The annual price increase which we all agreed to is now kicking in. Regardless of it's legitimacy there is nothing a company can do to more effectively to alienate its existing customer base than raise prices with no discernable benefit.
AIUI this increase is intended for investment in a better service but improvements are controlled by BT/OR and out of PNs control.
The business model for broadband is little different from when the internet was invented although (if you can afford it) you can now use your landline for voice calls at the same time. It is noticeable that the mobile services are now cheaper than ever including data but not as convenient for families and high home use.
I would like some investment as my FTTC is not much faster than good ADSL and there is no sign of it improving in the foreseeable future. Instead I am paying for BT's investment in entertainment services which has caused financial hardship for the company and disagreement between the directors.
Our family motto is "pay up - and shut up!" but constant renegotiation of basic services seems to get more tiring every year.