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New customers beware

Posts: 12
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Registered: ‎26-04-2019

New customers beware

Recently signed up to Plusnet around 4 weeks ago after having used Virgin's (comparably excellent) services for years. This was my first mistake, without any knowledge of the rollercoaster of deceit before me.

Paid £50 for installation with an engineer to arrive a week after order – everything is completely reasonable at this point. Get the text message on the date of installation that my services are up and running; come home and there's a red light on my router.

This is where the disastarous encounters with the customer support team begin: consistently being lied to about the date the service I am paying for will be provided. I will post a screenshot of the (admittedly, very lengthy) support ticket below shining a light on the finer details. This has now been ongoing for over 2 weeks, and as a freelancer this is completely unacceptable in the modern world; something Plusnet has zero empathy for it would seem. The last update I had from a 'senior' analyst was yesterday morning informing me that the engineer was at the cabinet on my road fixing the problem. I have had no further update in 36hrs.

This protracted saga has been the height of inconvenience, with Plusnet exacerbating the situation through fabrications of the truth. I will be demanding a hefty reimbursement for a situation which has been allowed to spiral out of control, with seemingly no oversight from a person in authority (was told by one lady that managers do not resolve customer issues).

Where is my compensation Plusnet?

My advice to new customers: not if your life depended on it, go with something slightly more expensive so you don't have to go through the same thing myself and many others have experienced (quoting the Trustpilot score here – find out for yourself).
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: New customers beware



Welcome to the forums, although I'm sorry it's not under better circumstances. 



I've had a look at what's happened with your fibre order to see if there's anything we can do to try and resolve this as quick as possible to enable you to get a service. Initially the activation of the phone line looks to have gone smoothly, I can see initially upon signup you chose the 10th for the completion but this was amended by Openreach to the 12th AM slot, this was purely down to the infrastructure change that took place as the connections were moved from the Virgin to Openreach infrastructure. 


The fibre order should have completed on the same date, and as you've noted this is where the problems you've encountered started. 


Firstly I want to stress no one, not one person you've spoken to has attempted to deceive you or has purposefully lied about any information. Initially this was due to complete with the phone order on the Friday 12th, but on this date when the change over was due to happen the external engineer found that all the ports on the DSLAM were faulty, this would prevent any connectivity. Another engineer was issued out on Monday 15th and created a batch case to resolve the problems for your particular order (and any other customer, with any provider, that orders a service down the line). This batch case then work out a project management to ensure it doesn't disrupt any existing service, orders new equipment and then replaces the faulty ones. On the 23rd all the replacement ports and equipment was received and they've booked in engineers to fix all the affected circuits on the 30th April - on this day anyone with current services that are working will likely lose their service for a period of time. This is generally called emergency planned maintenance, it's unfortunate that it's happened to you in this case. 


With regards compensation this has been noted as being offered on the ticket that's open on the account and will be applied to the broadband service once billing starts to apply (after activation of the services). 


Again, I'm sorry you've had problems, there was no way to foresee that they would ever happen in your particular case, but unfortunately we're at the whim our suppliers as to their ability to resolve cause of the issues I know that doesn't offer you a positive resolution at the moment but we'll diary to check this on the 30th to make sure this isn't delayed any further for you. 

Posts: 12
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Registered: ‎26-04-2019

Re: New customers beware

I think you may have glossed over this part? I quote (yesterday – 9am, check the ticket):

"[CSA Removed] from Plusnet; Thanks for your message. The engineer is going out this morning to complete the work. I promise I haven't fabricated any of this information..."

So you're saying the issue was aware of earlier than this message, and also the equipment was ordered 3 days previous; but yet, BT sent out an engineer yesterday for absolutely no reason whatsoever? Or was the engineer never going out yesterday morning?

How about we talk about compensation now while I'm motivated to, not when I'm placated by working internet on [insert date here].

Blaming everything on the supplier, when I'm making it reasonably obvious that the thing I'm angry about here is the misinformation compounded by the incredibly frustrating 'it'll be fixed in a few days' spiel (no less than at 4 separate intervals through this tribulation).

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): CSA name(s) removed (to an area staff can see) as per Forum rules.

Posts: 12
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Registered: ‎26-04-2019

Re: New customers beware

In fact the truly outrageous issue here is how you haven't been able to give me a solid and reliable launch date at any step of the process. To quote you:

"we'll diary to check this on the 30th to make sure this isn't delayed any further for you."

This isn't exactly certainty, is it? You've completely strung along from the first moment you couldn't provide the service I'm paying for. If you'd have explained to me generally how long this process takes I could have made emergency plans to switch to another true fibre service such as Hyperoptic or back to Virgin. However, you have ruined this opportunity to trap me in a service which hasn't been provided in almost 3 weeks, and inconvenienced me to an incredible level in my professional life.

How are you going to rectify this?
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎06-08-2018

Re: New customers beware

"[CSA Removed] from Plusnet; Thanks for your message. The engineer is going out this morning to complete the work. I promise I haven't fabricated any of this information..."

