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New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

But that is the point you are missing.
All the negative feedback is fully justified! You just want people to not share their initial reaction to/opinion of PN.
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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

Take a look at the feedback system just now,half of them have been locked or moved,it looks god darn ugly,and how do you think thats what im thinking,you could not be more far wrong,maybe im coming across wrong and if i am its not what i intend
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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

I see your point, and I know other forum community's where people are 'ranked' based on post count, but I don't think this would work here. There would very quickly be accusations such as 'you can only post positive feedback', 'PN censor their forums' and 'clique-esque groups'.
We welcome feedback, even the bad stuff, and IMO it's new customers that give the best feedback. The first dealings with a company set you up for future dealings, obviously we'd prefer that they were perfect, but where they're not we welcome the chance to put that right.
Besides, my job would be boring if you were all happy. Wink
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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

I thought that was what the "rants and raves"section was for,not in the feedback area,but i do agree with you about accusations which i suppose would be no good at all,ah well there goes my theory out the window!thanks mand lol.. Smiley
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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

I think it is an absurd idea.... rankings... Huh !... sounds like a bunch of schoolboys in the playground vying each other, to see who can do the longest wheelie, and he must therefore be more intelligent and super biker because he has a higher ranking....  or near the end of september, playing conkers... my conker is a 7 er, I can`t play with you, cos you only got a oncer.!..
No. rankings are not for this forum.... as Mand says, even the bad feedback is useful to PlusNet, because they can see where they are falling down... and again, not everyone has the same complaint. so it is a bit rediculous to expect someone who is having trouble setting up from the start., for whatever reason, to have to hold back, or go and  play amongst us nutters in General Chit Chat to gain a ranking before he can get something done by complaining..... oooops,.... hang on,... if he can`t rant and rave, because he hasn`t got a "ranking"...... how can he get a ranking, if he is having problems, that are not being solved, because he hasn`t got a ranking?  
Yes,  Totally absurd idea.
(how`s my ranking ? ? ?)
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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

haha well it was not about who can do the biggest wheelie etc etc etc...rant and rave all you like? go for it,but leave the feedback area to people with a bit more knowledge of there service rather than going straight for the kill because to new customers and fresh blood for chit chat this must look terribly scary,as for your ranking,you can judge that yourself
Edit community support is where we all go for help not the feedback,or thats what i thought Undecided
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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

Sorry..... I thought you wanted people to get rankings, before posting .... I was using the analogy, of the playground, to show you that rankings are an absurd idea.  unfortunately, your ranking suggests that you could not see the point I was making about having to spend time getting rankings before perhaps you had better get some more rankings and re-think the idea. Roll_eyes
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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

Rankings before posting in the feedback area by which i dont mean the entire feedback area including "rants and raves"did you not read my O.P. sarcasism gets you know where fast.
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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

I'm also not a supporter of any censorship proposals.  If there's a gripe let it be aired, similarly with positive Feedback.
One of the proposals in the Forum restructure was to improve the Feedback / Rants and Raves / Testimonials by removing at least one of them.   This should also help contain the problem without any introduction of censorship.
Quote from: steve74
Take a look at the feedback system just now,half of them have been locked or moved,it looks god darn ugly,................

I do have some sympathy with this problem created by people posting in the wrong forum, but the Mods quickly sort that out by moving posts to a more appropriate Forum.  Perhaps this could be improved by removing the "Moved" notification after a short period - but this gives the Mods even more work and they are busy enough as it is.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

I see where you're coming from Steve. It is depressing reading all those posts where people are being unreasonable, unthinking & often just downright rude. But I promise you, it's nothing to what we have had to put up with at various times in the past. Longer term members will remember someone with a username not that dissimilar to mine.  Angry
I find I have just learned to 'tune out' the rubbish & I think most people do - apart from the poor long-suffering staff, but at least they get paid for it. I wouldn't worry too much about other people being given the wrong idea about Plusnet by the moaners - most people have the intelligence to realise which posts can be ignored.
Plusnet have had their problems & there have been some genuine & valid complaints & it's important that those complaints are raised in here. Sometimes, in the middle of the frustration, people new to Plusnet & this forum don't express themselves with quite the respect for their fellow readers that they should, but there are lots of examples of posts that start off with a lot of ranting & raving that soon become sweet reason as soon as a helping hand is offered.
I admire the patience of those who keep trying to help those who won't help themselves. I'm afraid I just ignore them.
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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

Quote from: steve74

sarcasm gets you know where fast.(corrected your spelling)


Funny that.... cos that`s how I got my ranking
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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

Thankyou simon,it was and is merely a suggestion and i didnt realise i would of had such negative theories on this so fast by so few,i leave this thread as i intended which was not trying to be or make my idea seem unreasonable,i suppose from plusnets point of view to which i agree and like the way it works,start as you mean to go on.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

Oh yeah and shutter your a right comedian,but i like billy connolly better.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

When reading a post, it's clear how many previous posts have been made.  So you can
make a value choice as to how much weight to give it.  I think that's much fairer than limiting an individual's right to post.
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Re: New Members Should Not Leave Feedback

Quote from: steve74
......... i didnt realise i would of had such negative theories on this so fast by so few...........

Yes it was a valuable suggestion - but you have to recognise that it just didn't fly?   If you'd been around just a little longer you might have recognised that at least on of the responders is an Ex Moderator and PUG member; and others have also a longer time spent in the Forums.
Please don't take this as a negative response to your suggestion, it was right to raise it.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.