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Plusnet policy is to not compensate for errors and lack of service

Posts: 33
Registered: ‎25-11-2013

Plusnet policy is to not compensate for errors and lack of service

Dear Mr Hitchens,
I must make you aware that it is not Plusnet’s policy to offer compensation, we have already agreed to renumber your line again, free of charge. This offer be accepted and bring the matter to a swift resolution.
As you are not satisfied with my response can you please let me know how we can resolve your complaint to your satisfaction?
Kind regards,
Posts: 319
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Registered: ‎06-11-2013

Re: Plusnet policy is to not compensate for errors and lack of service

Sounds perfectly acceptable, they've already offered to renumber you FoC which will encur PN fees, what more do you want?
You are aware though any new number will be recycled though.
Posts: 33
Registered: ‎25-11-2013

Re: Plusnet policy is to not compensate for errors and lack of service

So they think they are doing me a favour by renumbering FOC - whose mistake was it,whose been getting the phone call,whose been waiting on the phone for 50 minutes plus????? Ready the adverts recommend provider - excellent customer service, anybody can say that,can't they???  
I want to be in the situation where i don't have to deal with a company like plusnet, they can put me back in the position when i was with another provider at their time and costs, i have wasted enough time and money on these cowboys why should i have to correct the mistake and contact all my friends to notify them of the changes and plusnets mistakes i have better thinks to do!!!    
Posts: 319
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Registered: ‎06-11-2013

Re: Plusnet policy is to not compensate for errors and lack of service

So they think they are doing me a favour by renumbering FOC

whose mistake was it,whose been getting the phone call

Not theirs.... It's commonly accepted this may happen with all reused numbers, Go to Ofcom, ask them and I bet they say you don't have a case. If the number was released by their supplier (which I believe is (BT) then I am sure it was a legal release, PN probably don't even know if it is reused or not, they just get given a number allocated and give it to you - that's my understanding of it.
whose been waiting on the phone for 50 minutes plus

Probably you but then they've already address the oversubscribed call center issue.

- I could go on what you're REALLY on about but alas I will probably get pulled up by a mod for it...
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎26-11-2012

Re: Plusnet policy is to not compensate for errors and lack of service

What reason did you give PN for wanting a new number?  If you told them it was because your current number often received mis-dialled  calls for the local takeaway, for example, they may  have warned you that the same might be true of a new number.  If you said it was to avoid calls from a stalker then they probably wouldn't think to warn you...
At the end of the day, I wouldn't have expected PN to warn you and you are being a little niaive to expect them to do so.  They've been more than fair in offering a free re-number.
Posts: 33
Registered: ‎25-11-2013

Re: Plusnet policy is to not compensate for errors and lack of service

we obviously have different expectations, i didn't expect to keep getting calls for a local business, they offered me a "new" number as part of the switch so i said yes to get rid of some of the marketing calls, never had mis dialled calls in the past .
Posts: 319
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Registered: ‎06-11-2013

Re: Plusnet policy is to not compensate for errors and lack of service

you seem to have expectations that are higher than most then 😕
Posts: 33
Registered: ‎25-11-2013

Re: Plusnet policy is to not compensate for errors and lack of service

no some have lower expectations than me Wink
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Re: Plusnet policy is to not compensate for errors and lack of service

Do you really expect PN or BT to have knowledge of the historical use of a presently dead phone numbers?  You seem to expect that someone would know that the number you received was (for argument's sake) associated with bad debt (personal or business), which might result in lots of calls chasing those debts and that you should have been warned of the same or the number not allocated.  HOW?
Such knowledge would require a massive 'big brother 'database knowing everything about everyone and the resources they have used to know which ones (phone numbers) are 'toxic'.  It is not a matter of your expectations being higher than others, or others being lower than yours, it is a matter of expectations being realistic.
Step back and think about what you are saying / expecting and the requirements necessary to deliver them.  I think you will realise that these expectations are not realistic and indeed, you'd be in the front line complaining if the information required to fulfil them was indeed so collected, correlated and exploited.

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