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Not very helpful CSC - Just being ignored now!

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Re: Not very helpful CSC - Just being ignored now!

Sadly, I have nothing to add about the broadband but after reading your post I do hope that everything goes OK  with your surgery  in the New Year and wish you well.
I suppose that nothing much will get done with the connection due to the Christmas holiday but hopefully you will get it sorted eventually, even if it means changing ISP (although this could turn out more stressful in the long run).
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Re: Not very helpful CSC - Just being ignored now!

I'm home now unti the new year but will have to have a tripple by-pass if I survive long enough to have it.

@glloyd, My best wishes, I've been there!. I had a heart attack about 6 years ago, fortunately I didn't need a bypass, just angioplasty and a stent. Even more fortunately I was in the USA at the time and it was all done and dusted within a few hours and I was out of hospital in 48 hours.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Rising Star
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Re: Not very helpful CSC - Just being ignored now!

What realy winds me up is when C/S try to treat you like an idiot. The reply to one ticket said I have checked your router and it's not suitable for ADSL2+ (A) He did not know which router I was using and (B) I have been using the same router since the early trials plus two other ADSL2+ routers to test with. Also quite prepared to accept the word of an engineer that had no ADSL2+ equipment to test with.
Strange how overnight something was done on the 30/11/09 which restored the service back to normal on this router that won't work on ADSL2+ but went wrong again a few days later.
Strange how last night the speed jumped to almost normal and even higher this morning on a router that won't work on ADSL2+.
Rising Star
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Re: Not very helpful CSC - Just being ignored now!

Getting realt peeed off now. Nothing added to my ticket since the 18th December so looks like nothing is going to get done this side of Christmas now. If it were not for the fact I'm not sure when I have to go into hospital for an op I would apply for my MAC today.
What the hell has happened ot C/S of late and especially since James left? Looks to me as if it's gone back to the bad old days again.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Not very helpful CSC - Just being ignored now!

Hi glloyd,
I've had a look at the line and there's definitely still drops showing so I've passed the fault back for you - as soon as we hear back I'll let you know. I'm not convinced it's the router at fault and the engineer should certainly have been looking for more than sync on the line - we'll feed this back as soon as there's another engineer visit request which I suspect will be soon.
Sorry about the delay in getting back to you.
Rising Star
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Re: Not very helpful CSC - Just being ignored now!

Thanks Matt,
I'm sure it's not the router unless four routers, three of them new, are also faulty.
Posts: 37
Registered: ‎02-12-2009

Re: Not very helpful CSC - Just being ignored now!

Hi George,
Really sorry to hear your health problem and I hope your treatment goes well and you are cared for extremely well. I must say it's rather sad that support even appear to be ignoring your health too as they've not breathed a word here. Only poppy who am guessing is female.
Strangely my broadband is dropping very regularly too for roughly 8 hours a day - it's up about 5 mins, down 1 min. Today it started at 10am and was even worse - on/off 1 min each. Is that what you're getting?? If there are two people getting such behaviour (a) there will be more (b) it won't be anything to do with "our side".
You already said the BT guy found nothing which I guessed would be the case. It's not the router, you know that too. The speed of my line has dropped from what it was when it first went t*ts up, but only since I've been looking. The main reason for the drop in speed in my case is because BT kindly watch the stats and then creates a quality/speed profile. If the line drops too many times in a set time (their choice) they push a button which raises the Signal to Noise ratio (aka SNR) by 3dB. That's fine for them but causes your speed to drop. They will keep increasing the SNR by 3 until they max out at 15dB. So guess what? That just means your speed drops and drops. Again great for them because they can squeeze more people down the piece of string they maintain.
Anyway my line speed dropped from 2.4MB to 2MB but, and it's a great big Kerry Katona sized arse of a but, I don't care about the speed drop. I *care* about the connection dropping and being thoroughly un-reliable. This started on 24th Nov and the last message I had was "as we can't find the cause we got BT to test their stuff but they found nothing wrong so want to come and pay you a visit". I immediately said no way because I don't see how it could be anything this end. It worked fine June-Oct and nothing changed to my house or wiring. The router has been plugged into the *test* socket for about 3 weeks and it's made no difference at all except clutter up the kitchen.
Sorry this has gone on and on. Just hoping that your situation is the same so it proves it's NOT a "user problem". And yes, I've been ignored too. It takes 3 or 4 days for anyone to get around to replying to ticket updates and not ONE SINGLE question I have asked has been answered.
If you want to ask me anything feel free. I will try to help in any way I can.
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: Not very helpful CSC - Just being ignored now!

Hi Mike,
My fault was not the same as yours. I am 100% sure it was an exchange problem which I hope has now been fixed.
I have to say C/S has gone right down the pan of late. I don't like to be rude but you often get the feeling you are talking to a parking attendant to try to get your BB fault fixed. They don't seem to understand what you are talking about and often you don't know what they are on about. One example was an entry on my ticket said the BT engineer claimed my router was unsuitable for ADSL2+ and that PlusNet had checked and agreed with BT and sent me a crappy Thompson router. The router I am using is a Vigor 2800G that I have used since the ADSL2+ trial started without the slightest problem.
Then they insisted another BT engineer visit was needed so one was booked for the following day then canceled without bothering to tell me. Oh yes first of all they wanted to band me at half my normail speeed, I was having none of that. Not the sort of agro you need in my condition.
Posts: 37
Registered: ‎02-12-2009

Re: Not very helpful CSC - Just being ignored now!

Hi George,
Absolutely not. You can do without any hassle. Hope they've fixed it anyway. Surfing is probably a good way to relax/ pass the time so perhaps more important for you. There is TV but there's only so much Bargain Hunt one can stomach  :P.