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Lack of understanding.

Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Lack of understanding.

No worries Ann, I'm confident things should have improved tomorrow after the upgrade but if not I'll get straight on the case for you!

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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Lack of understanding.

Dear Adam,

Is there anyway to ask when they might be coming tomorrow? It is just that I am useless in a morning, so the PM slot would be better for me health wise. My carer will need to help me with so many medications in the morning, that the PM slot would be so much better. I am like Mutley in a morning, I doubt any engineer would want to disturb me in that state, if they can help it. 

Best wishes


Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Lack of understanding.

Hi there Ann, as it's an upgrade to unlimited fibre from ADSL no engineer will need to visit so sorry for any confusion if an appointment has been mentioned.

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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Lack of understanding.

Dear Adam,

Thank you so much for letting me know. Yes I had been told that I had to be in all day, with someone who was over 18 who could attend to the engineer. Another miscommunication, so thank you for informing me. I can stop panicking now. 

Best wishes


Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Lack of understanding.

No worries Ann, sorry about that, I can see how some notes on the order got misinterpreted which led to that mistake so I'll get some feedback passed on. I'll check in with you after the service goes live but do shout up if you need anything in the meantime.

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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Lack of understanding.

@adamwalker, in case you haven't picked up on it, something else for the feedback, Ann said she'd been told someone had to be available all day.  If it's an Openreach visit then surely it would have been an AM or PM appointment anyway, so only half a day.  If it was a Qube visit then they are even smaller timescales aren't they?

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Lack of understanding.

already noted and fed back cheers @pjmarsh


@Gothiccouturier Just letting you know that the fibre upgrade hasn't gone through yet but can do so at any time today up until 23:59. I tried giving you a call but no one answered so I'm sorry if it was a bad time. 



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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Lack of understanding.

Hi @Gothiccouturier, I'm glad to see that the fibre upgrade has gone through now, how are things with the connection from your point of view?


I've just tried calling again but wasn't able to reach you so I've sent a reply back to the ticket on your account and do get back to me if you need any more help.

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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Lack of understanding.

Hi Adam,

I have only just been able to get on to the PC and have only just figured out where I had left my mobile, so I apologise for not answering you previously. I had issues this morning with drop out, but I will keep an eye on it and let you know. I still do not understand why no one bothered to help previously, before yourself of course and why, especially as I had to pay for the postage of the router, the router was not sent as per my reasonable request? I am still so upset by having so many issues over the last few months, crackling phone line on and off and then the delivery fiasco on top. I used to be happy with the customer service, which is why I have been with the company so long, but the last few months have been a kick in the teeth. Why couldn't the man have just waived the postage fee, or given my a small credit on my account in recognition of what has gone one? I do however, thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best wishes.

The Full Monty
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Re: Lack of understanding.

@Gothiccouturier  - love the name, by the way. 😀 - if you ever have problems, you only need to shout for help on here - there are a number of members with extensive knowledge, and they are all willing to help. You may find it faster/easier to get help and support on here, rather than via the phone - for one thing, there is usually someone around who will pick an issue up fairly quickly, and, with respect to the call centre agents, may know more than they do.

Hopefully everything will run OK, but if you need help, just shout.

Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Lack of understanding.

No worries and I'm happy to waive the postage and packing fee for you, OK to credit that off your next bill?


Just to check too how's things been with your connection over the last few days?

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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Lack of understanding.

Dear Adam,

I am so sorry, I was unaware that you had posted in here. Yahoo had not told me and I didn't check on the forum. I would be grateful if you could credit my bill for the postage and packaging, would you also be able to look in to what is going on with my account please. I was over charged on my December bill, by a lot. Luckily I noticed my bill before my mortgage payment was due, otherwise the incorrect amount that was taken by Plusnet, would have stopped me paying my mortgage and other bills and it would have made me overdrawn, thereby getting charged by my bank. It appears that someone has not updated my account and that I was charged an out of contract price for my last contract, but I was also charged the postage and packaging for the new router. I do not understand why this has happened but it has left me very short and unable to buy bits for Christmas. I would appreciate this being sorted asap and being refunded the extra amount that I was charged. An apology from the team that is meant to look after these things would not go amiss, as I am sure that they have not been left with no money to buy their Christmas food. 

Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎01-12-2022

Re: Lack of understanding.

Dear Adam,

Are you still around? I desperately need help with the billing problem and if you can sort out the credit to my account.

Best wishes


Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Lack of understanding.

Hi there,  I am indeed! I'm really sorry you got over-billed in December, it looks to be due to some missing discounts from the bill. Would it be OK to credit the overpayment as well as the postage and packing charge from your next bill?

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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎01-12-2022

Re: Lack of understanding.

Hi Adam,

I realise it wasn't your fault, but you are the only person at Plusnet 'speaking' to me to try and help, so thank you for that and yes I assumed that was what had happened, as it lined up with the out of contract amounts. If you could credit the overpayments on to my next bill, I would be very grateful and could you also sort the billing out, so that it doesn't happen again? I don't wish to be having issues trying to pay my bills again, due to an incorrect amount being charged from Plusnet in the future. As far as the internet issues go, it has been mostly good with connection, it has dropped out on several occasions, but nowhere near the amount it was doing it previously. So I will keep an eye on it, as I have been doing. 

Best wishes
