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Reason for leaving Plusnet

Rising Star
Posts: 117
Thanks: 38
Registered: ‎07-04-2016

Reason for leaving Plusnet

I've found the service to be reliable and the support staff have been very helpful. I received a renewal offer that was very tempting and beat my old contract so why did I decide to leave? The answer lies in the billing system.

At the start of my last contract I had several incorrect bills and spent ages on the phone but in the end thought it had been sorted. Unfortunately after several months of correct bills the one for the last month of my contract was incorrect and I was overcharged by £14-50p. I contacted PN and was told it would be refunded. However I will wait to see my final leaving bill  before I believe it as I do not trust the billing platform. I think that many PN staff struggle with it. If my last month's bill had been correct I would probably have stayed.

As a side note the change went smoothly and I had the usual emails from PN saying sorry I was leaving etc. Today I received a letter dated 18th May asking me to contact them before 4-00pm on the 17th if I had not asked to leave. 

Thanks to all the staff who have helped me over the years.

The Full Monty
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Registered: ‎24-02-2012

Re: Reason for leaving Plusnet

@salmo I too am leaving Plusnet very soon, and I agree with you that (with a couple of memorable exceptions), the support I have received over my nine years here has been excellent when I have needed it.  My reason for leaving though, is slightly different.

I have only had one instance of a foul-up on the Accounts side, and that was rectified by two phone calls - handled efficiently, speedily and correctly by those I spoke to, so no complaints from me on that score.

My reason for leaving (and paying a little more at my new supplier) is simply down to the abysmal lack of support currently available, which PN conveniently are blaming the current CV-19 induced situation for. After the length of time this has been ongoing, and the fact that most other efficient businesses have adapted their systems to cope - but not PN - I have concluded that higher management have decided that this is a great opportunity to destroy a once-brilliant brand. I have no desire to drown with a sinking ship.

I am quite sad to be going, and those customers who will still feel the pain have my deepest sympathy, but I have zero desire to wait weeks for a resolution to any potential problems.
