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Premium account?

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Premium account?

I wish Plusnet offered a premium account with all the features that are on the BT business broadband, 4g failover etc.   I really want those features but I can't face the thought of dealing with their ignorant staff (ignorant in its original meaning of not knowledgeable).  I've contacted them twice now, a long time apart and each time within 5 mins of beginning the interaction I've thought "argh no way".

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Re: Premium account?


Plusnet are a bargain basement ISP offering a budget service. If you want an ISP offering premium services then the answer is pretty obvious.

Personally I save the monthly cost but keep a MiFi unit that I can flash up if I ever need a fall back service. 

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The Full Monty
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Re: Premium account?

You have no chance, @IngeJones - PN are now the 'bargain basement'  brand of the BT group.

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Re: Premium account?

Baldrick, I wish the answer was that obvious.  BT sales staff all seem to disagree on what they can offer and what they can't, and A&A can't give me anything over 11Mb down (ie full copper service) in spite of the fact I already have FTTC giving me just over 70.  Also I find their website impossible to understand.

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Re: Premium account?

You could look at the position differently - Plusnet are a well priced offering against the over priced offerings from elsewhere in the group - certainly BT is at the top end of the market and you do not get the bells and whistles so heavily advertised in the headline prices.

PN: Broadband (ADSL) £19 12 month

BT: Broadband (ADSL) £27 24 month (note the guaranteed at least 10 Mbps in every room of your home is somewhat misleading as that is only to the hub and is not something you'll experience unless the uplink is significantly faster)  to get the 4/5G fall back you also need to subscribe to a Halo package (at extra cost)

Zen: Broadband (ADSL) £28 12 month (no end of contract price rises)

Sky: Broadband (ADSL) £27 18 month

TT: Broadband (ADSL) £24.5 18 month

Shell Energy (was GPO): Broadband (ADSL) £22 18 month (no end of contract price rises)

Save Direct: Broadband (ADSL) £19 12 month

JLP: Broadband (ADSL) £20 12 month (supplied by PN)

OneStream: Broadband (ADSL) £20 18 month

EE: Broadband (ADSL) £22.50 18 month

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Aspiring Pro
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Re: Premium account?

Townman, that's no help to me.  You're giving me the opposite info to what I wanted.  Not sure if you misunderstood my original post.  I want to pay MORE in order to get the features that a BT business account would give me.  I'd happily change to BT if I could get past their rather unhelpful and uninformed sales staff.  The last one I spoke to said I couldn't have that account unless I was a registered company, which disagreed to what the previous one had told me, when I was asking about a different feature.  If you want to make a list of companies that would give me what BT business fibre would give me, rather than budget packages, then that would be helpful.

The Full Monty
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Re: Premium account?

@IngeJones as I don't need what you are asking for, I don't know which of the BT advisers were correct, but from my experience, to get what you are asking for, you would need a business package - with BT or any other providers who offer the option - some don't, and some/all may require you to be a registered company to be able to get one.

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Re: Premium account?

Yes Jab1, thats what I was asking for.  The business account.  But I couldn't get past their salesperson.  I didn't realise my post was so obscure to understand!!  Maybe the BT persons are finding it as hard to understand me as the members here are.  Better get my husband to contact them instead lol Cheesy


Basically I said "I'd like to start a business broadband account, which packages (ie speeds) can you offer at my house.  He wouldn't tell me because I wasn't a business.  But when I spoke to his colleage asking about the 4g failover he said anyone can have a business account but sadly didn't know anything about the feature.   The reason I started this thread was to say I wished I could get an account similar to BT business via Plusnet, because I find their staff more knowledgable and responsive.

The Full Monty
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Re: Premium account?

OK - but before you or your husband go on another fruitless exercise, note that most mainstream ISPs - and the few specialist business ones, will only supply a business account to registered businesses, as said before, and they are considerably more expensive than consumer-grade offerings.

The Full Monty
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Re: Premium account?

Edit (as a new post) to cover your edit - as I said, I doubt you can get a business account, with all the features you 'want' as a private individual, but I suppose it may be possible, at a cost of many times more than the consumer grade packages.

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Re: Premium account?


My pervious post was responding to @jab1 's positioning of PN's prices ... only a shade under those of a few other suppliers.  What I also sought to indicate is that BT's headline advertising somewhat suggests that you get all of the extra reliability for their "headline" price.  You do not.

If you want a business grade service (there is no reason why you cannot have one at an otherwise residential building) you might have more luck following links on BT's business portal - see Small & medium business hub I Connection solutions I BT Business

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The Full Monty
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Re: Premium account?

Thanks for the clarification, @Townman - I admit to not knowing the availability or otherwise of 'business' BB in a private setting, having never needed or wanted it, but I know from talking to business people with relevant packages that they come at a largish premium, not always delivering quite what the customer expected.😉

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Re: Premium account?

Yes that's where I was, the business portal.  I was trying to see which of the Ultrafast Enhanced I could get at my address.  But when I clicked on Check Availablity it just popped up a thing saying I had to ask a sales person.  And they were unable to help.  I was happy with the stated contract price of £64 approx + VAT.  It was the quality of the staff that was the problem.

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Re: Premium account?

Ah!  I finally got the website to check my address and just like Andrews and Arnold they're only offering up to 11Mb connection.  Which is rather bizarre considering I am getting over 70 from Plusnet.

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Re: Premium account?

That could mean that the FTTC cabinet is full.  Even though on migration you will release a port and possibly reuse the same one, if there are no spares ones the systems will not show FTTC availability.

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