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Plusnet - won’t port landline number despite promises

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎26-08-2021

Plusnet - won’t port landline number despite promises

I’m posting here to warn anyone thinking of switching to Plusnet - DON’T!

If you value your peace-of-mind, your time, your energy, low stress levels and want to keep the landline number you’ve had for years, that everyone knows and can contact you on, don’t think of switching to Plusnet. Because Plusnet can’t be bothered to put in the work necessary to port in your number, although Plusnet will lie to you and tell you they are doing it, right up until the point that they've dumped your number and its too late.

My telephone number was originally from Virgin Media, many years ago, and I successfully and easily ported it through BT and Sky without any problems. But Plusnet has now lost me my number.

There should not have been any problem porting to Plusnet, despite the fact that they’ve tried to make it seem as though Virgin Media is the problem. Or me, because I was so “adamant” that I wanted to keep my number. Sure, Plusnet, I’m the problem by being so stubborn as to want what was agreed when I entered into the contract…


The problem is Plusnet did not carry out the simple switch process and, I now suspect, never had any intention of doing so. Even three days before the switch (called 17 August, switch 20 August), when I could have cancelled and still had my phone number, I was being lied to by Plusnet, who gave me all assurances that the port process was going ahead without issue. When in fact they hadn’t requested the port at all.

Let’s have that again: The issue isn’t that my former ISP (Sky) wouldn’t release the number. Or that the originator (Virgin Media) wouldn’t allow the transfer. The problem is that Plusnet didn’t request the transfer because Plusnet couldn’t be bothered. And lied about it to trick me into not cancelling the contract.

Now that the port process hasn’t happened, having stalled me for a couple more days, Plusnet have announced that they are not going to do anything to try and resolve the problem they have created; they’re just not going to make any effort.


On 24 August, Plusnet said it would approach BT to ask if the number could be retrieved from quarantine. They didn’t do this.


Plusnet could approach Virgin Media, if the number has been released back to them, to ask if they could have the number back. But Plusnet won't do this either.

It is easier and cheaper for Plusnet to do someone over and then walk away.

Despite the fact that we are still well within the 14 day quarantine period (26 August) and the number would not have been reissued, Plusnet have announced that they aren’t going to bother to approach Virgin to try and ask to get my number back because it’s too hard.

Important: They could approach Virgin Media. I’ve just been advised by Ofcom that - since Plusnet is unwilling to take responsibility for the mess it has created - I can even approach another ISP and see if they would be willing to deal with Virgin Media to get my number back. The problem isn’t that it is impossible to deal with Virgin Media or impossible to get the number back, the problem is the Plusnet is unwilling to do this.


Plusnet has raised the idea of compensation and mentioned 'goodwill' gestures, but refuses to understand that the only goodwill I'm interested in is Plusnet pulling its finger out and getting my number back. But Plusnet has refused to even try.

Turns out this is how Plusnet is able to offer low monthly tariffs. Plusnet cuts corners, Plusnet says whatever it needs to in order to lure in new customers, Plusnet lies until people are trapped and the damage is done, then Plusnet washes its hands of the matter, trying to fob them off with some empty 'goodwill' gesture.

I have patiently and respectfully listened to Plusnet staff over and over lie to me with a complete lack of respect. How anyone can go into work in the morning and do this to people without any shame is beyond me.

What happens next?

I have already registered a complaint with Ofcom. (This sort of underhand practice is exactly why Ofcom is needed.)

I will be approaching another ISP to set up a new service and see if they are willing to retrieve my number, and I will be passing any costs for this on to Plusnet. (Given that the drop off and lagging broadband speed has been so poor in the few days since switching, this will be a relief.)

I will follow the process of Plusnet’s internal complaints procedure, although I have no confidence of the outcome since Plusnet has already clearly stated it has no intention of doing anything to resolve the problem it has created. After the 8 weeks expire, I will take the matter to adjudication, even though I doubt that will do any good, since you can't convince a company that it should take responsibility for the damage it's done if the company doesn't want to. And then I will pursue Plusnet to claim whatever costs I have incurred and damages as a result of Plusnet’s actions.

Plusnet - Don't try and engage with me here: This post is a warning to others - and I just can't waste any more time with people who claim left is right and right is left. I need the paper trail to keep track of your lies, so a letter of complaint is coming your way.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Plusnet - won’t port landline number despite promises

Thanks for your post @DoneOver and welcome to our Community Forums.

