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Live Chat

Rising Star
Posts: 69
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Registered: ‎14-02-2016

Live Chat

This is a familiar story:

info: at 10:51:08
Thank you for talking to us today - we'll be with you shortly.
All of our teams are currently helping other customers. There are 1 customers waiting before you. Thanks for your patience.
info: at 10:53:08
All of our teams are currently helping other customers. There are 1 customers waiting before you. Thanks for your patience.
info: at 10:55:08
All of our teams are currently helping other customers. There are 1 customers waiting before you. Thanks for your patience.
info: at 10:57:08
All of our teams are currently helping other customers. There are 1 customers waiting before you. Thanks for your patience.
info: at 10:59:08
All of our teams are currently helping other customers. There are 1 customers waiting before you. Thanks for your patience.

Your marketing people seem hell bent on showing adverts constantly with the Yorkshire fella saying how great your service is, yet your live chat NEVER connects to anyone, please, if you are going to put out marketing slogans like "broadband that loves you back" and other nonsense, you should at least have the decency to staff your support teams adequately to provide the service you claim to have!
I don't blame the staff, they are 99% brilliant, knowledgable and helpful, I blame the managers, promising things without putting in sufficient management process or investment into the people that do the work

sort it out, you don't want to get as bad as your parent company!
Rising Star
Posts: 69
Thanks: 9
Registered: ‎14-02-2016

Re: Live Chat

info: at 11:47:30
All of our teams are currently helping other customers. There are 1 customers waiting before you. Thanks for your patience.
info: at 11:49:30
All of our teams are currently helping other customers. There are 1 customers waiting before you. Thanks for your patience.
info: at 11:51:30
All of our teams are currently helping other customers. There are 1 customers waiting before you. Thanks for your patience.

OK, I give up......
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Posts: 17,724
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Live Chat

Were they 2 separate chats or were you on hold right through? There was a bit of a wait earlier, but you shouldn't have been waiting much longer than 10 minutes.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
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Rising Star
Posts: 69
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Registered: ‎14-02-2016

Re: Live Chat

the first one disconnected after about 13-14 mins then I reconnected and had to wait again....
Posts: 634
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Registered: ‎16-04-2007

Re: Live Chat

Or it just goes dead leaving the words
"Agent is typing..."
Whatever happens always remember "We will do you
.........................proud" say Pnet.
Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎09-10-2007

Re: Live Chat

The PN live chat app isn't always that good: the  advice given often seems to be limited to "please phone in !" Other companies who use Live Person seem to handle it better.  Maybethe freezing and waiting times are due an issue with the server they are using to run Live Person?
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Registered: ‎22-06-2012

Re: Live Chat

I used it a couple of days ago, it was totally successful.
Rising Star
Posts: 69
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Registered: ‎14-02-2016

Re: Live Chat

Well done Roll_eyes
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎22-02-2016

Re: Live Chat

Quote from: gpsmout
The PN live chat app isn't always that good: the  advice given often seems to be limited to "please phone in !" Other companies who use Live Person seem to handle it better.  Maybethe freezing and waiting times are due an issue with the server they are using to run Live Person?

I don't know about PN live chat as I can never find a time when it is available to comment, but most live chats are connected to morons who don't have a basic understanding of English, or have a clue what you are on about if your question doesn't fall in the list they have in front of them.
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Live Chat

Emmo, do you have an ad-blocker, pop-up blocker or similar on your browser? If so try adding an exception for our site.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
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Re: Live Chat

@Emmo.... what Chris really means.... is ... check your adblocker ( e.g. Ghostrey and others ) ...  for Google Tag Manager.... and click on it... if you see "Live person " listed and it is "blocked"  then PN Live chat will not work... so what you have to do, is to unblock "Live Person" in your adblocker,.... then  refresh or re-start the Help & Support page moving on to where Live Chat should now be showing as available..
I do hope that helps.... not only you, but a couple of thousand others.

@ Chris.... why don`t you put a  note underneath the Live Chat button, to show how to get Live Chat working, if it shows as "unavailable"... instead of "please try later" ...

( it can`t be THAT difficult..... can it  ? )    Roll_eyes

this would stop so many complaints... and begin to repair some of the bad feeling of customers who have difficutly contactin help and support in this way... in other words...

you ... can really make a difference to them... and give them  " Broadband that loves you back"....
Not only that...but it would also help towards the next appraisal of "Award winning customer service"

          don`t you agree  ? ? ? ? ? ?
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Live Chat

I've made the suggestion internally again, I can't make any guarantees.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
Not applicable

Re: Live Chat

It would be sensible to use some ad block detection then act accordingly some javascript and some jQuery should do it.
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Registered: ‎06-11-2007

Re: Live Chat

Quote from: Chris
I've made the suggestion internally again, I can't make any guarantees.

Thanks Chris...... little things mean a lot....  Wink

But ..... ACTION  is needed...  Huh
Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎17-10-2007

Re: Live Chat

Remember the issue about product changes unsetting the Internet Firewall? Raised as a high priority issue. Dropped without informing us because of "lack of resources". It was then suggested to Plusnet that if it was too onerous to correct the system at least a message could be displayed warning customers that after changing product they needed to update their Internet Firewall settings. Nothing further, to the best of my knowledge, was heard.
I suspect the very sensible suggestion above will meet a similar fate.