley
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Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

TBH there's probably little point in plugging into the Test Socket as you have no extensions UNLESS you can hear any crackling on the phone when you prod the lower front plate or tap the Master socket which would suggest a bad/loose connection.
Contention at the exchange won't affect your sync rate, a poor joint or insulation problem on your line which could be 'D' side or 'E' side or in the Cab, is the sort of problem that could. Contention will only affect the achievable download speed usually only at peak times.
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Registered: ‎12-02-2013

Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

Thanks for the advice purleigh and Anotherone...much appreciated.  Smiley
Considering my errors have been improved and cut in you think the errors are normal enough or still high ?.I did that area checker thing the other day and I'm not getting the same speeds as others in my area on Plusnet it seems...,114968.16.html
It wouldn't surprise me if there is some sort of weak link in the line on my cab D or E side.I live slap bang in the centre of city so you'd think the infrastructure would be better.
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Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

Well the errors are within what BTw would call acceptable limits at present, so there is probably little more you can do for now. I'd prefer to see them lower but there's not much that you are going to achieve without a real fault eg. a dropping connection or noise on the line etc.
With regard the speed comparison, you can ignore the Virgin one which will be cable, the BE one may be a bit closer to the exchange and not in a block of flats which can be a noisy environment, and there's little to choose between you and the other Plusnet one wherever they may be.
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Registered: ‎12-02-2013

Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

I was thinking the same...I don't get any drops and there's no noise on the line so not much else I can do.I do live in a tenement of 6 flats beside others on either side with neighbours close out the back...I'm on the top floor.I do pick up a lot of other wi-fi signals here (about 15) and manually change my 2.4 channel to avoid interference.Although there's only one other wi-fi with 3/5 bar signal strength...the rest are 2 and 1 bars.I get 5/5 signal strength constantly.
I've been thinking of buying a dual band wireless router to get on 5GHz to get an interference free signal.It's a bit of a nightmare choosing one though...I read reviews which sound good then see a few bad ones and it puts me off lol.
I use a 300 Mb/s TP Link Dual Band USB Wireless n Adapter and I only have USB 2.0 so I know the max transfer speed is 480Mb/ 582n gives me a constant 130Mb/s and my file download speed using Free Download Manager is 950 kb/s sometimes 1 MB.
I was thinking if I got a router capable of transfer speeds much higher than my USB 2.0's max of 480Mb/s I might get a better transfer than 130Mb/s.
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Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

There's a few threads around on this forum about achievable wireless speeds with the 582n.
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Registered: ‎12-02-2013

Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

I found an interesting little calculator showing what speeds I should be getting with my 37 db downstream attenuation.As you can see from the results in the link I'm at the very bottom of what I should be getting on ADSL 2+.
Considering my line is new with Plusnet back in February and that my line has no audible noise there has to be a problem on the D or E side of my cabnet.
It really gets my goat that right in Edinburgh city centre with a decent attenuation my sync speed isn't better.I'm not blaming's BTw's infrastructure that has to be the issue.
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Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

The other factor is that you will probably find that you have a rather noisy environment there, a building full of other things generating electrical/electronic noise/interference as well as very nearby buildings. This sort of stuff can all be picked up by phone lines to a degree. This just reduces the available noise margin at a given speed, so when you sync, as this will always occur at the same (Target) Noise margin, the result is a lower speed.
It's also the presence of such noise that's likely to be responsible for the higher error count that you see.
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Registered: ‎12-02-2013

Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

I'm just seeing your reply now Anotherone...I posted in the early hours yesterday and forgot lol.That is a good point about the noisy environment I live in.I didn't realise my phone line could pick up that much local interference.
My speed isn't too bad really, and it is good enough for browsing and streaming, and it's three times or more faster than the 3 wireless dongle I used to get online with at a shocking £25 for 7.1GB of I am a happy customer.
Maybe with the right new wireless router I could squeeze maybe 1Mb more out of it...wondering if a broadcom chip in a router is worth getting to speak more easily to the exchange.
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Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

Err, that 582n does have a broadcom chipset  Wink The ADSL side of this beast is actually quite good. I've found it does just as well or maybe a touch better sync and SNRM wise than both of my other broadcom chipset modem/routers and possibly slightly better with the errors (that's subject to certain foibles of some versions of firmware in quite specific circumstances).
What you could try doing, is keep an eye on your SNRM and errors and see how they behave at certain times of day - you'll tend to find SNRM lower after dark when interference/noise levels tend to be higher and the error rate may increase. But if you tend to find SNRM particularly low at certain times, or the error rate particularly  high, it may be worth investigating a bit more.
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Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

Quote from: Anotherone
What you could try doing, is keep an eye on your SNRM and errors and see how they behave at certain times of day

This can easily be plotted with RouterStats v6.8h
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Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

Which is rather complicated to set up to get optimum results Wink  which is why I haven't suggested it at this point, as there seems no real issue. If Glenn really wants to go down that sort of route at this time then I'd suggest RouterStats-Lite with a suggested installation & set-up as given here
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Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

Quote from: Anotherone
Which is rather complicated to set up to get optimum results Wink 

Which is a bit of an under statement, especially if data is to be collected over an extended period.  Cheesy

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Re: Just Got Up And Running After 4 Weeks

I found that RouterStats was quite easy to use, especially with supported gateways (as is the case with Glenn).
I'm running this Windows program on Ubuntu Linux using WINE (a Windows emulator) and even that was straight forward !
I can't see what is complicated about it, all you do is enter your gateway type, add the login username+password, and press go.
Yes there are loads of tweaks, but for SNR recording they are not really needed.