I'm really sorry for the bad experience you've had. I firstly recognise you've said you don't want us to engage with you on here, but if you'd allow me to help, I'd like to see what I can do to turn things around. 

Looking into this, I'm confident that the mistakes we've made are down to human error and a knowledge gap with the advisers who have handled your order, so I've arranged for feedback to be passed on to them.

I can assure you we are able to get your number back, based on the supplier systems that are telling us your number can be imported to us. I've been in touch with our suppliers number porting team and they've emailed Virgin Media what's known as a 'ceased in error' request, let there be no confusion about this though, the error was ours. 

Once they've given confirmation that they'll allow your ceased number to be ported to us, I'll be happy to place the port order, which then normally takes around 4 working days but I can ask our suppliers to fast-track this through if possible. I should know more tomorrow and I'll follow up with you as soon as I do.

There'd be no need to write a letter or raise a ticket via our complaints procedure, because as part of our Community Forum and Social Media team, I'm taking personal ownership of your high level complaint moving forward. I've previously worked on our complaints department for over four years, handling complaints all the way up to CEO and Ofcom level.

If you'd like to get back in touch with me, please post back or respond to the ticket logged on your account Here. I'd also love to call you back to discuss further if you'd prefer, feel free to reply to the ticket with a number I can get you on. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎26-08-2021

Re: Plusnet - won’t port landline number despite promises

Hello @Gandalf 


I'm afraid you are the umpteenth Plusnet representative to come up with the umpteenth version of events and, as a result, your colleagues have shot your credibility.


You can - You can't - You can - You can't - You won't...Oh maybe you will! Really?


I know Plusnet could have & should have got my number back after losing it. But Plusnet refused to take any action, despite me practically begging. I spoke to Ofcom; there were tears. Ofcom confirmed that the number was still within the quarantine period and would not have been reassigned. Ofcom confirmed a provider could get the number back if they made the effort, and Ofcom suggested I approach another provider, given Plusnet's response.


Since Plusnet refused to contact their supplier porting team (aka BT) when they said they would on Tuesday to get the number back, I've contacted BT directly.


BT confirmed the number was still available, was still associated with my address, and was easily requested to be assigned back to me.


I've placed an order with BT - a higher monthly tariff, but I'll follow up with the compensation & 'goodwill' mentioned by your colleagues and see if the additional expense can be defrayed. Given that BT is Plusnet's parent company as well as its supplier, me having to carry the costs of Plusnet refusing to resolve its problems seems oh so wrong. BT have already emailed to confirm that my number is being assigned back to me as part of my new BT fibre broadband and landline package, which will be starting asap in September.


So, do not do anything!


Don't send any ceased in error notice, don't place any port order, don't try and fast-track anything. I don't want Plusnet doing anything that will mess up the BT order. And I understand that BT has already sent the automated notice to Plusnet saying its services are no longer required.


And please don't call - I've wasted days listening to people spin me a line, losing work time and getting stressed over something that should have been simple. Besides, I don't have a number until BT gets my number back to me...


I will follow up with the letter of complaint, thanks, because I've already spent an hour writing it and a letter is more convenient for me than Plusnet's online ticket system, especially as my broadband has been so ropey since I switched to Plusnet.


All the best!


Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Re: Plusnet - won’t port landline number despite promises

Thanks for getting back to me @DoneOver 

I appreciate you’ve lost confidence in us as you’ve had a bad experience when you’ve rang us. I can confirm the information I’ve given is correct and accurate. 

I haven’t placed an order to import your number, all our suppliers done so far is drop an email to Virgin with a request to allow the port if or when we place it. 

Based on your first post, I wasn’t going to place the port until you confirmed you’d be happy for me to do so. 

I’ve taken personal ownership so to set expectations it’s very likely when we receive and log your letter that I’ll retain that ownership because I work closely with our complaints department. So close that I sat next to them when we were all in the office (I’m WFH now). It’s possible the case may be reassigned to someone else though.

I can’t guarantee we’ll be able to waive termination fees but regardless whether you stay with us or leave, I’ll be happy to make sure we offer a goodwill gesture that’s both fair and proportionate for the inconvenience. 