I'm not glossing over anything. [CSA Removed] has said this because you've aggressively accused the guy of lying to you which is not the case.. We can only provide you the information that we're given by our suppliers when it's available. I understand that might be confusing and frustrating and I'm sorry about that, but we have no literal visibility of the equipment so have to rely on their information.  

So you're saying the issue was aware of earlier than this message, and also the equipment was ordered 3 days previous; but yet, BT sent out an engineer yesterday for absolutely no reason whatsoever? Or was the engineer never going out yesterday morning?

A timeline of engineers:

12th - this would have been an external change over engineer to activate the service. The work was done. Completion was delayed because robotic testing showed a fault. 

15th - An engineer attended to try and resolve any issues causing the fault on automated testing realising this was something more serious so delayed the job further. 

17th - An multi-skilled engineer attended at 6pm, raised a batch fault case logging all affected ports that will need to be repaired/replaced along with noting all other remedial work that will be needed after connectivity is achieved. A diary was set by the engineer to check the order on the 21st so an appointment to actually fix the issue could be booked in. 

21st - Equipment hadn't come. Diaried for 23rd by BT Wholesale.

23rd - Equipment ready so appointment booked for work to be completed. This is booked in for the 30th. 

30th - You should be connected.

How about we talk about compensation now while I'm motivated to, not when I'm placated by working internet on [insert date here].

Compensation has already been agreed on your ticket on 13/04/19 at 09:31 anything further will have to be be agreed by the manager you requested it be escalated to with [CSA Removed]. Once we have you up and running this is so we can work out to the days should it be required, as this was agreed on the 13th this is likely to be increased because of the increased amount of time. It's worth noting this would be a guesture of goodwill to apologise for your interactions with us as a company that you feel have fell short - you wouldn't receive any compensation for loss of your business. This isn't covered under our business account terms of service, and if you don't have a business account the terms and conditions note that you shouldn't be using a residential service for business purposes.

Blaming everything on the supplier, when I'm making it reasonably obvious that the thing I'm angry about here is the misinformation compounded by the incredibly frustrating 'it'll be fixed in a few days' spiel (no less than at 4 separate intervals through this tribulation).

I'm not intentionally trying to pass blame here but there are just some things that are outside of an ISPs control. We even tried to put through a high level escalation with BT Wholesale to try and get this pushed further but they just do not have a process in place to do this (because they were reliant on the third party to supply parts to enable the fix). I agree we've advised you on numerous occasions that it should be fixed 'by a certain date' but again, this is because of the information we have been given, on a promissory basis by our suppliers.

This isn't exactly certainty, is it? [...] How are you going to rectify this?

No it isn't a certainty but it's the most reliable information we have for completion of your service at the moment - this isn't us intentionally trying to be difficult. You have to understand we want you to have a service, we don't want to be having conversations like this with any customer, but the unfortunate truth about ordering broadband service with any provider is that often multiple third parties are involved and numerous issues can delay provision or repair of services - I cannot change this, none of the support staff or higher management can I'm afraid, often these are Ofcom approved supplier processes as inconvenient as they can sometimes be. As you've noted you're not the first person to experience delays, I'm afraid to say it does happen but provision issues are rare and do only account for a very small number of customers, I'm aware that doesn't help you in your situation. Sometimes they're caused by us as a provider through negligence (and they're resolved on an individual basis as required) sometimes they're outside of any providers abilities and it's a case of trying to mitigate, and explain the cause of those problems as best as possible while we wait for the suppliers to resolve whatever has caused issues.

we'll diary to check this on the 30th to make sure this isn't delayed any further for you

When I say this I mean we here on the community will check up on your account on the 30th to make sure everything goes ahead as it should do - based on the information we've been provided by BT Wholesale and Openreach. 

How are you going to rectify this?

At the moment @Pnewt2019 I'm very sorry to say there's not much else we can do. 


I will say I can completely understand why you would be frustrated here and in your situation I'd feel exactly the same. I want to assure you the issue has been logged as a complaint on your account to enable you to take the complaint further should you deem it necessary. A copy of the complaints procedure can be found here.

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): CSA name(s) removed (to an area staff can see) as per Forum rules.

Posts: 12
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Registered: ‎26-04-2019

Re: New customers beware

I think the part where your representative messages me yesterday saying the engineer is attending that morning is missing from your timeline of events? Am I annoyed for good reason, or just being dismissed as aggressive?

So you're saying it's impossible to extradite orders with BT? Despite receiving this update on the ticket:

"The issue has been resolved. Originally BT Wholesale said they were going to get someone out on 30/04, however I explained this was completely unacceptable and they have given us a free of charge expedite for 25/04. I know this is still a couple of days away however this should resolve the issue and get you online. I'll continue to monitor."

Note the part where it says 'have given us'. So they gave you something which can't be given? There seems an inherent contradiction between what you are saying now, and what was said previously.

You continue to blame the supplier when:
1) You contract them instead of building your own network infrastructure;
2) BT owns a relatively large share in Plusnet.


