My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
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- Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own i...
My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
18-01-2015 5:13 AM
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So I ask you, what is the defination of stealing? To take without permission. 2weeks ago, I got a email to say that they are sorry I am leaving as another provider is taking over my service, I phone them and say no, I am staying with plusnet cause I WAS happy with the service SO FAR. I heard nothing until I got cut off on Thursday. i phoned on Saturday cause my line has gone dead. My alarm and CCTV and security are all down.
I was told that my line was taken by my housemate. i said but I have warn plusnet that this situation. plusnet informed me that another company has taken over but cannot release the details. i ask my housemate, he told me it was plusnet. I phone plusnet and say that I want it changed over, back to me. They say no, cause they have a contract with him. So they say i have to wait 10 days for a line, while my insurance does not cover me.
So it is plusnet problem but they are not responsible. CMON plusnet sort it out!
Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
18-01-2015 6:34 AM
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In her case she owns the rented out property and the phone line. One of the students in the rented house (she lives elsewhere) applied for broadband from another provider which included a phone package as well. The end result was that the 'new' company should not have been allowed to change the phone line because it was under contract to someone else.
After a complaint (not sure who she complained to) the phone line was switched back, the BB contract annulled and she provided the phone and BB under her name and existing contract and charged it on in the monthly rental.
Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
18-01-2015 9:01 AM
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Poll removed as it won't help with a resolution of the OP's issue.
Something for CRT to take a look at on Monday.
To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
19-01-2015 8:41 AM
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Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
19-01-2015 1:05 PM
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I've just had a look over this and can see that when you called in on the 30th to question the email we'd sent, one of my colleagues did place a cancellation to stop the order to move your line going through. The issue that's occurred is that the cancellation they placed was rejected by the ordering system we use, which is not something in this circumstance I've seen before. Unfortunately that meant that the order did go ahead, moving the line away from you.
I can see that you've been in touch and we're working to get you a new line asap.
Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
20-01-2015 12:10 AM
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@plusnet. You forgot to mention that
1. Despite the failure to stop it, you had fail to contact the customer(me) to warn them and start rectifying the problem. You waited till I phone up several times and shrug your shoulder and say yes there is a problem.
2. You repeated denied responsibility by saying another internet provider had ruthless taken the line, and blame them until I informed you that it was Plusnet.
3.I was then informed that it was on your computer and Plus Net had the info all the time.
4. I had made multiple calls with up to 15mins wait trying to get through. Getting cut off while being transferred to various department.
5. I went online, to be told I had to phone in and you dont do call back calls (Cusick).
6. then to be told that they need to do a survey, and at best it will be 10days at best.
7. I have ask my housemate to phone in to sort the problem out.
I am sure they will be further problem, like not giving me back a STATIC IP address, i still have to pay for the line that i dont have, and the time i have to deal with this problem that the staff do not claim responsibility for a problem Plusnet caused.
Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
20-01-2015 12:37 AM
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I would hope that the "system" doesn't allow this to happen in future.
@Unh4ppyppl, I'm sure Plusnet will refund you for the time you've been without service as well as offer some compensation for the inconvenience.
Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
20-01-2015 1:54 AM
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The only communication that is quick, and timely is their request for MONEY! , wish their service was as prompt.
Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
20-01-2015 8:50 AM
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When you start an order it asks for postcode and phone number. Underneath is a link "I don't have a phone number". I think he must have clicked that link because otherwise it would have recognised that the telephone number belonged to an existing user and gone down the upgrade route (starting with asking him to log in to his account).
If you click the link and enter the postcode, then select your full address it comes up with the screen shown in the attached image. If he didn't click the install a new line option but instead picked take over the phone line it will have gone down the path of a working line takeover of your line. I don't know if this is a possibility, but he wouldn't have been the first person to think he didn't need a phone line but was trying to get two broadband services on a single line. Plusnet then compounded the error by not successfully cancelling the order and investigating what needed to be done to put your housemates order back on track when you said you didn't want to leave.
If he picked the correct option then the today's payment details should have included an Installation of charge of £49.99. Can you confirm that is the case?
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler) Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!) Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20) Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month) Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month) |
Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
20-01-2015 10:07 AM
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The fact that I had phone when I receive the E-mail from plusnet that they were sorry that I was leaving them, and I phone back to say not to let them disconnect my line cause I want to stay with them. I had taken a long time trying to get a STATIC IP address from them, for my CCTV
And being assured at the time by Plusnet, that they will not connect me! ... This happen on thursday!! And then being told this is not their problem.they hold no responsibility, as it was ANOTHER mystery supplier who disconnected me.
It boils down to Plusnet wants new customer and not fuss about loyal old customers. They could easily get another engineer to change the line and reconnect my line and appologise to the other tenant and either give him the line there and then or let him wait for 10days. They could have even be better to communicate to me that they have failed and start the process of reconnections 20days ago, on the 30th Dec i would not even have notice the change over!
Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
20-01-2015 10:15 AM
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day 2
Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
20-01-2015 10:24 AM
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This does appear to be one almighty cock-up with a fair helping of bad luck thrown in, but hopefully someone is "on the case":
Quote from: Unh4ppyppl I think if Plusnet is smart, they would rectify the problem quickly
Quote from: Chris we're working to get you a new line asap.
It appears that no-one in PN was in any way aware of the full picture, hopefully they now are.
The biggest thing I suspect that they are now battling are the processes within BT for managing lines. Once your line is assigned elsewhere the same anti-slamming protection that failed to protect you will be triggered with lots of delays and checks built in.
Presumably from what you've explained your housemate would need a new line but, from the evidence given here, probably didn't order one but nominated yours to use. And from that simple mistake a whole train of unfortunate events was triggered.
Initially, again due to all the protection mechanisms, PN would not have known that your line had been assigned to another PN account because of all these protections and the DPA. Until you told them probably.

Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
21-01-2015 9:33 AM
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No surveryor on Monday
No communication regarding when they are going to reconnect.

Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
21-01-2015 11:46 AM
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I am really sorry for what's happened here. When you contacted us on the 30th, my colleague placed an order to cancel the cease. Generally she went by the correct process, however Openreach understandably get a little confused as to why we place an order to take over our own line, and then request to be the third party that cancels our own order.
Quote from: jelv If you click the link and enter the postcode, then select your full address it comes up with the screen shown in the attached image. If he didn't click the install a new line option but instead picked take over the phone line it will have gone down the path of a working line takeover of your line. I don't know if this is a possibility, but he wouldn't have been the first person to think he didn't need a phone line but was trying to get two broadband services on a single line.
You've hit the nail on the head with this jelv. Whilst I cannot really disclose too much due to data protection; the other customer signed up for a working line takeover. Because of this, a ticket was raised for a working line takeover, which a provisioning agent placed the order for.
@Unh4ppyppl - You have had an awful run with this. It stops now. We are now at a stage where the order is past the surveyor and they have provided me a committed engineer date. We'll ignore that date and I'll attempt to get Openreach to bump it forward to the soonest possible date. Would you mind messaging me the soonest dates that you could be available in a private message? I've tried contacting you but cannot get a response.
I will also update your reprovide ticket as well, so if you have the facility to access the ticketing system then feel free to comment there instead.
EDIT: Thanks for speaking with me this afternoon

Re: My broadband connection was stolen by my own internet provider plusnet!
30-01-2015 8:42 PM
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But, give credit where credit is due. Since MattyC has come on board to sort out the issue, I am happier. The problem was dealt with as best as it could, limitation beyond their control in trying to get the line back. More important, I was constantly updated on what was going on. It was good customer care service. The service was expedited.
So here is to you MattyC, thank you. And the small compensation is the icing on the sugar.

Mr unh4ppyppl has become Mr h4ppierppl
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