If you’d like to give us one last chance, I’d like to positively surprise you with what we’re capable of doing. If you do allow me to help you, I can likely both get your number back quicker than the 10 working days it takes to transfer to another provider and offer a goodwill credit. Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎26-08-2021

Re: Plusnet - won’t port landline number despite promises


given I've already said I want to deal with this in a letter, I dislike being bullied into replying to you here and I dislike your attempts to pressure-sell me when I've already clearly stated that I am done with Plusnet and have taken my custom to BT. Plusnet's parent company, which was actually willing to make the effort to resolve the problem Plusnet created but couldn't be bothered to sort out: Actions carry more weight than another empty promise to "likely" get my number back, especially when that offer comes hand-in-hand with a threat about early termination fees.


Yes, following your post I did get the email suggesting that Plusnet is going to charge me a £206.52 fee, for the pleasure of having been lied to, having no landline, and dealing with shoddy 1.1 Mbps broadband speed, all of which just seven days into the supply of service. But these are issues I am going to take up with Plusnet in the formal letter of complaint that I am sending. I have taken advice from Ofcom and will be pursuing this as far as the legal process allows.


This isn't an issue of my confidence, and I don't appreciate Plusnet trying to turn the problem back on me. This continues to be solely a problem of Plusnet failing to carry out a simple switch, lying about it repeatedly, and then refusing to do anything to rectify the issue until after I'd approached another ISP and posted about my experiences on this forum.


Now, I gave Plusnet every opportunity to help, Plusnet refused and actively directed me to the cancellation department. I've made it very clear that I intend to follow this up elsewhere. With someone who has a proper name, job title, and a higher degree of accountability than 'Gandalf' on t'internet. (Seriously, I wasn't able to trust [CSA Removed], [CSA Removed], or [CSA Removed], who were just hiding behind first-names-only while they lied through their back teeth, but you expect me to take the word of a fictional giant wizard?)


This isn't about you, it isn't about your personal ownership, I'm not here to meet your need to be seen to be doing something. It's about my awful experience and the on-going stress of having to deal with the impacts of Plusnet's actions. Please stop.


I'm not prepared to continue debating this with you on this forum. Please do not respond to this post. If my letter is forwarded to you as you suggest it will be, then you will have your chance to respond.



Moderators Note: CSA name(s) removed as per Forum rules


Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Re: Plusnet - won’t port landline number despite promises

Thanks for the post back @DoneOver 

I know you've asked me not to respond and I wasn't going to but I wanted to say a few things in response as this is a customer support forum where people are free to post, have a dialogue and as a staff member, I'm just trying to help. 

I'm sorry to see you feel I'm bullying you, that's absolutely not my intent. Firstly I'll introduce myself in a more formal way. As per my signature at the bottom of my posts here on the forums and on any emails/tickets, my name's Anoush Mortazavi from the Sheffield office of our Social Media and Community Forum team. Gandalf is just a nickname I chose when setting up my forum account, because I'm a big fan of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. That's me in my profile picture too. 

While I won't ever give a 100% guarantee due to the nature of the industry, based on the facts I can see that the rangeholder of your number is BT, our suppliers systems say we can import your number, and it was previously working at the same address you were at before you moved across to us, I see no reason why we can't get it back.

Let's say a 99.99% chance but on that remote 0.01% chance I'm unsuccessful, we and/or you can take things from there. Either way, there's no harm in trying is the way I see it. I agree though that actions carry far more weight than words, but I do need your permission to take the actions I've got in mind.

Regarding early termination fees, I'm sorry if you feel this was a threat. Again absolutely not my intent. I just wanted to set expectations that we won't at this stage be in a position to waive them. The termination fee figure you've quoted came from an automated email that was sent to you automatically when we received a notification from another provider to takeover your line. It's both best practice and a regulation we do this. 

I appreciate it'd be your decision if you'd like to move to another provider, and if you do I'll respect that decision, but that doesn't mean we'll be in a position to waive termination fees based on an issue you've had or incorrect information we've given. Feedback though will be passed on to the relevant advisers through their respective managers.

Regardless I am happy to discuss a fair and proportionate goodwill gesture you can use towards the early termination fees if leaving Plusnet for another provider is what you'd want to do. If you'd like to give us another chance, I'd love to see what I can do to fix and put things right and still offer a goodwill gesture too.

I'm sorry to see you're having issues with your broadband speed. This is something I can help with so I've looked into it and I've identified the issue. Your router hasn't fully connected to the internet as it's stuck in the automated setup mode still. I've tried to fix the problem from here, but the usual steps I'd take sadly haven't done the trick.

