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Plusnet staff - Ignorant or inept?

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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Plusnet staff - Ignorant or inept?

Quote from: JonJon
As a matter of interest, does he also browse these forums from time to time? Just to see the topics which re-occur (or topics which are raised on here because of frustrations with CSC)?

He works very closely with us, on the same team in fact (it's very imaginatively called 'Comms and Training' ;)). We raise any issues with training to him, and to the management of the CSC as a whole.
Posts: 128
Registered: ‎07-08-2007

Re: Plusnet staff - Ignorant or inept?

There are always two side of a story. I'm not familar with this particular router but most routers encrypt the password so perhaps your friend was adopting an aggressive tone by dismissing the agent request that the password was incorrect. How did your friend know that the password was correct? Also how did your friend change the username without knowing? Sound to me that you want to blame someone else for your friends mistake.

I don't want to get into a slanging match about who was responsible. The password was entered several times plus the PN agent told her what it was. Also I tried it on my computer and found that I could get into their account - that's how we know! I don't know how the username changed but suspect that the old one is automatically deleted when the Thomson set up page is entered. When the set up page is entered it asks who the ISP is out of the PN group of companies. To be honest I assumed that it did this so that the router could automatically fill in the bit. In hindsight I should have checked before visiting. All the symptoms suggested an early life failure with the router so I went hot foot to put a spare on.
I am reporting what happened as seen from the customers point of view. In my opinion the PN performance was not up to scratch. It certainly left a new subscriber with a jaundiced view of the quality of PN support. I made this posting to make PN aware of this fact as I have no confidence that a ticket would get through to the proper authority.
I have received an apology from James. I also trust that the trainer and others who need to know will look at this forum and pick up on this and improve the situation for 'those who come after'. I am therefore satisfied.
Posts: 30
Registered: ‎23-06-2009

Re: Plusnet staff - Ignorant or inept?

At the same time of creating this topic (more or less), I added the following comment to my help ticket:
<<Is this part of my original issue invisible?
<<I have been a customer for many years and WILL NOT accept this level of service.
I also could find no information that the term of the new contract was 18 months.
I wish to return IMMEDIATELY to my old contract.
I apologise for the capitalisation but I want to make my position clear!>>
I do not want the issue dealt with now.
What I am asking is this:
Why has it been IGNORED?
In an attempt to make my question clear.
I will ask it again
Why has that part of my original help question been IGNORED?
This was capitalised, so I don't think it could be missed.
Do you deliberately ignore issues that you don't like?
This has been dealt with by three people from Plusnet.
Did all three of them miss this part?
Michael Driscoll>>
I suppose I could have made the part  "Remember...
I do not want the issue dealt with now." bigger.
But based on past experience I don't think it would have made any difference.
The reply to this comment as follows:
<<Dear Mr Driscoll,
Thanks for your response. While I cannot speak for my colleagues, I can only offer further apologies for missing this request. As you have been on the new account less than 30 days, I have scheduled your account to change back to the Premier package at the end of the billing month. Sorry for the frustration I am sure this has caused.
Kind regards,
(Plusnet staff members name)>>
In other words the issue has now been dealt with.
Something I asked not to be done.
Was my question answered? (The one I asked twice)
It's a shame really because I have always been quite happy with the actual working of the broadband service.
The help and support side though is shameful.
I refuse to believe that all three help and support staff missed the part that this topic refers to.
I think they found it convenient not to mention it.

Quote from: mal0z
I would not call PN staff either ignorant or inept - but I agree that handling of tickets can be problematic sometimes, and I have had to post queries here on community to get the issue resolved - often by James  Smiley
So I would say CS agent training needs to be ongoing.

This seems to be a contradiction to me.
And also seems to answer my question positively.
If you have had to post on community to get issues resolved perhaps the help and support ticket system should contain a link to the community for matters that the help staff feel unqualified to deal with.
Surely if they can be resolved on here then the help and support team (dedicated to help and support) should find it a breeze!
Perhaps there needs to be a few transfers from the community to help and support.
I myself only fixed my original overcharging issue by posting on this forum.
Trouble is, I only stumbled on the forum by luck.
I wonder how many customers issues go unresolved because they don't find there way here.
After all if you need help where do you go?
That's right ........
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Plusnet staff - Ignorant or inept?

Hi Mick,
I've just tried to give you a ring to see if everything is okay now.
Looking at your ticket, things seem to be okay and that you're moving back to your old product on your next billing date.
If you would like me to call back later, let me know and I'll be happy to do so.
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Re: Plusnet staff - Ignorant or inept?

Quote from: mickyd
I wish to return IMMEDIATELY to my old contract.
I apologise for the capitalisation but I want to make my position clear!>>
I do not want the issue dealt with now.

I don't know what the support staff made of your comments, but they appear to be in direct contradiction:  Wink
2. not ......... now
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Re: Plusnet staff - Ignorant or inept?

I think he means don't try to fix any "issues" - just revert to the old contract and nothing more (or less).
Basically - a KISS attitude. Cheesy

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

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Re: Plusnet staff - Ignorant or inept?

Quote from: Crucibleofevil

That makes sense.  Cheesy
I've learned when emailing any of my family to either ask ONLY one question, or to explicitly state up front how many questions there are and what need answering, and then to number them. I think there's something psychological about reading on a screen (as opposed to paper) that means people find it so easy to ignore large chunks of relevant text.
Posts: 30
Registered: ‎23-06-2009

Re: Plusnet staff - Ignorant or inept?

Yes I agree things can get confused in emails.
I am not usually one for getting angry and am quite understanding when mistakes happen.
1: I hadn't even been online since my new package started.
When I received 7 (seven) emails (all sent at 2 am) telling me I had gone over my allowance (seven times) and adding £2 for each email to my account bill.
I now owed £19.99 according to them.
This would be deducted from my account in three days time.
This in the first few hours of my new package.
How much would I owe at the end of the month?
Yes, I panicked.
I am on a very low income and cannot afford this cavalier attitude towards deducting money from my account.
Hence the 'Return to my original package message'.
That seemed the one sure way of me not having to take out a mortgage at the end of the month.
Remember, I had no sure way of knowing that this was a 'mistake'.
And I was very angry.
2. The reply from the 'help' desk implied that there was no mistake and I was responsible for this payment as I had gone over my allowance (seven times).
I was even angrier.
Especially when they said I had not used my allowance but was nevertheless responsible for going over my allowance.
3. When I resolved the issue with the help of this forum.
I was in a much calmer mood and could now see that it was Plusnet's fault and I might be able to actually afford my bill at the end of the month.
Still angry though that now I was on an 18 month contract and stuck with it.
I could not now cancel my contract with a months notice.
Hence my message as to why was my 'No other resolution' part ignored.
Now I have to wait and go back on my original more expensive package next month to be able to give a months notice.
As I have said.
I have been happy with the service up until this issue.
I have been a customer with Plusnet since our exchange was broadband enabled in 2004.
Never had reason to call for help before but this issue has tainted my view.
I'm still upset by this somewhat as I don't really think I will find a better broadband service.
But I am not prepared to 'accept what I am given and be grateful for it'.
They have taken money from my account that they were not entitled to.
This has caused me a lot of aggravation and I don't want aggravation.
All I get in return is a cursory 'standard' apology
I use the internet for my enjoyment and I have not enjoyed it this last couple of weeks.
With regard to the telephone call James.
Without going in to the 'long story'
I have a problem with my landline (can't be used for telephone calls)
And before you ask, yes I have paid my bill.
Good ol' BT
Otherwise I wouldn't be able to use it for the internet.
Which I can.
so I am stuck with confusing emails.
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Plusnet staff - Ignorant or inept?

Hi Mick,
Do you have a mobile number or an alternate number I could call you on?
I'll be here until 5:30 - more than happy to give you a ring.
Posts: 30
Registered: ‎23-06-2009

Re: Plusnet staff - Ignorant or inept?

Hi James
I will send my mobile number by PM
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Plusnet staff - Ignorant or inept?

Thanks Mick.
Good talking to you. 
As I said, I've documented our discussion on a new ticket and I'll look forward to hearing from you again once you've moved back to your old product.