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Plusnet accounts department mistakes and lack of VOIP not good.

Posts: 96
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Plusnet accounts department mistakes and lack of VOIP not good.

Been with PN over 20 years, starting with force9. Ups and downs over these years, but until my recent experiences used to be pretty good on customer service, especially in past few years.

Being unable to get an Openreach approximate date for full fibre availability in our area other than between now and December 2026 and in any case no voip would be available from Plusnet anyway. So I contacted PN about not wanting to renew at the end of my current contract on 5 October as I was changing supplier to YouFibre. This was in August.

I  am now connected with YouFibre since 30 August fttp and 28 September my landline was ported.

Brilliant service 150up/150Mbps down for £21.99, a 24 month contract (plus choice of 3 phone call option charges) and a guaranteed NO INCREASE whatsoever during this 24 months.

Unlike PN with the rpi + 3.9% increase. Renewal invitation will be at whatever the going rate is for NEW customers in 24 months time. So, none of the £££ "fines" of rip off contract renewal for loyal customers.

So, 3 September I received this confirmation.

The cancellation will take place on 5th October 2023.

Cancellation charges

There are no cancellation charges.

Remember what this states. Read on....

Now that I am leaving, it seems that accuracy and good customer service from accounts is still not fully achievable.

I found that my DD had more than doubled on 5 September when emailed and told of pending bank withdrawal, so I complained. They admitted it was their mistake, seems they had cancelled me one month before the 5 October final date and put me on a standard monthly deal without contract?. But they said it was too late to stop this DD.

It took several phone calls to rectify this and I was emailed on 14 Sept that the return had actually been actioned.

Then on 20 Sept I was told once again that it had been actioned! Their accounts department seem to be very chaotic indeed. The first one had never happened.

I THINK it was received this past week? I do not do internet banking, so will need to check my next statement.

An already open ticket that I had made a complaint on, I never received any apology, it just confirmed this refund. So, when I had to phone yet again to complain about notification of a £3 ish Termination FEE being taken it was only then I received a proper apology, cancellation of this fee and offer of a goodwill gesture payment credited to my account. This I hope to receive around 3 weeks from now.


My advice to all, is when you do finally leave Plusnet, MAKE SURE you watch their accounts very closely regarding Direct Debits. It seems to me that overcharging on final bills can happen?

Discussions on a different forum about PN/BT, it seems I am not alone with my experiences and some other's opinion is it seems BT might also be trying to kill off Plusnet by not allowing them to provide VOIP? However, BT do provide "Digital Voice". Is that not VOIP?? OR a term just to confuse the public who do not fully understand just what is happening to the old copper telephone network? Especially the older population who may not be Internet savvy..

Some on that forum have left PN already and more are considering leaving.


Finally, with Plusnet in such decline, I really feel sorry for those loyal advisors that have kept them going all these years.


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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: Plusnet accounts department mistakes and lack of VOIP not good.

Moderator's note(s):

Thread moved from My Account/Billing to Plusnet Feedback.

Forum Moderator and Customer
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He who feared he would not succeed sat still