To fix, I'd recommend pushing a paperclip into the reset pin hole at the back of your router for 20 seconds or until the light along the front goes green. Once your router's started up again, if your speed is still slow, can you follow the below steps to make sure the right username is in your router?

1. Connect a device onto the router's WiFi or plug a laptop/PC into the router using an ethernet cable

2. Go to the router's homepage at

3. Click on the Advanced Settings tab

4. Type in the admin password found from the back of the router and click the OK button

5. Click on the Continue to Advanced Settings button then the Broadband tab

6. If there's a Disconnect button, click that

7. Change the username to the broadband username in the format of If you can't remember this I'd check for any emails we've sent you as we'd add the username to the top of the email.

8. Type in the account password, this can be reset here: if needed.

9. Hit the Connect button.

Let me know if you're still having speed issues after carrying out those steps^ and feel free to let me know if you've got any further concerns or queries. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎26-08-2021

Re: Plusnet - won’t port landline number despite promises


I have to admit I'm not sure what you are hoping to achieve now. Is this trolling?


To quote your post: "I know you've asked me not to respond and I wasn't going to respond here but I wanted to" (my emphasis)

How can I explain this in a way that you will understand?

When you prioritise what you want over what someone has clearly said they don't want, then you are not trying to help them.

When someone tells you to STOP a particular course of action / behaviour, when they make it clear they find your behaviour bullying, but you ignore them and continue with that behaviour, you have completely lost sight of what is appropriate, let alone what is helpful.

And because you are refusing to respect me, my time, and my clearly expressed wishes, because you are determined to provoke a public argument and disregard my intention to pursue this matter formally off-line, I am here, late at night, having to respond to your nonsense. Which is incredibly stressful.

1) I didn't ask you for your non-guarantees on anything; I will be pursuing this matter as per my original post.

2) I have already stated I am moving to another provider; stop arguing and trying to get me to change my mind.

3) I'm not giving you permission to take any action; I have repeatedly told you not to take any action. Do not take any action.

4) And do not invoke "best practice" while trying to justify Plusnet's attempt to apply cancellation fees on a contract I am cancelling because Plusnet broke the agreement to port my number, refused to take action to address this, and forced me to approach another supplier to save my number before it was reissued to someone else. Just don't.

5) Definitely don't try and talk about best practice whilst saying you will respect my decision to go to another provider but then still try to get me to change my mind. That is the opposite of respecting my decision.

6) I have cancelled the contract because Plusnet breached it. And I have made the decision to take whatever legal action necessary to dispute the matter should Plusnet seek to demand 'fees' it is not entitled to. So, again, you trying to sort it out on t'internet is not the way forward.

7) Plusnet lie #11tybillion: You have NOT looked into & identified the issue causing the shabby 1.1 Mbps broadband speeds. I know this because the actual problem was identified and resolved by the Openreach engineer who visited today. And it wasn't a problem caused by me not being able to complete the simple connection process (but thanks for publicly suggesting it!).

After ten days of 1.1 Mbps downloads severely curtailing my ability to WFH, I finally lost all broadband on Monday evening, and spent Wednesday waiting on the engineer. When he arrived, he found a minor issue on the line, which he resolved. He then identified an issue with a mismatch between the router and the router ID registered to my account - something a long call to Plusnet failed to reveal. And which your looking into it failed to spot. It took someone from BT Openreach to spot and resolve the Plusnet problem that Plusnet missed. Just like Plusnet repeatedly 'missed' that it had 'forgotten' to request the port on my number ...

Good job I'm switching to BT!

So, thanks for your insightful 'recommendations' to, essentially, try turning it off and on again! Funnily enough, I had consulted the troubleshooting guides and tried those steps all on my own. Not being a complete muppet I hadn't been sitting here crying about my broadband without taking any basic steps to resolve it.

So, yeah, I still have many, many concerns, not least your refusal to respect my repeated requests to stop pursuing this matter on this forum. But I won;t be approaching you to query this. It really, really isn't helpful.


And, what I said before about you having the chance to respond to my letter when it reaches Plusnet? On reflection, it'd probably be a good idea to pass it on to someone else, don't you think? (That's rhetorical - don't reply. For the love of Om, don't reply!)