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Replacement for Line rental saver

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Replacement for Line rental saver

Will plusnet consider a reaplcement for LRS, such as  a pay 12 months upfront deal - Origin broadand offer such a thing - see herre:  and whilst some may like the pay monthly model, others may prefer to put a bit aside each month and pay upfront 


I can undersand why  LRS may seem outdated, as the line rental element has become a hidden part of broadband fees - coupled with confusion over what Line rental is - the physical conection to a proprty and/or all the equipent invovled as opposed to the voice service that runs over it.

For plusnet they would get a customers money upfront, and with it be able to benefit from this, for a customer they will/should gt a lower over all anual cost, and safe in the knowledfe that once the fee has been paid there will be no large monthly bills.


I know this probably wont get far as most forums such as this are no ore than echo chambers - and BT are slowly erording what plusnet once was as their claws dig deeper

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Re: Replacement for Line rental saver

@pint It won't even get looked at - PN = BT, and BT don't see that as an option, otherwise they'd apply it to their 'own' product first.

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Re: Replacement for Line rental saver

What makes you say that John? BT do offer LRS as an option.

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Re: Replacement for Line rental saver

@newagetraveller Sorry wasn't aware of that, as I am moving elsewhere very soon and won't pay BTs extortionate prices anyway  - but that leaves the question of why have they decided to end it for their subsidiary's (PN's) customers?Huh

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Re: Replacement for Line rental saver

I get the feeling that Plusnet is BTs unwanted child, and is slowly dying  a death.

bit by bit the things that made plusnet unique / the reason why i siigned up in the first place are slowly being removed / discontinued

im waiting for the call centre and support to switch to Inida or somewhere off shore, with the move being heralded as some great improvement ( longer hours)

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Re: Replacement for Line rental saver

You ain't the only one, @pint . The way they've handled 'customer support' since the start of this current situation, and the action, which I and others have been a victim of, of closing questions before you get to read them, even though you are given a link in the email, and the number of cases where a ticket has been raised, only to be closed as 'not an approved channel' is clear evidence to me that BT trained individuals have been drafted in to close the brand via the back door.

All denied of course, but I've seen this behaviour before, and it doesn't bode well.

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Re: Replacement for Line rental saver

"BTs extortionate prices anyway"

What makes you say that John?

As I have posted before, I pay about £23/month for LR and Fibre 1 with BT and have an excellent "deal" with BT Mobile.

Granted, the Fibre is a 24 months minimum, LRS paid and a 12 months mobile term.

As to why LRS is removed for PN customers? Only BT and PN can answer that.

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Re: Replacement for Line rental saver

I've had very little interaction with Customer support over the years, the last issue was fixed by talking to an openreach engineer in person as my local exchange is within walking distance, and i happened to be passing and asked them if they knew why caller id was not working ( installing new equipment at the exchange)

It was initially reported to plusnet plusnet then called me back

Another issue for a  friend was fixed by sending this ( attached picture - if it works)  to another friend who then forwarded it on to someone at open reach ( long since repaired)


As for CS, my main contact is at contract renewal time , ive been with plusnet since 2004, and since then ive managed to negotiate a deal at renewal time  so will see what they have to offer come this Summer

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Re: Replacement for Line rental saver

I suspect one of the motivations for the removal of LRS is the chaos that it sometimes imposed on Plusnet's billing systems - e.g. the credit of the LRS payment with no corresponding charge meaning that the account ends up with a large credit balance which Plusnet struggle to correct many examples of p[osts re tis on these forums).  Another is probably the fact that interest rates are so low at present that Plusnet lose on the deal even though they get the money paid early - there is no way that a sum of around £200 can generate around £30 in interest / benefit for Plusnet but it was a very good deal for customers equivalent to around 10% interest on the money in simple terms taking account of the monthly payments otherwise..


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Registered: ‎19-08-2007

Re: Replacement for Line rental saver

Going by recent postings on here, the terms "Plusnet" "billing system" and "chaos" seem to go well together