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Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎12-10-2014

Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

made the mistake of trying to switch to plusnet a month ago.
It may be aware winning Internet but I don't see how as you aren't capable of supplying it.
Despite my numerous phone calls to try and resolve this I get conflicting information from customer service. After the simple question of " are you actually supplying my internet" and being told yes we are I was told it was semantics when I got upset when it turned out you weren't.
Still waiting and something is supposed to happen tomorrow but I bet that involves me having to phone you again to find out. Absolute joke of a service wish I hadn't bothered but now I'm stuck for 12 months .
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎06-10-2014

Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

Completely agree
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎10-04-2014

Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

Hi MisterP,
I'll make sure that you are contacted today regarding your order. I'm really sorry for the delay.
ex-Plusnet staffer. Any posts after 28/07/2017 aren't on behalf of Plusnet
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎12-10-2014

Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

Please don't make promises you can't keep. Although technically today hasn't actually finished. No one has phoned me, I get an email late this evening saying my phone order has been cancelled so I ended up phoning you. Looks like another week will go by without any service.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,686
Registered: ‎03-02-2014

Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

Really sorry if you weren't contacted before you rang in. The team who were meant to contact you yesterday work until 9pm so there was still time for you to receive the call. As you called in the order was re-placed by the advisor you spoke to and the phone line is due to be activated today. Once the phone line is active the Fibre team can proceed with your order and confirm an appointment date with you.
Hope it's all resolved for you soon.
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎12-10-2014

Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

Thanks for your response as it has confirmed the title of my thread. If you can't even tell the time what hope is there of getting this resolved. My post 21:29 and you said there was still time to call me as they work until 9pm.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,686
Registered: ‎03-02-2014

Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

Sorry if I wasn't very clear, MisterP. I didn't mean that there was still time for them to call you following your post on the Forums. I was advising that there was still time for them to call you by the time that you had called in. You received the email advising the order had been cancelled at 17:31 and by 17:51 you were through to my colleague on the phone.
Again, sorry if this wasn't very clear.
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎12-10-2014

Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

And now my phone number is changed even though you have sent me an email saying it would stay the same. You couldn't make it up, although whenever I speak to someone I feel they probably are.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,686
Registered: ‎03-02-2014

Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

You were made aware of your previous number being lost as your previous supplier have taken this back when you called on the 13th. The delay with the order came from the fact that they wouldn't release the number to us. I am sorry that you have lost your number in the process though.
You should get confirmation of the installation date for the Fibre service in the next 24 hours. It'll be updated on Ticket: 92423593 on your account.
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Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

Under Ofcom rules your existing (previous) provider MUST allow you to keep your old number
Quote from: http
So if you’re staying at the same address and your number is active, your current provider must allow it to be transferred to a new phone company.

This is though an issue which only you can take up with them.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎12-10-2014

Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

Linn,  would you like to see a copy of your email stating stat I would be keeping my number?
Or your customer service agent who told me that yes you were definitely supplying my broadband and went through some fault finding with me till he gave up and never called back.
Your company couldn't even be bothered to call me to arrange a date for an engineer to call and booked one so I had to call back to change it.
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎06-10-2014

Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

I keep being told that plusnet are waiting for OpenReach to resolve a problem with number of available lines. OpenReach knew nothing about this when they were on my road doing some work recently.
I signed up over a MONTH ago, plusnet took the money immediately and since then all I've had is stress, lies and apologies. I am no further forward and they just keep blaming OpenReach. Who is the customer here? Why are plusnet unable to influence OpenReach?
Plusnet people keep saying that they'll chase things and get back to me but nobody has EVER given me any piece of information - just apology after apology. I'm sure that this would be embarrassing for plusnet if they actually cared.
How on earth did they win any customer service awards?!
Posts: 105
Registered: ‎05-08-2014

Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

Good morning
@MisterP Again , I'm very sorry for the inconvenience and frustration that has been caused by this order, and I'm also sorry to see that we booked an appointment in for you without any confirmation from yourself.  In regards to the phone number, from the account history it would appear that we tried every possible option to retain the number at hand for you, and I am sorry that this was unsuccessful
@barrytfoster I am sorry for the problems that are currently ongoing in regards to the BT Infrastructure. I can confirm that we are continually chasing the order for you, as it is of no advantage to ourselves for you to be without a service. I am sorry to see however that our provisioning team have not always kept you up to date with the latest progress in regards to these matters.
I will ensure that this gets chased for you this morning and we get an update to you by the end of the day
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎12-10-2014

Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

I wish someone would just take ownership of a problem that hasn't been sorted and then I wouldn't be in this situation.
After arranging another afternoon off work for an engineer to come and connect me, even though I have a bt fibre optic router connected in my house and numerous promises that it is sorted not that Plusnet have have connected my phone line you now email again to tell me it's been delayed. I have already spent a day off work waiting for an engineer with no apology or reason as to why they never turned up.
Once again not even the courtesy of a phone call or an explanation as to why.
What an absolute shambles of a company, a disgrace of what they call customer service. And I continue to be left without any internet, are they going to pay for the charges I incur by having to use my phone for any internet connection I wish to use which is still insufficient to do anything.
Plusnet to sum up your service, I've had conflicting information at best or just downright lies. As an internet provider I would expect to be able to the basic things like provide the service.
You are now in the proud position of the worst company I have ever dealt with. Well done.
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎12-10-2014

Re: Plusnet, awful service and haven't got.a clue.

And to top it all off you send me a bill for my service.  You haven't provided me with anything yet.