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Live Chat and customer frustration

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Live Chat and customer frustration

There are obviously a lot of angry and frustrated customers out there.

Live Chat was abandoned some while ago, so why is this page still there?Image5.jpg

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Zen SOGEA 40/10 + Digital Voice   FRITZ!Box 7530
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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

@198kHz  Despite Plusnet claims on their adverts....  "We are open and transparent"...  and  "we will do you  proud"... 

Two BLATANT LIES  show up when you land on the Live Chat page....


They are not "open and transparent" about Live Chat being closed to ALL departments.>> EXCEPT SALES.. ( which is... I suppose their " Get Out"... to say that it is open )


They are lying to 99% of customers, by the wording on that page...

(their "get out" for this one, is that it "takes time to reset the page"....


ERM>>>   it`s been a couple of months and  more... since Live Chat was closed to all but "SALES"..  so why is it taking so long to re-write the text on that page...  

AND to re-write those pages on the help sections... and elsewhere,

so that no mention of the LIVE CHAT is appearing towards the general public. 


  or annotated to the effect.that



             ONLY OPEN

                              FOR  SALES


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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

I just do not get it.  🤔


The Coronavirus update banner was updated yesterday. How hard can it be to add

"PLEASE NOTE: Live Chat is not available"

to the top paragraph?


Due to the coronavirus outbreak we’ve had to make some changes to the way we work

Keeping our people safe

The safety of our people is our number one priority, as they are key to keeping us all connected during the coronavirus outbreak. To protect their health and well-being we will be changing our contact centre opening hours to 9am – 6pm, to help maintain our service to you

PLEASE NOTE: Live Chat is not available


A complex system that does not work is invariably found to have evolved from a simpler system that worked just fine
Zen SOGEA 40/10 + Digital Voice   FRITZ!Box 7530
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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

@198kHz   Wrong place..... it SHOULD be on the "Live Dead Chat landing page"..


In BIG LETTERS   so that people do not miss it... 


I did mention this in my previous threads ..... but  as usual.


.. instead of "doing me ( and others ) proud...


they chose to IGNORE it...


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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

The silly thing is that PlusNet have steadily made any kind of contact near impossible with the single exception of this somewhat public forum. The direct result of this is that everyone's problems, complaints and poor treatment stories are being broadcast for the world to see deterring, you'd suppose, potential new customers and disquieting previously contented ones.

Why on earth would any business do this when using phone calls and chat lines would keep all these tales of grief private? I don't have any problems myself at present, in fact I seldom have had, but it certainly affects me to see lots of others' continuing unaddressed difficulties and it does seem a bloomin' funny way to run a business!

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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

Not defending PN, but has anyone ever looked at the TalkTalk forums? Now that is scary.

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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

@jab1   Talk Talk forum....... ?   Totally irrelevant to this one...  and to the subject matter of this thread.


been on here for almost 13 years continuously..... I am leaving.... because the prime method for me to contact PlusNet CUSTOMER SERVICE has been taken away from me..  ( although I only needed to contact them 4 times during my time here...

I know of a few others , who have the same, or worse problem, than I , who are also leaving..  because of this FIASCO.  Who knows how many other "silent minority" customers will just up sticks ?  only Plusnet accountants, when they check the numbers...but .... by then .. it will be too late....

B.T. Will swallow up all the PlusNet remainers... 

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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

Who is to say that the swallow up of plusnet is not the ultimate goal of BT?

There are still "a small number" of customers still having billing issues that have been ongoing for around 18 months. Some of those customers have effectively been having a free service for all but the last 3 months of their bills. Any company that is able to forego income for a prolonged time period from a "small number" of accounts is either very, very profitable or close to a financial disaster. This is something that the parent company must be well aware of and must surely be making plans for some major intervention to plug the leak.

What is the point of having a budget side to a company when the losses due to maladministration are creating major issues for the parent organisation?

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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

Apart from phoning Customer Services, Plusnet's other means of communication are either by this public forum or social media.

I think it is a very poor that they do not have a means of contact that is restricted to customers only. The old ticketing system was such a means and that existed and seemed to perform well for many years until someone in Plusnet management decided it was "old hat" / too costly or whatever. The current crisis shows how such a system is missed but Plusnet will never acknowledge that they made a mistake when they abolished ticketing (too much pride to back down) to replace it with Live Chat and then to abolish that (except for sales!).

They say that they have the means to spot customers' appeals for help over the three online platforms that they choose to use so there seems o be no issue with integrating another customer only platform into those means.

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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

@jgb wrote:


They say that they have the means to spot customers' appeals for help over the three online platforms that they choose to use so there seems o be no issue with integrating another customer only platform into those means.

But yet, more posts seem to be going unanswered for days, even though several new staff members introduced themselves a few weeks back. 

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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

Yes, closely followed but a deafening silence from the majority of them!

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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

From a post from a new user this morning:


I'm trying to get through to online chat but it's not loading,


Shameful that this is happening.  😒


A complex system that does not work is invariably found to have evolved from a simpler system that worked just fine
Zen SOGEA 40/10 + Digital Voice   FRITZ!Box 7530
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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

Yes - when are Plusnet going to remove ALL links to Live Chat and put a prominent banner on the Member Centre to tell customers that Live Chat is no more? This shambles has gone on long enough.

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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

They may put a banner for Live chat after they Fix Billing 🤣 only been trying to  fix it for 20 months 🤔🤔

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Re: Live Chat and customer frustration

We`ll do you proud



But you better not believe all you see and hear on the telly adverts....




Here is another UNTRUTH....






of course.... you could try to contact customer service via Live Chat...


if you still believe those first two




honest 3.png




As you can see......


certainly do not " do you proud"..


certainly are not   " straightforward and honest"


as shown by the UNTRUTHFUL statements on the third screen grab...




and it will certainly take a lot longer than  "A few moments"...  because...


Live Chat IS NOT OPEN for any of those listed, except Sales.