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Not Impressed at all with plusnet

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎05-10-2015

Not Impressed at all with plusnet

I am frankly astonished that no-one from plus net support or complaints team has bothered to contact me as yet, I have never received this level of poor service from an organisation within a week of joining before. To keep it simple my compliant is that I was due to transfer from Sky on 30/9/2015, but I received an email apologising that my phone and broadband will not transfer at the same time, so I rang to ask why and when etc. I was told in that phone call that the broadband would take another 2 days, when I asked why I was told that on rare occasions this can happen and given rather weak excuses about BT needing to test the line first (something they can do within minutes from previous experience) so I wanted to complain, I was surprised that I can't peak to a complaints tim and that I would have to go on-line and follow the link on the plusnet site, but guess what I HAD NO BROADBAND!! I didn't even have a router at that time, once again I was told that on a few rare occasions the router can be played and has to be sent manually, wow that's 2 rare occurrences in a row - how rare must that be? so after threatening to leave I was put through to the equivalent of the retentions team, someone there discussed the issues and promised the service would be brought forward to the 1/10/2015 but it could take up to midnight, So when it didn't happen I waited to see if it would happen on 2/10/2015, still nothing, so on Saturday I decided to ring again.
So on Saturday I was told that my broadband was actually live on Wednesday 30/9/15, why then did no-one notice and why did nothing happen until I rang on Saturday morning? I am now making a formal complaint as the ineptitude of plusnet  has cost me significant amounts of money, I have spent well over 2 hours trying to rectify their mistakes, I have had to drive to a nearby location to access email whilst waiting for the service to go live (even though it was actually live but no-one actually bothered to tell me) Plusnet have wasted my time and tested my patience, were it not for the fact that I cannot wait for another provider to take over the contract I would have cancelled by now and demanded all my money back. I am most bothered that the complaint service is so inaccessible by phone and hasn't afforded me the common decency to contact me as yet. To add to my serious concerns about them as my new provider I have enjoyed speeds of well below 1MPS since switching on the router 3 days ago, I will give it 2 more days before complaining further, however if it doesn't get to the promised speeds I will be within my rights to cancel the service and have all my money returned.
Over to you Plusnet
Posts: 634
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Registered: ‎26-09-2015

Re: Not Impressed at all with plusnet

What speed were you promised, and how confident was that promise?    How does your actual Plusnet speed compare with your previous provider's speed?
Posts: 24,687
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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Not Impressed at all with plusnet

Hi Jim,
A warm welcome to the forums, very disappointed to hear of the confusion on your migration.  There can be little excuse for the inconsistencty of the messages.  However, from many accounts around here, when transfers from LLU go wrong, they do it in style!
As for the speed concern, it would be useful for community members if you could take a look at the speed issues thread (link below) and list the 3 sets of data requested.  We can then take a first cut analysis at the issue for you.  At the moment PlusNET staff are a bit thin on the ground here due to late summer holidays.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.