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No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

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Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

I know it doesn't move them towards getting broadband, but surely there must be one line in the area that could have DACS put on it so they can have a phone!
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
Posts: 38
Registered: ‎15-04-2015

Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

Here here.
I agree. I understand that being at the mercy of another company can way-lay things, but the provision of a basic service like telephone, even if they had to piggyback off of someone else's line, multiplex etc for a secondary line; it would at least give us something, make us feel better and more secure and be a nice token gesture to show things are moving on and up. It seems however, as per usual, because we're just a domestic property and not important enough to warrant expedition like an MP would or someone famous, we'll be dealt with last. I'm hoping the cases I've opened with Ombudsman and CISAS help speed things up.
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Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

I'd forgotten about DACS
As Jelv says it needs a line to the cabinet which is voice phone only and does not have a broadband account active on it, as you cannot have a DACS splitter on a broadband line.
There might just possibly be a water pipe pressure transducer automatic logger phone line which could be temporarily nabbed.....but then again for example BT cannot simply just take the line - it would all have to agreed with the water company and them agreeing to disconnect/ignore their inability to monitor which given that it will all be done automatically by computers means more time to sort out for someone.
Then again I don't know how 'Redcare' type autodialiing house/business alarm systems might be affected by DACS and maybe there will be no way of knowing whether a possibly suitable phone only line for DACS'ing has a Redcare service on it.
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Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

I've been following this thread with interest and, up until now, been resisting adding any comments for fear of pouring oil on troubled waters...
Firstly, sorry to hear of your family situation and I fully sympathise with the position you're in and the stress that it must be causing however there are some salient issues:
a)  You have entered into a contract with PN for provision of a phone service.  Did you tell them before you did so about your special needs?  It's a little unfair to accuse them of wrongdoing if you didn't make them aware first?
b)  Have you formally told them about your needs now?  This forum is not the appropriate method and PN may need to see some documentary evidence in order to escalate your case.
c)  No provider guarantees service can be provided at a property.  This is clearly a matter that is outside their control and will take time to resolve.
d)  Have you made a formal complaint?  CISAS and any ombudsman normally require you to exhaust any complaints procedure before becoming involved.
e)  When you moved, did you ascertain that the previous occupier had a working line?  Next time it would be worth doing so and investigating a 'working line takeover'
Others have mentioned that BT have a method of pre-registering for priority *repair* but this covers faults, not line provision.
I wish you luck with getting this sorted quickly and I hope your daughter is OK in the meantime.
Posts: 38
Registered: ‎15-04-2015

Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

Hi Pearson.  Thanks for your input  Smiley
In response to your questions:
a) Yes. It was the first thing I mentioned over the phone right after ordering everything online at another address.
b) Yes. Via phone, tickets, complaint and this forum.
c) Understood but some PlusNet staff and those I've phoned have all stated it's possible that they would "see what they could do to help thereby implying direct involvement.
d) Yes. Via phone and open tickets/questions.
e) Yes. Mentioned in the initial post. We are good friends with the previous occupant. She had a working phone line and fibre with Sky. Openreach box is still here in the living room doing nothing.
Posts: 38
Registered: ‎15-04-2015

Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

Pearson = Pwatson. Phone typo (family members phone)
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Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

I know with previous versions of DSL that sky moved the line on to their local loop. Could it be that the line to the house is still in some way not free to use as it is assigned to skys luu and not therefore on bt system.
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Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

Quote from: pwatson
e)  When you moved, did you ascertain that the previous occupier had a working line?  Next time it would be worth doing so and investigating a 'working line takeover'

Quote from: Malachor
PlusNet why do you take so long to respond to a post? All I want to know is when I'm likely to receive an update. This has been raised with our local MP. Every day you delay is another day something could go wrong.

