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PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

Posts: 507
Registered: ‎23-02-2010

PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

As a relatively NEW customer, I have tried to be tolerant.
However, enough is enough !!
Here is what PlusNet do folks....
My internet went over to PlusNet on the 22nd February 2010.
PlusNet asked for TWO payments - which I made by Direct Debit.
These were :
£18.98  for broadband net  (and included £6.99 for p & p for their router)
£11.99  which they told me was for my line rental.

However, my phone did NOT go over to PlusNet until the 9th March 2010
PlusNet asked for a further payment on the 10th March of £4.88 - which they
told me was (quote) :  pro rata charge for the period to 21/03/2010
When I telephoned and asked why they wanted this further charge - seeing
as how I had already paid them £11.99 for the phone line which I had only
just got -   I was then told THEY HAD MADE A MISTAKE and that I ought not
to have been charged that £11.99
Okay, I thought....  mistakes can happen......
PlusNet issued a CREDIT for £11.99 on the 11th March 2010
but they tell me that it takes between 7 - 14 for that Credit to be refunded back
into my bank account.
Meantime, the cheeky B`s want a further payments of £25.07 on or around the
25th of this month (in a few days from now)
I object to paying PlusNet this further payment !!!
Or at least I object to paying £11.99 of it......     BECAUSE THEY OWE ME MONEY.....
and I dont believe they are entitled to another penny UNTIL I RECEIVE WHAT THEY
I have telephoned their Customer Services (sic) Dept several times, and each time
I just get told  `a credit note has been issued`
I am now peeved off with PlusNet -  I DEMAND THAT £11.99 BACK  NOW  !!!!!!!!!!!
If I have to wait 7 /14 days for what they took in error then why should I pay them
any more ?
I have spoken to them about half an hour ago - I asked to speak to a manager.
I was told a manager would phone me back  `in a few minutes`
That was half an hour ago  !!!!!!!!
PLUSNET PLEASE SORT THIS - because if that money does not go back into
my bank by tomorrow at the latest -  then a copy of this post - along with all the
evidence will be forwarded to the Daily Mail -  and that, I might add, stands likely
to put alot of potential customers off signing up for your service.
Your call......    refund what you owe......   or accept whatever bad publicity ensues.

Invoice Value Balance Invoice Date Status Description
19973028 £25.07 £25.07 22/03/2010 Pending Scheduled Payments
19799111 £-11.99 £0.00 11/03/2010 Credit Note Account Credit Note
19784417 £4.88 £0.00 10/03/2010 Fully Paid Talk Evenings & Weekends pro-rata charge
19540249 £11.99 £0.00 22/02/2010 Refund Issued Scheduled Payments
19527010 £18.98 £0.00 22/02/2010 Fully Paid ADSL Initial Charge
Posts: 5,924
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Registered: ‎07-04-2007

Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

19540249 £11.99 £0.00 22/02/2010 Refund Issued Scheduled Payments 
I read that as the refund is going to be deducted from the next schedule payment and not by a refund to your bank account.
Posts: 5,560
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

Hi there,
I'm looking into this for you now.
Posts: 507
Registered: ‎23-02-2010

Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

Quote from: itsme
19540249 £11.99 £0.00 22/02/2010 Refund Issued Scheduled Payments 
I read that as the refund is going to be deducted from the next schedule payment and not by a refund to your bank account.

No, everytime I have called PlusNet they have made it clear that this is a CREDIT and will be refunded direct to my bank.
Meantime this months payment of £25.07 will be taken by D/D.
The £25.07 is made up of  £23.24 for phone & internet  (reduced rate) PLUS some phone calls.
I have just telephoned them again - but still cannot get any sense out of them.
They do NOT seem to appreciate that a customer only has a limited amount of money each money, and that I have OTHER
bills to pay.   For example :  I need to pay my water rates for this month -  and it seems unfair that another bill should be
late whilst PlusNet meantime hold £11.99 of mine which they took in error.
Ive just told them on the phone, enough is enough -  I shall go to the press and show them up.
Thing is :  if they do make me wait the full 14 working days for this payment then I will not get it back until the last day of this
month   and I am NOT prepared to wait that long when I have a bill to the water due for payment.
Looking at all the complaints in this forum, then maybe that is what others should do....  ring or email the Daily Mail.
They ran a brilliant story exposing BT not that long ago !!!!!!
Posts: 507
Registered: ‎23-02-2010

Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

Quote from: Mand
Hi there,
I'm looking into this for you now.

