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Static IP lost and then tech told me to fully reboot router and I lost all my settings

Posts: 2
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Registered: ‎15-11-2019

Static IP lost and then tech told me to fully reboot router and I lost all my settings

Firstly, I really would like to contact Plusnet privately, but I hate using the phone as I can't understand what is being said due to accent and the nature of the technology not allowing proper conversations - should we start saying "over"? The chat is down as well.


So I was having problems with my internet after months and months of no problems, so a big plus to plusnet.

I rebooted from the web browser console, no problem, except my static ip had changed.

So I rang up and the tech support said it hadn't changed (yet when I checked it definitely had as I use a web forwarder to my personal web sites and apps.


He then said that since the router had been up 145? days the system can get clogged? He was going to reset things from his end and then asked me to stick a pin in the router and do a reset. What I didn't think was that this would of course clear all my settings and portforwarding rules.

I have just spent two hours trying to get everything back to where I wanted it.

I wish he had thought to ask the question - "do you have any special configuration information you need to keep".


Also after paying £5 for a static address (I know it's very cheap) it's a shame it didn't work!!!


Gordon Moore


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Re: Static IP lost and then tech told me to fully reboot router and I lost all my settings


Hi @gfmoore thanks for reaching out to us via our community forums.

I'm sorry for the issues you're experiencing. I've checked your account and I can see we added a static IP on the 18th July however this wasn't assigned to your connection until the 14th Nov as your connection hadn't dropped at all since then.

Prior to this, you had a dynamic IP although this may have seemed like it was static due to the 145 day uptime you had.

I apologise if you were asked to factory reset your router to apply the static IP, this isn't necessary as a simple reboot or a disconnect/reconnect within your router's interface would suffice to apply the static.

I've also created a support ticket on your account with my response if you prefer to continue this conversation privately.

Apologies for the inconvenience this has caused. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 2
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Registered: ‎15-11-2019

Re: Static IP lost and then tech told me to fully reboot router and I lost all my settings

Thankyou for your comprehensive reply. Probably a couple of lessons to learn and for staff training perhaps Smiley

I'm all good now and once again I take this opportunity to commend Plusnet for the excellent broadband service - 145 days eh and no hitches, marvellous. 

(In the back of my mind I recall that windows server would last about that time and then need a reboot? haha)

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Re: Static IP lost and then tech told me to fully reboot router and I lost all my settings

Thanks for getting back to me @gfmoore 

No problem, I’ll arrange for feedback to be passed onto the appropriate advisers as ideally at the time of adding the static IP we should’ve asked you to reboot your router, and we shouldn’t have asked you to factory reset to apply it. Sad

Sounds good and yup, that’s one solid connection you’ve got there. Thumbs_Up I think that’s the longest uptime I’ve ever seen.

Feel free to let me know if there’s anything else you need help with. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi