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The Plus Net website

Posts: 11
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Registered: ‎28-03-2020

The Plus Net website

What is it with Plus Net? I’ve just come to the website to set up a new email address but since my last visit the website has been ‘redesigned’ and what was easy to find - ‘manage email’ - is nowhere to be seen. Why not?

I don’t doubt we will get some kind of PR waffle about the redesign, but the fact is it is even less helpful than it once was and what once was was even less helpful than it was before that.

There HAS been a slow but very, very steady decline in Plus Net, its services and its attitude towards us, the customers, over the past 10 to 15 years. It began when BT took over Plus Net and cancelled various aspects of customer service, e.g. the ability to ‘raise a ticket’. Now gone.

I will say that when you talk to the Plus Net bods in Yorkshire, they are always helpful but you do get the distinct impression they, too, are jacked off with how things are going and wish they could be more helpful but the system . . .

All I wanted to do today was to set up an email alias, which I have done several times before for various reasons. Before not it was simple, but now I’ll have to hunt high and low on the website to get to ‘email settings’ etc.

Why don’t they give more thought to the customer? I’ll tell you why: money. The attitude is ‘we’ve had your money, now eff off and don’t bother us.’ Well, I might just do that. The only thing which is holding me back is the hassle involved of  transferring this and that.


Posts: 11
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Registered: ‎28-03-2020

Re: The Plus Net website

For example, where does it say 'Email' now. Anyone care to point it out to me?



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Re: The Plus Net website


Can't offer advice on your specific problem but PlusNet have withdrawn e-mail for new customers and anyone who leaves (since April I believe). This may well include setting up new emails on exisiting accounts.


There are rumours PN eventually plan to withdraw email entirely.



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Re: The Plus Net website


I just had a quick look and as I don't ever 'manage my mail' I can't say whether it's been moved or not, but from 'Manage Account' there's a 'Manage My Mail' 'Manage my email' link, at least there is for me, YMMV.

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Re: The Plus Net website

I’m not in the office today, but looking at my own account in the “Manage Account” tab, I see “Manage my email” under the “Email settings” heading. 

Alternatively, a quick link is

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: The Plus Net website

@pfgpowell287  I agree with much of your post but long ago I decided that Plusnet's clunky email wasn't worth bothering about. You get what you pay for, and PN mail is free, so .... I use an independent provider (Fastmail) which enables customers to change BB provider without the hassle of moving email as well. 

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Re: The Plus Net website

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Re: The Plus Net website


The interface has indeed changed substantially ... and not for the better!

"Manage Account" displays a page "Manage you account" which is predominantly name, address, contact details etc.

Even with a very large screen, the useful stuff is hidden off-screen at the bottom, rather than clearly presented as it was previously.  "Manage your Plusnet mailboxes" is all but hidden way in small text bottom right, along with the other really useful stuff (Manage your webspace / domains, referrals and marketing preferences).

I thought that "new interfaces" by definition would seek to deliver improvements and an easier to use experience - guess that must be an old fashioned paradigm?

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Re: The Plus Net website

any chance of a screenshot, mine looks much different.

 Jono H
 Plusnet Community Manager
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Re: The Plus Net website

@JonoH Are you suggesting the access to the Member Centre problem 'we' have been discussing is resolved - because it isn't for me?

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Re: The Plus Net website

No, but I did get an update from an engineer that they've found an issue and it should be resolved in the next release or so. I have access to an old account that I use for testing some basic things, but it appears I need something more modern with modern products on it. 

 Jono H
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Re: The Plus Net website

OK, so sometime never then? Sorry, but that seems to be the way we are going, and helps me formulate a decision I am making my way towards.

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Re: The Plus Net website


Screen grab as requested...



The above image is taken from  43" panel display at 80% magnification in full screen window.  Manage Account clearly displays the account details, but other aspects of account management take some looking for in the "after thought" area of the lower part of the screen.

At 100% magnification in a more "normal" size window / screen nothing is immediately visible below the "See you upgrade deals" on the right.

There is a difference between something being there and it being readily discernible.  The links to these aspects of managing an account have been made less visible / less prominent, such is quite unhelpful from a user experience perspective.

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Re: The Plus Net website

I see this

Screenshot 2022-07-21 165428.png

Even before the landing page facelift


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Re: The Plus Net website

I wonder if that is another browser version / platform issue?

I see the same layout style (if not exactly identical) as my post above with...

  • MS Edge on WIn11
  • MS Edge on Win10
  • Google Chrome on Win10
  • Safari on iPhone 11 (iOS 15.5)
  • Safari on iPad mini 2 (iOS 12.5.5)
  • Silk on Amazon Fire HD10 tablet (OS

What you posted is what I used to see ... and think is far clearer than the "improved" interface.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.