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Regular bandwidth increase

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎04-04-2011

Regular bandwidth increase

Between Midnight and 4pm each day we see a huge bandwidth improvement - downlink goes from 16kB/s all the way up to 456kB/s - and similarly for uplink - from about 14kB/s to 45kB/s. We even had a patch a little while ago when someone seemed to forget to put things back to the lower speeds - it was great! Gave us a glimpse of how the 'other half' live!
Anyway we quite like the higher speed and wondered if there's anything we can do to persuade the person with their hand on the 'tap' to leave it running (so to speak) all day? .....or howabout somewhere in between? ....what if we promise to use the bits very carefully?
Corrupted by bandwidth -
Aspiring Pro
Posts: 221
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Registered: ‎19-12-2010

Re: Regular bandwidth increase

What you are almost certainly seeing is the effect of contention - heavy users competing for the same access and slowing everyone down. At night when fewer people are online your speed will go up. If the heavy users go away for a day your speed will stay up. It's why PN put a cap on our daytime usage but take it off at night.