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New Customer to Plusnet

Posts: 4
Registered: ‎06-02-2010

New Customer to Plusnet

Having been with Plusnet just 2wks I was firstly suprised how easy it was to set up my new broad band service which seemed to be a good start.
It has taken me some time to change my ISP and visited lots of review sites before taking the step to move, I will admit my first choice woud have been O2, but they don't offer their mobile/braodband service  in my area.
Plusnet came up 2nd with very good reviews,  having been with Tiscali since it started I have only once lost service for a short time with them, so I was most disappointed when I found that I keep lossing service with Plusnet.
I understand that yesterday there was a problem, I may have a technical problem as I lose connection when my PC goes into stand -by, which happened again yesterday.
This has never happened when I was with Tiscali, I have tried swithing the router off/on which sometimes works but not always.
I've tried rebooting PC several times again with no success I have tried using web browser with the routers address which again only works sometimes.
Is it just me or are others having this problem?????????????  Sad
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Re: New Customer to Plusnet

Welcome to the forums seekerofgood. Smiley
Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
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Re: New Customer to Plusnet

Assuming you are using a router as you say can you advise the model and whether you are connecting by wire or wireless.
Can you advise the operating system on the PC
When you lose the connection do you only lose the connection between the computer and the router or does the router lose the connection to the internet - do any of the lights on the router go red.
Posts: 3,486
Registered: ‎02-10-2008

Re: New Customer to Plusnet

I would assume its a 585v7 with TR69 Easy setup
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎06-02-2010

Re: New Customer to Plusnet

Thanks for your reply
I'm using Thomson router supplied by Plusnet (TG585 v7) connected via cable running win-XP.
Regards loss of connection, I just seem lose internet conection I think all lights are on router, I'm about to  try going into standby and see what happens today.
All started fine today on boot up.
regards seekerof good
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: New Customer to Plusnet

Hi there,
Your line doesn't look particularly unstable, can you confirm which, if any, lights on the router go out?
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎06-02-2010

Re: New Customer to Plusnet

Having placed pc into standby, when I restart I get limited connection message but i have no connection. the ethernet light flashes about every 12 seconds all other lights are on.
This time when I swithed off router for 15-20sec then on again connection returned after router rebooted.
Should I need to do this every time I shutdown into standby?
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: New Customer to Plusnet

When you are about to put the PC into standby mode do you shut down any running applications first (especially Internet-related ones)? Not sure whether that might help, but worth trying if you don't.
I've never tried 'standby' but going into hibernate (on Vista) recovers OK even when applications remain active.
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Re: New Customer to Plusnet

Having placed pc into standby, when I restart I get limited connection message but i have no connection

I've had a similar problem with a laptop running XP when resuming from hibernation. Looking at the Windows event log it seems to be a DHCP problem. Windows seems to be stopping the DHCP request going out and obvisously then not getting an IP addess ( hence limited connectivity ) . It usually takes about 10 mins till it sorts itself out, or shutting down the laptop ( not hibernating ) and restarting sorts it out quicker. So seems to be a windows issue...

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Posts: 4
Registered: ‎06-02-2010

Re: New Customer to Plusnet

Regards stanby I always shut down all programs, however sometimes it my go into auto hibernation and would have a browser open, I have also had problem sometimes from a cold boot up., but most times its ok from boot up.
Not a major problem but an inconvenience.
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Registered: ‎26-07-2007

Re: New Customer to Plusnet

The limited connection message normally means that you've not been allocated an IP address.  As others have said this seems to be a "feature" of Xp failing to request an IP address from your router when coming out of standyby/hibernation. (Some more info here.)
You could try using a fixed IP address instead of an automatically assigned one.
This page explains how.   You can use the values as shown on the page for the subnet mask but I'd use something like for the IP address (IIRC the Thomson assigns dynamic addresses from upward so should keep the PC out of the dynamic address space.)
If you're using the Thomson you should make sure that the Default Gateway is set to  (Could someone confirm this as I don't have access to a Thomson at the moment).  The DNS servers should be set to and
Summary of values:
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Preferred DNS
Alternate DNS

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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: New Customer to Plusnet

Those values should be OK. The Thomson allocates DHCP (automatically) assigned IP addresses starting at, and usually reserves the same one for a computer it knows about, even if not connected at the time.
Of course restarting the router clears the list, which perhaps explains why doing this sometimes helps to clear connection problems.