Hi Malachor,
Welcome to the forums, may I add my sympathies to you plight.
Whilst your frustrations are understandable, if there are no spare circuits, there is nothing very much that PlusNet can do other than chase and wait for either a line to become spare or for BT Openreach to install additional circuits.  If there is no change in the situation / status then it has been normal practice to not re-contact the customer to advise "no change - still waiting on our suppliers".
In some places there is a dire shortage of spare pairs, either due to serviceability issues or capacity.  This is about the 6th example of a long delay to provision a "new" connection seen on these forums in the last two months.  In some locations ceased lines are being reallocated within a matter of days.  You might have master socket which used to work for the previous occupant, but the wire between the cabinet and the exchange must have been pinched for someone else.
Pwatson's suggestion above, whilst well intended it will not assure that this cannot happen: under somewhat recent practices, line ceases tend to be applied when the subscriber is leaving the premises and until the cease completes a new service order cannot be placed on the line leaving the risk that the e-side circuit (cab to exchange) will be reallocated.
I suspect that the shortage is arising from the massive take up of broadband requiring the REMOVAL of DACS units as they are incompatible with xDSL.  If only BTOR could provision DACS over the e-side only, with the uptake of FTTC (where available) better use of the few e-sides could be made.
As for writing to your MP, by all means do so, but please make clear that this issue is of BTOR's making - inadequate basic phone line capacity - for which there is a clear obligation for them to provide.  Note that there is no similar obligation in respect of broadband.
As has been said, any supplier utilising the shared copper access network (which means everyone except Virgin Media) is going to be faced by the same situation - unless BTOR are breaking the rules.  It would be interesting to see if BT Retail were more successful in getting a line provisioned.  If they were it would have to be darned good luck (a line became spare just at the right time) or more evidence that BTOR are not playing fair across all CPs.
Hope you are sorted soon.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 38
Registered: ‎15-04-2015

Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

Rebecca Newton - Plaid Cymru
Wayne David - Caerphilly Constituency
Both MP's have been made aware of the situation in the hopes they can assist.
Evidence provision for ADR is also complete.
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Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

Quote from: Malachor
Both MP's candidates  Wink have been made aware of the situation
They might be a bit distracted until May 7th and they definitely have no influence until elected.
But getting your case "on their list" will mean you can dive straight in with whoever does get elected.  Cool
Posts: 28
Registered: ‎29-10-2014

Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

I imagine that you have also tried contacting your Welsh Assembly member (who may be less distracted). It might also be worth trying your local councillor.
Not that any of them will have a magic wand but the more pressure that descends on BTOR, the more likely they are to get out their magic wand.
Posts: 12
Registered: ‎16-04-2015

Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

Hi Malachor,
I can hardly begin to imagine the frustration and sense of powerless-ness that you are experiencing against  BTOR and the poor attitude of PN. And all this on top of the challenges with your daughter's health. Hard to know what to say in encouragement. I used to live in the US and the federal government did some great work in breaking up the stranglehold that Bell had on telecoms there. It does seem that infrastructure is best run by one organisation; but the stories that I am hearing about BT reluctance to invest and getting preference from OR etc. is very concerning. I know of one company in Midlands that has had to resort to their own microwave link between sites as BT/OR will not put in adequate capacity. When one organisation controls the infrastructure it is imperative that there are decent performance standards and fierce regulation. I am afraid that OFCOM is pretty much a joke, but it is clear that this is beginning to become a political issue. Banks are now on the radar of all political parties... and there is a growing media agenda to make  BT/OR/PN next. Take heart that highlighting your problems might help improve things for everyone in the long-term.

Hope that something is finally resolved for you and your family.
All the best, Harmsworth
Posts: 38
Registered: ‎15-04-2015

Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

Thank you Harmsworth for your kind words and for your valuable insight into things as they stand.  Nice to hear from a like-minded individual and words of encouragement are always gratefully received Smiley
Posts: 38
Registered: ‎15-04-2015

Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

Just to inform, I have registered for a Facebook page and have raised awareness of our situation on PlusNets main page here and the "British Telecom Bad Service Group" here
If everyone could please take the time to like the comment, share and pass on to all your friends/family/colleagues or anyone who might sympathise with our situation, it would be appreciated.  Let's get something done about this by increasing the pressure from all sides.  The more of you that read and like, the higher our chances of success.
Thanks to everyone in a similar situation and thanks to everyone supporting this case  Smiley
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎26-11-2012

Re: No Phone Line, No Broadband and a Disabled Daughter.

Practical suggestion - Have you tried asking Sky if they can provide you with service?