Regarding the Business package, you seem to be suggesting that it's somehow my own fault for not picking a more expensive service with you? For not reasonably expecting my service to function within almost 3 weeks of the activation date? If this is what to expect from your 'lower-end customers', then imagine how much worse it could be if I was paying twice as much for essentially the same support service. Consumers choose your service because it's cheap, there's literally no other niche to it whatsoever. Using your same logic then they should pick another provider who costs slightly more, then you would receive a service which is roughly on par with the Plusnet business package.

I hope this thread serves as a kind of anti-advert for your company perfectly demonstrating my essential point. To deter other would-be potential victims into the quagmire of possibly THE WORST experience I've ever had with an ISP.

Plusnet – we'll do you over.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎06-08-2018

Re: New customers beware

So as a supplier we are absolutely able to expedite an order. When our suppliers do something wrong they often are able to offer this free of charge to try and quickly resolve any further delays - this is done once any problems have been resolved.

We cannot expedite an order where the equipment it's going to be attached to is broken, all that will happen is the order will close and all the fixes that are in place will also close off resulting in the need for a separate fault to be raised after the fact, delaying everything further for you. 


You continue to blame the supplier when:
1) You contract them instead of building your own network infrastructure;

We don't intend to build our own infrastructure and follow the system that's in place as do the vast majority of major providers in the UK.

2) BT owns a relatively large share in Plusnet.

Plusnet being part of the BT Group has absolutely no bearing on being able to resolve network infrastructure issues any quicker. Openreach, BT Wholesale, Plusnet and BT Retail are all separate companies, run separately and are not allowed to interfere to benefit the group in any way. Openreach are not allowed to show preference to any one in the group over any provider outside of the BT Group. Doing so would breach a very important guideline.


I am in no way suggesting it's your fault for choosing a particular package and no where in my previous response, or any response did I imply this. The issue you have experienced would have happened regardless of which package you chose. The package doesn't determine the equipment you're connected to.

To be completely honest you would likely have experienced this issue regardless of which provider you chose too (at least on the Openreach network, LLU providers may have had a different outcome). My mentioning of this is referring to your compensation request, I was merely stating we wouldn't compensate for loss of business, as previously you had noted the lack of broadband has prevented your ability to work. 


Posts: 12
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Registered: ‎26-04-2019

Re: New customers beware

I really don't think you've escalated this to a high enough level. Perhaps it's assistance from above that is required. Can you please pass this over to your line-manager? I feel that you're not really understanding the empathetic nature of customer service, or the sense of urgency required in this situation.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: New customers beware

*apologies for poor formatting - quote button is playing up for me it appears*


Hi @Pnewt2019 


I've read through this thread in it's entirety, along with the ticket on your account regarding the same issue. 


@JOLO has provided some extremely thorough and detailed replies, with which I am in full agreement and I do not believe that I can offer any more detail in regards to the process and timeline up to now that he has previously done. 


- "Perhaps it's assistance from above that is required"


   This has been taken as high as is possible at the moment in time within our suppliers chain of escalation. As @JOLO has stated previously if we were to request an expedite at the moment in time "all that will happen is the order will close and all the fixes that are in place will also close off resulting in the need for a separate fault to be raised after the fact, delaying everything further for you". 


I have made a manager aware that you are unhappy with the situation as it currently stands (which nobody would ever blame you for being, it's completely understandable) and I can see that a complaint regarding this has already been logged on your and a copy of our complaints procedure has been provided earlier in this thread. 

I have checked for a fresh update from our suppliers and updated the same ticket you have replied on with my findings.c 


Kind Regards, 




Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,149
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Registered: ‎06-08-2018

Re: New customers beware



I've just checked your account this morning and can confirm that your order is now marked as complete. The account is active and you should now be able to (finally) connect to the internet. Can you let us know if you have any issues?

Posts: 12
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Registered: ‎26-04-2019

Re: New customers beware

Hi – thanks for that, really appreciate it. I'm in Berlin ATM but my housemate will test at 6:30.

Please can we discuss the goodwill gesture that was promised to me at the end of this process? Once that's sorted then I'm a happy camper.

Thanks again.
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: New customers beware

Hi @Pnewt2019, thanks for getting in touch.


I've taken a look into the account for you and provided an update here for you.


Let us know if you need anything else.

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Alice Baillie
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 12
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Registered: ‎26-04-2019

Re: New customers beware

Housemate says it's still not working....................
Posts: 12
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Registered: ‎26-04-2019

Re: New customers beware

Guys what on Earth is going on? This is catastrophically terrible.
Posts: 1
Registered: ‎30-04-2019

Re: New customers beware

Hi Guys, 

I'm the house mate. The router is still flashing red despite resetting this to factory setting by multiple different methods. While the tech support team I spoke didn't actually tell me what the problem was he conceded on the phone that 'somethings wrong with the line' and 'Open reach will need send an engineer'. So what exactly did today's phantom engineer achieve? 

I, like Perry work from home frequently but have been prevented to do so by this, I'd rinsed my mobile data and now I'm unable to work.  This has cost me £332 so far, I'm not so naive to know i won't ever see this money. But can you PLEASE JUST GIVE US A DATE AND STICK TO IT! 

I think at this stage someone from PlusNet needs to come over and check the install, let me know I can make my self available.