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Plusnet's Status Page.

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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Plusnet's Status Page.

Effectiveness (or otherwise) of the service status pages / forum posts is a matter the SUs have raised.  Each time that we note a failure to notify a service issue via the service page, we do flag it up.  These features have to be part of mitigating support call volumes.

The reality is that often the focus is on resolving the issue and "publicising" the issue takes a lower priority.  In some ways this is sensible, in others its complete madness ... its not until a problem has been looked at can one know if it is going to be an extended issue ... of fixed in a short time frame ... possibly quicker than it takes to profile, describer and agree a public briefing statement.

For example I complained this week about there being no service status notice on the POP/IMAP access failure ... by the time the service status got published ... the problem was resolved.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎04-08-2009

Re: Plusnet's Status Page.

And in the mean time dozens of people had invaded the support phone line, most to be told that there isn't a problem! That's another way a working status page would help, by releasing up to date information to the support desk.
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Re: Plusnet's Status Page.

Plusnet dont look like they want to report a problem , on the status page unless they get pushed Angry

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Re: Plusnet's Status Page.

Once again, the email servers are playing up (see Email forum) and once again no status announcements. Roll on the Revolution! Ticked_off

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Registered: ‎04-08-2009

Re: Plusnet's Status Page.

It's one thing for Plusnet to advertise jobs for people to analyse customer service complaints, that no doubt pay quite a few tens of thousands of ££ (see the jobs page), but why not keep an eye on what the customer is actually saying now? That just ain't happening. It's not right that the paying PN user should be left to diagnose PN problems by themselves. What do we pay PN technical staff for?

This really has got right up my nose now! Right up!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Plusnet's Status Page.

And they continue to advertise award winning service Cheesy

Why compromise on value or service?

Some providers offer cheap broadband…but not everyone can offer great customer service too. At Plusnet we take pride in delivering low priced broadband with great service, going that extra mile to look after our customers.

More satisfied customers

We continue to lead the way on satisfaction, that's why our broadband customers are more satisfied than Sky, Virgin and TalkTalk. Take a look at the results of an independent survey:


Asus ROG Hero Vii Z97 , Intel i5 4690k ,ROG Asus Strix 1070,
samsung 850evo 250gig , WD black 2 TB . Asus Phoebus sound ,
16 gig Avexir ram 2400 , water cooling Corsair H100i gtx ,
Corsair 750HXI Psu , Phanteks Enthoo pro case .
Posts: 693
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Registered: ‎03-08-2012

Re: Plusnet's Status Page.

Exactly. I finally managed to report a fibre speed fault last Sunday evening - "only" 20 minutes wait on the phone after trying earlier to be greeted by 45 minutes call wait estimates. A fault was confirmed and since then not a dicky bird. I don't even think it's been passed on to OR yet. That is not award winning service by any stretch of the imagination!

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Re: Plusnet's Status Page.

It is always said that the visitors to these forums are more likely to have problems than the average user. So we should expect a proper survey of people using Plusnet and other ISP's like GfK NOP to include a representative proportion of the people having no issues that we don't see on here.

So what does this survey tell us? That when asked "Thinking about the brands you are currently with, overall how satisfied are you with [brand]?" the average rating for Plusnet was 70%.

Is being the best of a bad bunch really something to brag about?

jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
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Registered: ‎04-08-2009

Re: Plusnet's Status Page.



Just shows the value of surveys.

The problem as far as I can see is that they don't seem to be learning anything. We can bang on about what might improve things, but there's isn't a system set up where one person is accountable for customer satisfaction. If there is they need replacing! What's the point of having forums like these if nobody from PN reads them?

The quality of service seems to have gone right down the tubes over the past few years. I'm seriously thinking of joining you and migrating to someone else, even though I have been "loyal" for fifteen years. I don't think that now counts for anything which is a shame.

Posts: 39
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Registered: ‎07-01-2008

Re: Plusnet's Status Page.

Once again we have problems with email clients picking up emails - the old 0x800CCC90 error again!

The status page shows problems on email with this problem being reported on 16th November but being resolved on 17th November. However, nothing for today!

There is clearly an issue here which needs fixing. If the POP servers are 'fragile' then support staff need to be monitoring this until they become less 'fragile' ie a proper fix is implemented.

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Registered: ‎20-07-2016

Re: Plusnet's Status Page.

In an organisation the size of PlusNet's the service page should be AUTOMATICALLY updated by their monitoring systems.

These are things like HP OpenView, that do real-time monitoring of the business' many IT systems, raise alarms when something fails, provide a alarm handling system (ie an engineer logs who is doing what).... and can be used to automatically update status pages.