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So Long Plusnet And Thanks For All The P*ssh.....taking.

Posts: 5
Registered: ‎27-02-2010

So Long Plusnet And Thanks For All The P*ssh.....taking.

Yesterday I got my MAC and signed up with another ISP. In 9 days time I should be 'migrated'.
I joined Plusnet about 18 months ago because I was sick of having to phone a Tech Support somewhere in Backwoodystan and having to talk to 'Advisors' whose only English seemed to consist of "How may I be helping you today?" and who were only able to follow a Check List. 
I once spent over an hour trying to explain why I needed an emergency Dial Up number despite having broadband.
Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty much the least racist person going, but my Urdu and Malay are non existent.
Plusnet was fantastic! I could phone their Tech Support anytime, day or night, and get someone on the phone who spoke English (Well 'Yorkshire-ish' which is near enough I suppose) and WHO KNEW WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT! They also seem to understand that having studied Networking myself that I have had some technical knowlege and that when I said that I had already tried X or Y or Z that I had.
Unfortunately I am a moderate  'downloader' (circa 80 gigs a month) and despite paying for Plusnet's 'Unlimited' option most of the time I was getting speeds not much better than ISDN...and sometimes even Dial Up!
Went the full 10 rounds with the always helpful PlusNet Techies and even had BT out to check the line etc etc. Turns out that the line was fine and that it was simply Plusnet *cough* Load Balancing *cough* (something all ISP's do, I know).
In the end I ended up having a 2nd telephone line put in and dual WANing it with another ISP (who give me consistently high or at least 'reasonable' speeds) to keep me running until my contract with Plusnet ended.
Plusnet are great but I object to paying 20 odd quid a month for appallingly low speeds so I'm off to a rival (whose tech support will no doubt SUCK and who charge me shed loads a minute to phone them!)
I really  wish I could have stayed with you Plusnet, I thought we had something good going. But I can't afford to pay so much money for so little service. You really were just 'extracting the urine'.

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Re: So Long Plusnet And Thanks For All The P*ssh.....taking.

Unfortunately I am a moderate  'downloader' (circa 80 gigs a month) and despite paying for Plusnet's 'Unlimited' option most of the time I was getting speeds not much better than ISDN...and sometimes even Dial Up!

Posts: 5
Registered: ‎27-02-2010

Re: So Long Plusnet And Thanks For All The P*ssh.....taking.

In these days of Iplayer and Rapidshare, yep 80 gigs is moderate I think. But that's subjective I suppose and not the issue here.
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Re: So Long Plusnet And Thanks For All The P*ssh.....taking.

Hi grumpmatix,
Did you ever consider scheduling your downloads overnight? I'm on unlimited too and as the afternoon wears on know that download speeds drop - but as the other elements such as my gaming and streaming are protected by this I don't mind.
You should be getting line speed between midnight and midday, is this not the case?
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Posts: 5
Registered: ‎27-02-2010

Re: So Long Plusnet And Thanks For All The P*ssh.....taking.

Yes that was exactly what I did too. But then the night speeds started to drop drastically too...which is when I contacted the Techies.
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Re: So Long Plusnet And Thanks For All The P*ssh.....taking.

Are you sure it's not a line issue then?
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Posts: 5
Registered: ‎27-02-2010

Re: So Long Plusnet And Thanks For All The P*ssh.....taking.

Yes. My other ISP comes in over the same physical line and the line has been checked and rechecked. It was also fine before Plusnet and will no dobut be fine after.
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Re: So Long Plusnet And Thanks For All The P*ssh.....taking.

Can you use the reply button instead of the quote button to save me some work  Grin
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎27-02-2010

Re: So Long Plusnet And Thanks For All The P*ssh.....taking.

Sure Dude, sorry.