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So long and

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So long and

thanks for all the fish.

Just started my move away from PN after many many years.

They used to be a great provider offering loads of extras like VOIP and web space, now they are just interested in churn. I have watched them remove the extras over the years and still stayed. But this last 2 years have been the WORST EVER. With problem after problem, two of which ended with me escalating the dispute outside.

After spending ages waiting on the phone and not being offered an incentive to stay I have pressed the button on a transfer initiation. 

So PN this is my notice that I am leaving due to your increase in costs, so a refund for the LRS will be expected.

My transfer date is aligned to coincide with my billing date, so if you charge me I will be wanting  a REFUND AGAIN!


I am still debating about staying on here or not, and only time will tell if I stay.


To again to quote the great Douglas Adams, "So long and thank for all the fish!"

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Re: So long and


I don't think a post in the forums can be accepted as notice of leaving due to the price increase. You would need to phone or write.


Apologies if I am wrong on this.

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Re: So long and

Moderator's note:

This thread has been moved from General Chat to Plusnet Feedback.

Forum Moderator and Customer
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear - Mark Twain
He who feared he would not succeed sat still

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Re: So long and

@Mav I have already phone the options team and told them I am thinking about leaving, this is just confirming it.
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Re: So long and

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Re: So long and

There's no need to officially confirm anything with the losing provider.

The OP indicates that the process has already been started with the gaining provider.

Good luck with the move HM. May one enquire where you're migrating to?

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Re: So long and

I'm really sorry to hear you've decided to leave us @HairyMcbiker

We'll let you know once we receive notification that your line is migrating to another provider. Once this has completed, we'll work out your final bill including any pro-rata refunds if required.

Worth noting that if you're moving to a cable provider like Virgin Media you'll need to call Customer Options to let us know so we can manually cease your line/close your account.

Whilst I'd like to wish you all the best with your new provider, please let me know if there's anything I can do to help keep you as a customer and I hope you'll stick around these forums.



From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: So long and

Thanks @Gandalf, I have no issue with your support over the years here, just with the service in general.
It isn't cable as there are no cable companies in my area.Still OR fibre.
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Re: So long and

I will be very sorry if you leave the Forum...Cry

. you have been a great help and support to me, over the years, and, very patient too!..

Thank you for all your help... it really is much appreciated. Wink

Good Luck for the future.


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Re: So long and

Copycat HairyMcbiker.Wink That's what I wrote last Wednesday   -----

"To quote the written words of the late Douglas Adams. "So long and thanks for all the fish."

Long time customer off to pastures new."

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Re: So long and

You have also been a great help to me as well and in particular your knowledge of Linux.

It is sad when valued members of the community leave and I do hope you still keep in touch with this forum.

PN should pay to keep you rather than increase your costs.


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Re: So long and

@newagetraveller never read your leaving comments, but great minds think alike.

I have just updated my complaint ticket to say I am leaving due to the price increase and other factors, if they did not accept my phone call to options and the message here.
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Re: So long and

It reads to me more as a public announcement of intent and discontent rather than a notice to Plusnet to quit and as such, should have remained on General Chat?

Just saying. 

Will be sorry to see you leave this particular arena @HairyMcbiker

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Herman Melville
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Re: So long and

@HairyMcbiker  If you don't call customer options and say you are leaving because of the price increase do not be surprised if you get charged for leaving before your contract expires. Making announcements on the forum are not the required procedure.Smiley

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Re: So long and

As I said near the top I have already called them and told them I was thinking about leaving due to the price rise. If they TRY to charge me for the outstanding contract then I will just see them in court, had enough of them now.