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Taking candy from a baby

Posts: 255
Registered: ‎06-08-2007

Re: Taking candy from a baby

Quote from: HPsauce
Now I'm really confused, what "stance" are you talking about? I don't have one and haven't taken one, maybe you need to rephrase what look alarmingly like an unwarranted comment.

There is no need for confusion or alarm, my comments are not unwarranted. It seemed to me that you would take "titbits" of my views and attempt to use them to weaken the debate like a politician using sound bites  to undermine their opponent.
Quote from: HPsauce
I was merely "politely debating" a technical side point about the DD system and trying to clarify it to help the OP.

With respect do you honestly think that people who have had monies taken from their accounts in error would be remotely interested in the technicalities of the DD system.
This is hardly an isolated issue; this forum is full of customers who have suffered in this way.There was a case of a pensioner who had they pension money taken unexpectedly, another case that caught my eye was the chap who had £150 taken "by mistake", and now this poor mother and her children getting dipped.  So it’s the practical implications of the payment system and not the technicalities that concern me and probably them.
Quote from: HPsauce
I have every sympathy with the OP, PN have "screwed up" and should correct it ASAP.

On that point we concur,I am glad the confusion was cleared up
Posts: 5,560
Thanks: 2
Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Taking candy from a baby

Hi there,
I'm really really sorry about this.
This problem has been caused by manual error (your account wasn't removed from the submission file when it should have been).
The refund has been issued, and should be with you tomorrow.
The Direct Debit guarantee *does* mean that you would have been able to claim a refund from your bank immediately. I'd advise against doing that now though, as that would mean we've refunded the money twice, and could complicate things further.