Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
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- Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS...
Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
01-07-2010 11:01 AM
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I would get more justice if I was accused of speeding.
"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."
Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
01-07-2010 12:59 PM
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"that “[this is] not a moral crusade” and that in his opinion, ACS:Law and DigiProtect were doing this “…because you want the money.”
he also asked ACS Law about the practice of using NPO's to get the names and addresses of people.
"CMW asked Crossley how long the scheme would continue for, who replied “…for as long as P2P file-sharing continues Master.”
What more proof do you need when the Judge who passed the Court order says it is all about the money.
Also the court order states that PlusNet can charge ACS Law for all the reasonable costs for complying with the court order. I hope PlusNet has sent a bill to ACS Law for their costs rather than using our subscriptions to pay for the work that must have been carried out to give the details to ACS LAW.
Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
01-07-2010 1:28 PM
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Does anyone in the organisation actually have any proof that the system works?
"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."
Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
01-07-2010 2:38 PM
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Quote from: A I'd like ACS Law to pay for a full test of Plusnet's systems regarding the recording of ip addresses.
Does anyone in the organisation actually have any proof that the system works?
From what i have read the methods of harvesting IP addresses has been quashed by courts already in a few countries.
Britains public gets shafted.....again

EDIT : Actually if 1 case did go to court in this country, the methods would be found out and ACS:Law could not exist, therefor its not in their best interests to take anyone to court and jsut keep intimidating people into paying up guilty or not!
Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
01-07-2010 5:21 PM
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They should have at least said you either procecute or you don't contact them, evidence is either enough to prosecuted or it isn't... clearly in this case it isn't.
To Plusnet i'd say when you start handing out peoples details, and after 6 months you know nobodies been prosecuted and you start to realise you've been party to a scam that's abused the system you have to take a bit of ownership here and start talking to your customers, perhaps offering some reassurance that in future you'll be a bit more responsible with what you hand out and who you hand it out too.
Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
01-07-2010 6:24 PM
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Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
02-07-2010 8:06 AM
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Yes ACS Law have been reported to WatchDog, The BBC One Show, The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), It has been condemmed in the house of Lords for its practice of "Legal Blackmail"
. There are a couple of really active forums regarding this issue
and the Consumer Forums
All Condem the practice. ACS Law is currently under investgation by the SRA, and the results of this should be known soon.
PlusNet, this is your chance to protect your Paying Customers (After all what sort of business would you have without them) from this BLACKMAIL and Extortion. If you publish the fact that ACS Law sent you a report saying
"thanks for the thousands of CUSTOMERS PERSONAL DETAILS, we sent xx thousand letters DEMANDING PAYMENT and have currently taken NONE TO COURT. we would appreciate it if you would keep quiet about this fact so we can SEND MORE LETTERS to your PAYING CUSTOMERS"
yours failfully ACS LAW
If you publish on this forum then Other people from these other Forums will see that PLUSNET CARES ABOUT ITS CUSTOMERS. this may even give you more paying subscribers and may encourage other ISPs from "Rolling over and not Contesting the Court Order"
Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
02-07-2010 9:43 AM
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Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
02-07-2010 12:38 PM
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Quote from: Chris Hi all,
We're still keeping tabs on this thread and are aware that the 30th June is tomorrow. If I'm honest I'm not sure how much, if any, information we will be able to share with you on top of the discussions we've already had on this but we'll keep asking.
I will not accept this as an answer, I have contacted my MP and told him that my ISP is in receipt of information which could put an end to all this Heartache and stress and they say they are not going to publish it. I have asked him to demand you publish, I have also told him that the information is also available to BT, BE Unlimited, and O2. so hopefully he will contact them as well.
Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
02-07-2010 12:51 PM
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I haven't stated that we definitely won't share this information as far as I'm aware. We're still chasing this up and will let you know what we can when we can.
Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
02-07-2010 1:15 PM
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Quote from: avatastic If I whack a tenner via paypal can I make this an FOI request?
Technically I would imagine you could... What ACS law have to feed back isn't strictly private and the public do have a legit reason for knowing what was said.
Quote It gives you the right to ask any public body for all the information they have on any subject you choose. And unless there’s a good reason, they have to give it you within a month. You can also ask for all the personal information they hold on you.
If you're in the public sector you'll be under scrutiny as never before.
If you're in the private sector your public contracts, and much else, are open to all. You can also unearth valuable intelligence on your competitors and clients.
Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
02-07-2010 2:23 PM
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jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler) Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!) Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20) Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month) Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month) |
Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
02-07-2010 2:47 PM
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Quote from: Chris Hi,
I haven't stated that we definitely won't share this information as far as I'm aware. We're still chasing this up and will let you know what we can when we can.
Please clarify. Are you chasing for the results from ACS Law still or are you chasing the PN legal department?
Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
05-07-2010 10:14 AM
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Plusnet, Please provide the answers, as It is about to come to a head, as the "One Show" wants to bring the matter of ACS Law sending letters to members of the public to the TV. If you can show that not one person has been taken to court who provided any defence, then this could be used by the One Show to show that ACS Law is just about the money. You owe it to the paying public to show that ACS Law are just using NPO's to create a "Speculative Invoicing Scheme", to extort money from the public.
If on the other hand i am wrong and they have taken many people to court then I will stop this thread and leave it at that.
I am sure most of the 4400 people who have viewed this thread will agree, and would want this "LEGAL BLACKMAIL" to come to an end. remember by not publishing the information you are "Aiding and abetting" this scheme, which is in everyones interest to stop.
Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS Law with not informing you!!
05-07-2010 4:37 PM
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I would also like to know what Plusnet has to say regarding ACS filling their part of the court order.
I would like to know the figures but we may not get that but I would at least like to know the court order has been filled in full from both sides and not just Plusnets.
Is it possible to ask the Judge if this has been provided?
I wonder if the One show would invite Plusnet to the show?
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- Re: Plusnet will give your personal details to ACS...