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New plusnet Customer for fibre - waiting, canclations and excuses!!

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎18-07-2013

Re: New plusnet Customer for fibre - waiting, canclations and excuses!!

Sorry to hear of the troubles in getting fibre installed, but even sorrier that I'm not the only one to be so afflicted.
My original order was on 20/3/15 and I still haven't got it! OK, so the fault is really with BTOR who keep putting back the date (I'm now assured I will get it on 9th September), but Plusnet is far from blameless.
As an existing customer, why was my ADSL service disconnected before the fibre was installed, why did it take 6 weeks to re-establish the service, and even worse, why does it ALWAYS take an age to get a reply (if ever!) to the ticket raised?
The customer stats show response times of about 2 days, but my experience is nearer 7 - 10. On about 50% of the time I have had to contact telephone support, been passed through different departments (the record is 4) and generally had to spend upwards of an hour to get a response.
Buck up your ideas please!
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: New plusnet Customer for fibre - waiting, canclations and excuses!!

I had to get my glasses out to make sure that I read your order date correctly Shocked   Nearly 6 months, that just isn't on. I hope Plusnet have already refunded you for the downtime and something as a gesture of goodwill as well. I sincerely hope it all happens on the 9th, and if not, a formal complaint, and a referral to OFCOM, would be in order.
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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: New plusnet Customer for fibre - waiting, canclations and excuses!!

@Jelv (Spoon Whittler),
I will update my own shaggy dog tale directly.  Needless to say BTOR remain the villains of the peace and are at present refusing to respond to PlusNET queries in a timely fashion "We've already told you we will provide an update next week, now please go away" or words of similar sentiment.  I am assured that Andy Baker is taking more than a passing interest in the case.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎18-07-2013

Re: New plusnet Customer for fibre - waiting, canclations and excuses!!

I did (eventually) get refunded for the downtime, although nothing for inconvenience, an only after a fair bit of haggling/complaining etc.
Although the real fault is BTOR's, my complaint with Pnet is the lack of feedback and the long delays in response. I must say that when I phone (after the usual interminable wait) the telephone staff are generally very helpful within the parameters of what they are allowed to do.
Needless to say, I now cannot in all honesty give an unqualified recommendation to friends looking to change provider.