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So long, farewell Auf Weidersehen, goodbye......

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So long, farewell Auf Weidersehen, goodbye......

After six months and with engineer number number ten or eleven (or is it twelve) due to arrive later this morning, it's time to move on I think. Will they be able to finally resolve my über slow download speed? I very much doubt it, so on that expectation I will be giving notice to quit and will be asking for a refund for a service not had and for one I will not be getting for the next month.  It may well be of course that I will still have issues with another ISP, but it cannot be any worse than those I have been getting since the beginning of last March.

Your time and effort in this matter is appreciated plusnet, it's just unfortunate for the both of us that British Telecom are unable for whatever reason to fix the problem. You will no doubt have your own arrangement to recover any costs from them.


Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
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Re: So long, farewell Auf Weidersehen, goodbye......

Unless you're switching to Virgin one wonders how changing ISPs will help.

If you're not using fibre then an adsl llu provider may help.


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Re: So long, farewell Auf Weidersehen, goodbye......

My thoughts as well nadger including the llu provider, but what else to do?

The engineer has not long left and tell me that the AC balance (which is the noise on the line I guess) is at 52db and should be no less than 60db. We are 4.4Km from the exchange and the line speed leaves at around 8meg and should arrive us at around 4 and a half meg rather than the less than the half of 1 meg which we are getting. All a bit out of my ballpark of understanding I must admit. Hopefully he will phone back as promised but with all due respect to the guy, I do not see the issue being sorted any time soon.

What a pity to leave plusnet on such a sour note. 

Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
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Re: So long, farewell Auf Weidersehen, goodbye......

@nadger wrote:

one wonders how changing ISPs will help

The way I see things is that there are two sorts of customers. Those that just sit on their hands when things go wrong, and those that bang on the door and demand to see the manager.

I've generally been a door banger. Plusnet are BT's customer. What sort are they?

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Re: So long, farewell Auf Weidersehen, goodbye......

They remind me of a poor solicitor trying get some sense out of an even worse barrister. My Mrs made the comment this morning that because of their close association with BT it must be like complaining to a relative rather than somebody you do not know.  Either way, it does seem rather half hearted at times.

Me? I'm a door banger and a door kicker - or as Mrs Minivanman says, a right royal pain in the derrière!

Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
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Re: So long, farewell Auf Weidersehen, goodbye......

As per your other current thread,try A & A -BUT BE PREPARED FOR MUCH HIGHER BILLS!!

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Re: So long, farewell Auf Weidersehen, goodbye......

I have and never have a had any issue with current plusnet charges where the are fairly applied, but you must agree, those phone calls and broadband charges are just an aside to the real meat on the bone - which is the line rental. Point proved is that plusnet (after me threatening to leave) have now offered me broadband for £2.50 a month along with six months free anytime calls.  

Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
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Re: So long, farewell Auf Weidersehen, goodbye......

I'd regard £2.50 pm for barely usable broadband to be the insult! Many (inc me!)have negotiated free broadband - and I get ~ 16Mb download -but we all have to pay the line rental -can't remember anyone posting a discounted line rental price? You have to go to the likes of Sky and TT to get line rental deals -and that really would be frying pan into fire!!

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Re: So long, farewell Auf Weidersehen, goodbye......

I agree david66, but regardless of broadband costs, what's the point of paying for a line rental that does not give you even half decent internet, would you? Give me anywhere near 16Mb or even the 3.5Mb I was getting up until six months ago and I would be more than happy to pay for it. 

Here's the deal then, free broadband, download of less than 1Mb...... and a line rental of lets say £16 a month. Cheque in the post, or direct debit? Smiley

Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville