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Mobile account page Lastpass broken

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎13-09-2019

Mobile account page Lastpass broken

This site:

used to work with the lastpass password manager but now does not.

Browser: chrome, OS: windows.


This means that to log in I have to go into lastpass in another window and manually type the characters of my password into the password field. This is very difficult with secure passwords as they contain lots of weird characters and numbers. A less computer savvy user would just give up.

In addition the create new password page no longer accepts pasted passwords. This makes changing the password  using a secure password very difficult as now you have to manually type the weird characters yourself twice.

The net result is now your site is less secure for people using secure passwords as the easiest fix for me is to revert to a less secure and easier to remember/type password.

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Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,325
Fixes: 65
Registered: ‎09-10-2018

Re: Mobile account page Lastpass broken

Thanks for your post @spricesoft.


We're sorry to hear that your usual password manager isn't working as expected.


We'll raise the issue with our back office teams (thanks for providing the program and browser!) to see if any changes have resulted in this but I do need to set the expectation that if we have made some sort of change, it's unlikely that we'd revert it.