copy of CREDIT NOTE below :

Credit Note:
Account Credit Note
Company  N/A 

This is not a VAT invoice
Invoice Number  19799111 
Date  11/03/2010 

Qty  Description  Unit  VAT  Gross 
1  Customer has been double billed  -£10.20 -£1.79 -£11.99

Net Amount  -£10.20
VAT Amount
  @  -£1.79 
Credit Note Total  -£11.99

Posts: 5,924
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Registered: ‎07-04-2007

Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

BT make you wait for 3 months for a refund.  Angry
Posts: 5,924
Thanks: 3
Registered: ‎07-04-2007

Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

Looking at my PN transactions when I have been issued with a credit note PN has taken this from the scheduled DD payment. From memory this is not clear as the email sent out with the advance warning on the DD did not include the credit note reduction. Having said that I now believe it does.
Posts: 507
Registered: ‎23-02-2010

Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

Quote from: itsme

BT make you wait for 3 months for a refund.  Angry

How do these ppl get away with it ?
I left BT.
I used to pay them £50 a month for phone & internet plus had a limit of calls included in it.
But they got greedy, they said they wanted the account to be 3 months IN ADVANCE, and
to that end they informed me they would put up my monthly payment to £72.50  !!!!!
I told them :  you wont -  and I walked !!!!    
Trouble is, I`m now wondering what I walked into instead !!!!
Do these Companies not realise that without US (the customers)  their Company would not
even exist.     The people who work for them would be out of a job.
Talk about appreciating the public (sic)
Alot of companies just lately have become bullies....  water folks are no better either !!!!!
Perhaps its going to take a financial crash to make them realise thats when they`ll get NO MONEY
from anyone !!!      
I hate Companies who are bullies, and think they can do as they like.
They should appreciate their customers - whilst after all WE chose them...  and not the other way
round -  and at the end of our Contract we can just as easily choose a different one.
I am disappointed with PlusNet,  but admittingly their staff on this forum DO appear helpful at least.
Posts: 507
Registered: ‎23-02-2010

Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

Quote from: itsme

Looking at my PN transactions when I have been issued with a credit note PN has taken this from the scheduled DD payment. From memory this is not clear as the email sent out with the advance warning on the DD did not include the credit note reduction. Having said that I now believe it does.

To be honest THATS what I suggested to them on the phone, but they said they couldnt do that.
I felt it was the best way round the problem....  just deduct £11.99 off this months payment - and I would have been happy with that.
Its the FACT that they want the FULL months payment, yet still make me wait for what they owe me that I`m not happy with.
Posts: 5,924
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Registered: ‎07-04-2007

Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

I believe that you can find out it the credit is being deducted for the DD payment if you look at the status in 'View Transactions' and it should have part paid instead of pending.
Posts: 507
Registered: ‎23-02-2010

Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

Status says PENDING.
Thanks for trying to help.
They have told me it goes through their system separately.
In fact they even explained this morning that a REFUND (credit) to someone who has paid by credit or debit card takes 10 days
and a REFUND (credit) to someone (like myself) who paid by d/debit takes 7 - 14 WORKING DAYS.
So 14 working days from the 11th March is, I believe, the last day of this month.
I know £11.99 doesnt sound alot - and to many ppl it might not be, but when a person is not working (on health grounds)
got a family to support, then nearly twelve quid can be half of another bill for someone else.
PlusNet really need to get a grip....  if they want to keep their customers.
There`s alot of ISP`s out there -  cut-throat competition & all that -  and none of the ISPs can afford to peeve ppl off.
We know mistakes can happen - and I`m sure we all make mistakes, but its how long they take to rectify it that they
need to look at.

Posts: 507
Registered: ‎23-02-2010

Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

Quote from: Mand

Hi there,
I'm looking into this for you now.

I`ll check back later Mand, cause Ive got a few things I need to do.
thanks again.
Posts: 5,560
Thanks: 2
Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

According to our checks the money should have hit your account today?
Posts: 507
Registered: ‎23-02-2010

Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

Quote from: Mand
According to our checks the money should have hit your account today?

Hello Mand,
Thank you ever so much.  Just checked now and yes it has.
I do appreciate your kindness.
If you prefer to now delete this thread, please feel free to do so.
Other than for this little episode with PN I have been satisfied
with the rest of the service.
take care.
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Re: PlusNet your customer service is rubbish

We don't delete threads as a rule WildRose52 as others can find them useful.
Glad it worked out for you Smiley
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To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine